Trait snarkvm_circuit::Aleo

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pub trait Aleo: Environment {
    const MAX_DATA_SIZE_IN_FIELDS: u32 = <Self::Network as console::Network>::MAX_DATA_SIZE_IN_FIELDS;
Show 33 methods // Required methods fn bcm_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn encryption_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn graph_key_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn randomizer_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn r_bcm_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn serial_number_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn g_scalar_multiply(scalar: &Scalar<Self>) -> Group<Self>; fn commit_bhp256( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Field<Self>; fn commit_bhp512( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Field<Self>; fn commit_bhp768( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Field<Self>; fn commit_bhp1024( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Field<Self>; fn commit_ped64( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Group<Self>; fn commit_ped128( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Group<Self>; fn hash_bhp256(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_bhp512(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_bhp768(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_bhp1024(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_ped64(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_ped128(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Field<Self>; fn hash_many_psd2( input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16 ) -> Vec<Field<Self>, Global>; fn hash_many_psd4( input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16 ) -> Vec<Field<Self>, Global>; fn hash_many_psd8( input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16 ) -> Vec<Field<Self>, Global>; fn hash_to_group_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Group<Self>; fn hash_to_group_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Group<Self>; fn hash_to_group_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Group<Self>; fn hash_to_scalar_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Scalar<Self>; fn hash_to_scalar_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Scalar<Self>; fn hash_to_scalar_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Scalar<Self>; fn verify_merkle_path_bhp<const DEPTH: u8>( path: &MerklePath<Self, DEPTH>, root: &Field<Self>, leaf: &Vec<Boolean<Self>, Global> ) -> Boolean<Self>; fn verify_merkle_path_psd<const DEPTH: u8>( path: &MerklePath<Self, DEPTH>, root: &Field<Self>, leaf: &Vec<Field<Self>, Global> ) -> Boolean<Self>;

Provided Associated Constants§


const MAX_DATA_SIZE_IN_FIELDS: u32 = <Self::Network as console::Network>::MAX_DATA_SIZE_IN_FIELDS

The maximum number of field elements in data (must not exceed u16::MAX).

Required Methods§


fn bcm_domain() -> Field<Self>

Returns the balance commitment domain as a constant field element.


fn encryption_domain() -> Field<Self>

Returns the encryption domain as a constant field element.


fn graph_key_domain() -> Field<Self>

Returns the graph key domain as a constant field element.


fn randomizer_domain() -> Field<Self>

Returns the randomizer domain as a constant field element.


fn r_bcm_domain() -> Field<Self>

Returns the balance commitment randomizer domain as a constant field element.


fn serial_number_domain() -> Field<Self>

Returns the serial number domain as a constant field element.


fn g_scalar_multiply(scalar: &Scalar<Self>) -> Group<Self>

Returns the scalar multiplication on the generator G.


fn commit_bhp256( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Field<Self>

Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 256-bits.


fn commit_bhp512( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Field<Self>

Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 512-bits.


fn commit_bhp768( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Field<Self>

Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 768-bits.


fn commit_bhp1024( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Field<Self>

Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 1024-bits.


fn commit_ped64( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Group<Self>

Returns a Pedersen commitment for the given (up to) 64-bit input and randomizer.


fn commit_ped128( input: &[Boolean<Self>], randomizer: &Scalar<Self> ) -> Group<Self>

Returns a Pedersen commitment for the given (up to) 128-bit input and randomizer.


fn hash_bhp256(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 256-bits.


fn hash_bhp512(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 512-bits.


fn hash_bhp768(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 768-bits.


fn hash_bhp1024(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 1024-bits.


fn hash_ped64(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the Pedersen hash for a given (up to) 64-bit input.


fn hash_ped128(input: &[Boolean<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the Pedersen hash for a given (up to) 128-bit input.


fn hash_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2.


fn hash_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4.


fn hash_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Field<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8.


fn hash_many_psd2( input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16 ) -> Vec<Field<Self>, Global>

Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2.


fn hash_many_psd4( input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16 ) -> Vec<Field<Self>, Global>

Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4.


fn hash_many_psd8( input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16 ) -> Vec<Field<Self>, Global>

Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8.


fn hash_to_group_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Group<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2 on the affine curve.


fn hash_to_group_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Group<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4 on the affine curve.


fn hash_to_group_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Group<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8 on the affine curve.


fn hash_to_scalar_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Scalar<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2 on the scalar field.


fn hash_to_scalar_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Scalar<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4 on the scalar field.


fn hash_to_scalar_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Scalar<Self>

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8 on the scalar field.


fn verify_merkle_path_bhp<const DEPTH: u8>( path: &MerklePath<Self, DEPTH>, root: &Field<Self>, leaf: &Vec<Boolean<Self>, Global> ) -> Boolean<Self>

Returns true if the given Merkle path is valid for the given root and leaf.


fn verify_merkle_path_psd<const DEPTH: u8>( path: &MerklePath<Self, DEPTH>, root: &Field<Self>, leaf: &Vec<Field<Self>, Global> ) -> Boolean<Self>

Returns true if the given Merkle path is valid for the given root and leaf.
