Crate snarkvm_circuit

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  • A struct that contains public variable assignments, private variable assignments, and constraint assignments.
  • BHP is a collision-resistant hash function that takes a variable-length input. The BHP hash function does not behave like a random oracle, see Poseidon for one.
  • A helper struct for tracking the number of constants, public inputs, private inputs, and constraints.
  • The Error type, a wrapper around a dynamic error type.
  • Configuration for formatting.
  • An identifier is an immutable UTF-8 string, represented as a constant field element in the circuit.
  • A hash table where the iteration order of the key-value pairs is independent of the hash values of the keys.
  • A cell which can be written to only once. It is not thread safe.
  • Pedersen is a collision-resistant hash function that takes a variable-length input. The Pedersen hash function does not behave like a random oracle, see Poseidon for one.
  • A program ID is of the form {name}.{network}. If no network-level domain is specified, the default network is used.
  • The state path proves existence of the transition leaf to either a global or local state root.
  • The account view key is able to decrypt records and ciphertext.


  • A value stored in program data.
  • Helper enum used in the case where a circuit’s output mode or counts are determined by its mode and the actual value of the circuit.
  • The mode structure for duplex sponges.
  • An entry stored in program data.
  • The literal enum represents all supported circuit types in snarkVM.
  • A Measurement is a quantity that can be measured. The variants of the Measurement defines a condition associated with the measurable quantity.
  • A value stored in program data.


  • Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, bounding the difference to MAX if an overflow occurs.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, wrapping the result if an overflow occurs.
  • The addition operator +.
  • The addition assignment operator +=.
  • Binary operator for adding two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for adding two values, bounding the sum to MAX if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for adding two values, wrapping the sum if an overflow occurs.
  • A single-bit binary adder with a carry bit.
  • The bitwise AND operator &.
  • The bitwise AND assignment operator &=.
  • The bitwise OR operator |.
  • The bitwise OR assignment operator |=.
  • The bitwise XOR operator ^.
  • The bitwise XOR assignment operator ^=.
  • Representation of a boolean.
  • A trait for a commitment scheme.
  • A trait for a commitment scheme.
  • Trait for comparator operations.
  • ? formatting.
  • Used for immutable dereferencing operations, like *v.
  • Format trait for an empty format, {}.
  • The division operator /.
  • The division assignment operator /=.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, bounding the quotient to MAX or MIN if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, without checking specific conditions.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, wrapping the quotient if an overflow occurs.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the doubled value.
  • Operations to eject from a circuit environment into primitive form.
  • Trait for equality comparisons.
  • Representation of a base field element.
  • Unary operator for instantiating from bits.
  • Unary operator for instantiating from a boolean.
  • Unary operator for converting from a base field element.
  • Unary operator for converting from a list of base elements.
  • Unary operator for converting from an affine group element.
  • Parse a value from a string
  • Representation of a group element.
  • A trait for a hash function.
  • A trait for a hash function that produces multiple outputs.
  • A trait for a hash function that projects the value to an affine group element.
  • A trait for a hash function that projects the value to a scalar.
  • A trait for a hash function of an uncompressed variant.
  • Operations to inject from a primitive form into a circuit environment.
  • Properties common to all integer types.
  • Representation of an integer.
  • Trait bound for integer values. Common to both signed and unsigned integers.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the multiplicative inverse, or reciprocal, of a value.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the inverse value.
  • An Iterator blanket implementation that provides extra adaptors and methods.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the most-significant bit.
  • Trait for integers that can be used as an unsigned magnitude. Magnitudes are either used to represent an integer exponent or the right operand in integer shift operations.
  • Trait for determining the number of constants, public input, private inputs, and constraints for an operation.
  • Binary operator for modding two values.
  • The multiplication operator *.
  • The multiplication assignment operator *=.
  • Binary operator for multiplying two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for multiplying two values, bounding the product to MAX if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for multiplying two values, wrapping the product if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for performing NOT (a AND b).
  • The unary negation operator -.
  • Binary operator for performing (NOT a) AND (NOT b).
  • The unary logical negation operator !.
  • Defines a multiplicative identity element for Self.
  • Representation of the one value.
  • Trait for determining the mode of the output of an operation.
  • A trait for a pseudorandom function.
  • Operations to parse a string literal into an object.
  • Binary operator for raising a value to a power.
  • Binary operator for exponentiating two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for exponentiating two values, wrapping the result if an overflow occurs.
  • The interface for a prime field.
  • The remainder operator %.
  • The remainder assignment operator %=.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values and returning the remainder, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, bounding the remainder to MAX or MIN if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, wrapping the remainder if an overflow occurs.
  • Representation of a scalar field element.
  • The left shift operator <<. Note that because this trait is implemented for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust’s type checker has special handling for _ << _, setting the result type for integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means that though a << b and a.shl(b) are one and the same from an evaluation standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference.
  • The left shift assignment operator <<=.
  • Binary operator for left shifting a value, checking that the rhs is less than the number of bits in self.
  • Binary operator for left shifting a value, safely continuing past the number of bits in self.
  • The right shift operator >>. Note that because this trait is implemented for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust’s type checker has special handling for _ >> _, setting the result type for integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means that though a >> b and a.shr(b) are one and the same from an evaluation standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference.
  • The right shift assignment operator >>=.
  • Binary operator for right shifting a value, checking that the rhs is less than the number of bits in self.
  • Binary operator for right shifting a value, safely continuing past the number of bits in self.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the squared value.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the square root of the value.
  • The subtraction operator -.
  • The subtraction assignment operator -=.
  • Binary operator for subtracting two values, enforcing an underflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for subtracting two values, bounding the difference to MIN if an underflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for subtracting two values, wrapping the difference if an underflow occurs.
  • A single-bit binary subtractor with a borrow bit.
  • Trait for ternary operations.
  • Unary operator for converting to bits.
  • Unary operator for converting to a base field.
  • Unary operator for converting to a list of base fields.
  • Unary operator for converting to an affine group.
  • Unary operator for converting to k number of bits.
  • Unary operator for converting to k number of bits.
  • A trait for values which cannot be negative
  • Representation of the zero value.
  • Defines a multiplicative identity element for Self.


  • Recognizes one or more lowercase and uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters: a-z, A-Z
  • Recognizes one or more ASCII numerical and alphabetic characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z
  • Tests a list of parsers one by one until one succeeds.
  • Recognizes one character.
  • Returns true if the given iterator has duplicate elements.
  • Repeats the embedded parser, gathering the results in a Vec.
  • Runs the embedded parser, gathering the results in a Vec.
  • Maps a function on the result of a parser.
  • Applies a function returning a Result over the result of a parser.
  • Recognizes one of the provided characters.
  • Optional parser, will return None on [Err::Error].
  • Gets an object from the first parser, then gets another object from the second parser.
  • If the child parser was successful, return the consumed input as produced value.
  • Recognizes a pattern
  • Gets an object from the first parser, then matches an object from the second parser and discards it.

Type Definitions

  • BHP256 is a collision-resistant hash function that processes inputs in 256-bit chunks.
  • BHP512 is a collision-resistant hash function that processes inputs in 512-bit chunks.
  • BHP768 is a collision-resistant hash function that processes inputs in 768-bit chunks.
  • BHP1024 is a collision-resistant hash function that processes inputs in 1024-bit chunks.
  • The nom-compatible parser return type.
  • Pedersen64 is an additively-homomorphic collision-resistant hash function that takes up to a 64-bit input.
  • Pedersen128 is an additively-homomorphic collision-resistant hash function that takes up to a 128-bit input.
  • Poseidon2 is a cryptographic hash function of input rate 2.
  • Poseidon4 is a cryptographic hash function of input rate 4.
  • Poseidon8 is a cryptographic hash function of input rate 8.
  • Result<T, Error>