pub trait Network: 'static + Environment + Copy + Clone + Debug + Eq + PartialEq + Hash + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + for<'a> Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync {
    type StateRoot: Bech32ID<Field<Self>>;
    type BlockHash: Bech32ID<Field<Self>>;
    type TransactionID: Bech32ID<Field<Self>>;
    type TransitionID: Bech32ID<Field<Self>>;
Show 11 associated constants and 37 methods const ID: u16; const NAME: &'static str; const EDITION: u16; const MAX_DATA_DEPTH: usize = 32usize; const MAX_DATA_ENTRIES: usize = 32usize; const MAX_DATA_SIZE_IN_FIELDS: u32 = _; const MAX_OPERANDS: usize = Self::MAX_INPUTS; const MAX_INSTRUCTIONS: usize = 65_535usize; const MAX_COMMANDS: usize = 255usize; const MAX_INPUTS: usize = 8usize; const MAX_OUTPUTS: usize = 8usize; fn g_powers() -> &'static Vec<Group<Self>>Notable traits for Vec<u8, A>impl<A> Write for Vec<u8, A> where
    A: Allocator
; fn g_scalar_multiply(scalar: &Scalar<Self>) -> Group<Self>; fn marlin_fs_parameters() -> &'static FiatShamirParameters<Self>; fn bcm_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn encryption_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn graph_key_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn randomizer_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn r_bcm_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn serial_number_domain() -> Field<Self>; fn commit_bhp256(
        input: &[bool],
        randomizer: &Scalar<Self>
    ) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn commit_bhp512(
        input: &[bool],
        randomizer: &Scalar<Self>
    ) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn commit_bhp768(
        input: &[bool],
        randomizer: &Scalar<Self>
    ) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn commit_bhp1024(
        input: &[bool],
        randomizer: &Scalar<Self>
    ) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn commit_ped64(
        input: &[bool],
        randomizer: &Scalar<Self>
    ) -> Result<Group<Self>>; fn commit_ped128(
        input: &[bool],
        randomizer: &Scalar<Self>
    ) -> Result<Group<Self>>; fn hash_bhp256(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_bhp512(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_bhp768(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_bhp1024(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_ped64(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_ped128(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Field<Self>>; fn hash_many_psd2(
        input: &[Field<Self>],
        num_outputs: u16
    ) -> Vec<Field<Self>>Notable traits for Vec<u8, A>impl<A> Write for Vec<u8, A> where
    A: Allocator
; fn hash_many_psd4(
        input: &[Field<Self>],
        num_outputs: u16
    ) -> Vec<Field<Self>>Notable traits for Vec<u8, A>impl<A> Write for Vec<u8, A> where
    A: Allocator
; fn hash_many_psd8(
        input: &[Field<Self>],
        num_outputs: u16
    ) -> Vec<Field<Self>>Notable traits for Vec<u8, A>impl<A> Write for Vec<u8, A> where
    A: Allocator
; fn hash_to_group_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Group<Self>>; fn hash_to_group_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Group<Self>>; fn hash_to_group_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Group<Self>>; fn hash_to_scalar_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Scalar<Self>>; fn hash_to_scalar_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Scalar<Self>>; fn hash_to_scalar_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Scalar<Self>>; fn merkle_tree_bhp<const DEPTH: u8>(
        leaves: &[Vec<bool>]
    ) -> Result<BHPMerkleTree<Self, DEPTH>>; fn merkle_tree_psd<const DEPTH: u8>(
        leaves: &[Vec<Field<Self>>]
    ) -> Result<PoseidonMerkleTree<Self, DEPTH>>; fn verify_merkle_path_bhp<const DEPTH: u8>(
        path: &MerklePath<Self, DEPTH>,
        root: &Field<Self>,
        leaf: &Vec<bool>
    ) -> bool; fn verify_merkle_path_psd<const DEPTH: u8>(
        path: &MerklePath<Self, DEPTH>,
        root: &Field<Self>,
        leaf: &Vec<Field<Self>>
    ) -> bool;

Required Associated Types

The state root type.

The block hash type.

The transaction ID type.

The transition ID type.

Required Associated Constants

The network ID.

The network name.

The network edition.

Provided Associated Constants

The maximum recursive depth of a value and/or entry. Note: This value must be strictly less than u8::MAX.

The maximum number of values and/or entries in data.

The maximum number of fields in data (must not exceed u16::MAX).

The maximum number of operands in an instruction.

The maximum number of instructions in a closure or function.

The maximum number of commands in finalize.

The maximum number of inputs per transition.

The maximum number of outputs per transition.

Required Methods

Returns the powers of G.

Returns the scalar multiplication on the generator G.

Returns the sponge parameters for Marlin.

Returns the balance commitment domain as a constant field element.

Returns the encryption domain as a constant field element.

Returns the graph key domain as a constant field element.

Returns the randomizer domain as a constant field element.

Returns the balance commitment randomizer domain as a constant field element.

Returns the serial number domain as a constant field element.

Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 256-bits.

Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 512-bits.

Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 768-bits.

Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 1024-bits.

Returns a Pedersen commitment for the given (up to) 64-bit input and randomizer.

Returns a Pedersen commitment for the given (up to) 128-bit input and randomizer.

Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 256-bits.

Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 512-bits.

Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 768-bits.

Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 1024-bits.

Returns the Pedersen hash for a given (up to) 64-bit input.

Returns the Pedersen hash for a given (up to) 128-bit input.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8.

Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2.

Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4.

Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2 on the affine curve.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4 on the affine curve.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8 on the affine curve.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2 on the scalar field.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4 on the scalar field.

Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8 on the scalar field.

Returns a Merkle tree with a BHP leaf hasher of 1024-bits and a BHP path hasher of 512-bits.

Returns a Merkle tree with a Poseidon leaf hasher with input rate of 4 and a Poseidon path hasher with input rate of 2.

Returns true if the given Merkle path is valid for the given root and leaf.

Returns true if the given Merkle path is valid for the given root and leaf.
