Crate snarkvm_algorithms Copy item path Source pub use errors ::*;
pub use traits ::*;
crypto_hash errors fft This crate implements functions for manipulating polynomials over finite fields,
including FFTs. msm polycommit A crate for polynomial commitment schemes. prelude r1cs snark srs traits cfg_chunks Returns an iterator over chunk_size
elements of the slice at a
time. cfg_chunks_mut Returns an iterator over chunk_size
elements of the slice at a time. cfg_into_iter Creates parallel iterator if parallel
feature is enabled. cfg_iter Creates parallel iterator over refs if parallel
feature is enabled. cfg_iter_mut Creates parallel iterator over mut refs if parallel
feature is enabled. cfg_reduce Applies the reduce operation over an iterator. overhead A macro for computing ceil(log2(x))+1 for a field element x. The num_bits
param is expected to be a vector to which the BE bits can be written; it is
not created here, as reusing it allows us to avoid a lot of allocations. prefetch_slice prefetch_slice_write unroll