
1// Copyright 2024 Aleo Network Foundation
2// This file is part of the snarkVM library.
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
16use super::*;
17use snarkvm_console_algorithms::{
18    BHP256,
19    BHP512,
20    BHP768,
21    BHP1024,
22    Blake2Xs,
23    Keccak256,
24    Keccak384,
25    Keccak512,
26    Pedersen64,
27    Pedersen128,
28    Poseidon2,
29    Poseidon4,
30    Poseidon8,
31    Sha3_256,
32    Sha3_384,
33    Sha3_512,
36lazy_static! {
37    /// The group bases for the Aleo signature and encryption schemes.
38    pub static ref GENERATOR_G: Vec<Group<MainnetV0 >> = MainnetV0::new_bases("AleoAccountEncryptionAndSignatureScheme0");
40    /// The Varuna sponge parameters.
41    pub static ref VARUNA_FS_PARAMETERS: FiatShamirParameters<MainnetV0> = FiatShamir::<MainnetV0>::sample_parameters();
43    /// The encryption domain as a constant field element.
44    pub static ref ENCRYPTION_DOMAIN: Field<MainnetV0> = Field::<MainnetV0>::new_domain_separator("AleoSymmetricEncryption0");
45    /// The graph key domain as a constant field element.
46    pub static ref GRAPH_KEY_DOMAIN: Field<MainnetV0> = Field::<MainnetV0>::new_domain_separator("AleoGraphKey0");
47    /// The serial number domain as a constant field element.
48    pub static ref SERIAL_NUMBER_DOMAIN: Field<MainnetV0> = Field::<MainnetV0>::new_domain_separator("AleoSerialNumber0");
50    /// The BHP hash function, which can take an input of up to 256 bits.
51    pub static ref BHP_256: BHP256<MainnetV0> = BHP256::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoBHP256").expect("Failed to setup BHP256");
52    /// The BHP hash function, which can take an input of up to 512 bits.
53    pub static ref BHP_512: BHP512<MainnetV0> = BHP512::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoBHP512").expect("Failed to setup BHP512");
54    /// The BHP hash function, which can take an input of up to 768 bits.
55    pub static ref BHP_768: BHP768<MainnetV0> = BHP768::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoBHP768").expect("Failed to setup BHP768");
56    /// The BHP hash function, which can take an input of up to 1024 bits.
57    pub static ref BHP_1024: BHP1024<MainnetV0> = BHP1024::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoBHP1024").expect("Failed to setup BHP1024");
59    /// The Pedersen hash function, which can take an input of up to 64 bits.
60    pub static ref PEDERSEN_64: Pedersen64<MainnetV0> = Pedersen64::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoPedersen64");
61    /// The Pedersen hash function, which can take an input of up to 128 bits.
62    pub static ref PEDERSEN_128: Pedersen128<MainnetV0> = Pedersen128::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoPedersen128");
64    /// The Poseidon hash function, using a rate of 2.
65    pub static ref POSEIDON_2: Poseidon2<MainnetV0> = Poseidon2::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoPoseidon2").expect("Failed to setup Poseidon2");
66    /// The Poseidon hash function, using a rate of 4.
67    pub static ref POSEIDON_4: Poseidon4<MainnetV0> = Poseidon4::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoPoseidon4").expect("Failed to setup Poseidon4");
68    /// The Poseidon hash function, using a rate of 8.
69    pub static ref POSEIDON_8: Poseidon8<MainnetV0> = Poseidon8::<MainnetV0>::setup("AleoPoseidon8").expect("Failed to setup Poseidon8");
71    pub static ref CREDITS_PROVING_KEYS: IndexMap<String, Arc<VarunaProvingKey<Console>>> = {
72        let mut map = IndexMap::new();
73        snarkvm_parameters::insert_credit_keys!(map, VarunaProvingKey<Console>, Prover);
74        map
75    };
76    pub static ref CREDITS_VERIFYING_KEYS: IndexMap<String, Arc<VarunaVerifyingKey<Console>>> = {
77        let mut map = IndexMap::new();
78        snarkvm_parameters::insert_credit_keys!(map, VarunaVerifyingKey<Console>, Verifier);
79        map
80    };
83pub const TRANSACTION_PREFIX: &str = "at";
85#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
86pub struct MainnetV0;
88impl MainnetV0 {
89    /// Initializes a new instance of group bases from a given input domain message.
90    fn new_bases(message: &str) -> Vec<Group<Self>> {
91        // Hash the given message to a point on the curve, to initialize the starting base.
92        let (base, _, _) = Blake2Xs::hash_to_curve::<<Self as Environment>::Affine>(message);
94        // Compute the bases up to the size of the scalar field (in bits).
95        let mut g = Group::<Self>::new(base);
96        let mut g_bases = Vec::with_capacity(Scalar::<Self>::size_in_bits());
97        for _ in 0..Scalar::<Self>::size_in_bits() {
98            g_bases.push(g);
99            g = g.double();
100        }
101        g_bases
102    }
105impl Environment for MainnetV0 {
106    type Affine = <Console as Environment>::Affine;
107    type BigInteger = <Console as Environment>::BigInteger;
108    type Field = <Console as Environment>::Field;
109    type PairingCurve = <Console as Environment>::PairingCurve;
110    type Projective = <Console as Environment>::Projective;
111    type Scalar = <Console as Environment>::Scalar;
113    /// The coefficient `A` of the twisted Edwards curve.
114    const EDWARDS_A: Self::Field = Console::EDWARDS_A;
115    /// The coefficient `D` of the twisted Edwards curve.
116    const EDWARDS_D: Self::Field = Console::EDWARDS_D;
117    /// The coefficient `A` of the Montgomery curve.
118    const MONTGOMERY_A: Self::Field = Console::MONTGOMERY_A;
119    /// The coefficient `B` of the Montgomery curve.
120    const MONTGOMERY_B: Self::Field = Console::MONTGOMERY_B;
123impl Network for MainnetV0 {
124    /// The block hash type.
125    type BlockHash = AleoID<Field<Self>, { hrp2!("ab") }>;
126    /// The ratification ID type.
127    type RatificationID = AleoID<Field<Self>, { hrp2!("ar") }>;
128    /// The state root type.
129    type StateRoot = AleoID<Field<Self>, { hrp2!("sr") }>;
130    /// The transaction ID type.
131    type TransactionID = AleoID<Field<Self>, { hrp2!(TRANSACTION_PREFIX) }>;
132    /// The transition ID type.
133    type TransitionID = AleoID<Field<Self>, { hrp2!("au") }>;
134    /// The transmission checksum type.
135    type TransmissionChecksum = u128;
137    /// A list of (consensus_version, block_height) pairs indicating when each consensus version takes effect.
138    /// Documentation for what is changed at each version can be found in `N::CONSENSUS_VERSION`
139    #[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "test")))]
140    const CONSENSUS_VERSION_HEIGHTS: [(ConsensusVersion, u32); 3] =
141        [(ConsensusVersion::V1, 0), (ConsensusVersion::V2, 2_800_000), (ConsensusVersion::V3, 4_900_000)];
142    /// A list of (consensus_version, block_height) pairs indicating when each consensus version takes effect.
143    /// Documentation for what is changed at each version can be found in `N::CONSENSUS_VERSION`
144    #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test"))]
145    const CONSENSUS_VERSION_HEIGHTS: [(ConsensusVersion, u32); 3] =
146        [(ConsensusVersion::V1, 0), (ConsensusVersion::V2, 10), (ConsensusVersion::V3, 11)];
147    /// The network edition.
148    const EDITION: u16 = 0;
149    /// The genesis block coinbase target.
150    #[cfg(not(feature = "test"))]
151    const GENESIS_COINBASE_TARGET: u64 = (1u64 << 29).saturating_sub(1);
152    /// The genesis block coinbase target.
153    /// This is deliberately set to a low value (32) for testing purposes only.
154    #[cfg(feature = "test")]
155    const GENESIS_COINBASE_TARGET: u64 = (1u64 << 5).saturating_sub(1);
156    /// The genesis block proof target.
157    #[cfg(not(feature = "test"))]
158    const GENESIS_PROOF_TARGET: u64 = 1u64 << 27;
159    /// The genesis block proof target.
160    /// This is deliberately set to a low value (8) for testing purposes only.
161    #[cfg(feature = "test")]
162    const GENESIS_PROOF_TARGET: u64 = 1u64 << 3;
163    /// The fixed timestamp of the genesis block.
164    const GENESIS_TIMESTAMP: i64 = 1725462000 /* 2024-09-04 11:00:00 UTC */;
165    /// The network ID.
166    const ID: u16 = 0;
167    /// The function name for the inclusion circuit.
168    const INCLUSION_FUNCTION_NAME: &'static str = snarkvm_parameters::mainnet::NETWORK_INCLUSION_FUNCTION_NAME;
169    /// A list of (consensus_version, size) pairs indicating the maximum number of certificates in a batch.
170    #[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "test")))]
171    const MAX_CERTIFICATES: [(ConsensusVersion, u16); 2] = [(ConsensusVersion::V1, 16), (ConsensusVersion::V3, 25)];
172    /// A list of (consensus_version, size) pairs indicating the maximum number of certificates in a batch.
173    #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test"))]
174    const MAX_CERTIFICATES: [(ConsensusVersion, u16); 2] = [(ConsensusVersion::V1, 100), (ConsensusVersion::V3, 100)];
175    /// The network name.
176    const NAME: &'static str = "Aleo Mainnet (v0)";
178    /// Returns the genesis block bytes.
179    fn genesis_bytes() -> &'static [u8] {
180        snarkvm_parameters::mainnet::GenesisBytes::load_bytes()
181    }
183    /// Returns the restrictions list as a JSON-compatible string.
184    fn restrictions_list_as_str() -> &'static str {
185        snarkvm_parameters::mainnet::RESTRICTIONS_LIST
186    }
188    /// Returns the proving key for the given function name in `credits.aleo`.
189    fn get_credits_proving_key(function_name: String) -> Result<&'static Arc<VarunaProvingKey<Self>>> {
191            .get(&function_name)
192            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Proving key for credits.aleo/{function_name}' not found"))
193    }
195    /// Returns the verifying key for the given function name in `credits.aleo`.
196    fn get_credits_verifying_key(function_name: String) -> Result<&'static Arc<VarunaVerifyingKey<Self>>> {
198            .get(&function_name)
199            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Verifying key for credits.aleo/{function_name}' not found"))
200    }
202    /// Returns the `proving key` for the inclusion circuit.
203    fn inclusion_proving_key() -> &'static Arc<VarunaProvingKey<Self>> {
204        static INSTANCE: OnceCell<Arc<VarunaProvingKey<Console>>> = OnceCell::new();
205        INSTANCE.get_or_init(|| {
206            // Skipping the first byte, which is the encoded version.
207            Arc::new(
208                CircuitProvingKey::from_bytes_le(&snarkvm_parameters::mainnet::INCLUSION_PROVING_KEY[1..])
209                    .expect("Failed to load inclusion proving key."),
210            )
211        })
212    }
214    /// Returns the `verifying key` for the inclusion circuit.
215    fn inclusion_verifying_key() -> &'static Arc<VarunaVerifyingKey<Self>> {
216        static INSTANCE: OnceCell<Arc<VarunaVerifyingKey<Console>>> = OnceCell::new();
217        INSTANCE.get_or_init(|| {
218            // Skipping the first byte, which is the encoded version.
219            Arc::new(
220                CircuitVerifyingKey::from_bytes_le(&snarkvm_parameters::mainnet::INCLUSION_VERIFYING_KEY[1..])
221                    .expect("Failed to load inclusion verifying key."),
222            )
223        })
224    }
226    /// Returns the powers of `G`.
227    fn g_powers() -> &'static Vec<Group<Self>> {
228        &GENERATOR_G
229    }
231    /// Returns the scalar multiplication on the generator `G`.
232    fn g_scalar_multiply(scalar: &Scalar<Self>) -> Group<Self> {
233        GENERATOR_G
234            .iter()
235            .zip_eq(&scalar.to_bits_le())
236            .filter_map(|(base, bit)| match bit {
237                true => Some(base),
238                false => None,
239            })
240            .sum()
241    }
243    /// Returns the Varuna universal prover.
244    fn varuna_universal_prover() -> &'static UniversalProver<Self::PairingCurve> {
245        static INSTANCE: OnceCell<UniversalProver<<Console as Environment>::PairingCurve>> = OnceCell::new();
246        INSTANCE.get_or_init(|| {
247            snarkvm_algorithms::polycommit::kzg10::UniversalParams::load()
248                .expect("Failed to load universal SRS (KZG10).")
249                .to_universal_prover()
250                .expect("Failed to convert universal SRS (KZG10) to the prover.")
251        })
252    }
254    /// Returns the Varuna universal verifier.
255    fn varuna_universal_verifier() -> &'static UniversalVerifier<Self::PairingCurve> {
256        static INSTANCE: OnceCell<UniversalVerifier<<Console as Environment>::PairingCurve>> = OnceCell::new();
257        INSTANCE.get_or_init(|| {
258            snarkvm_algorithms::polycommit::kzg10::UniversalParams::load()
259                .expect("Failed to load universal SRS (KZG10).")
260                .to_universal_verifier()
261                .expect("Failed to convert universal SRS (KZG10) to the verifier.")
262        })
263    }
265    /// Returns the sponge parameters used for the sponge in the Varuna SNARK.
266    fn varuna_fs_parameters() -> &'static FiatShamirParameters<Self> {
268    }
270    /// Returns the encryption domain as a constant field element.
271    fn encryption_domain() -> Field<Self> {
273    }
275    /// Returns the graph key domain as a constant field element.
276    fn graph_key_domain() -> Field<Self> {
277        *GRAPH_KEY_DOMAIN
278    }
280    /// Returns the serial number domain as a constant field element.
281    fn serial_number_domain() -> Field<Self> {
283    }
285    /// Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 256-bits and randomizer.
286    fn commit_bhp256(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
287        BHP_256.commit(input, randomizer)
288    }
290    /// Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 512-bits and randomizer.
291    fn commit_bhp512(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
292        BHP_512.commit(input, randomizer)
293    }
295    /// Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 768-bits and randomizer.
296    fn commit_bhp768(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
297        BHP_768.commit(input, randomizer)
298    }
300    /// Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 1024-bits and randomizer.
301    fn commit_bhp1024(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
302        BHP_1024.commit(input, randomizer)
303    }
305    /// Returns a Pedersen commitment for the given (up to) 64-bit input and randomizer.
306    fn commit_ped64(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
307        PEDERSEN_64.commit(input, randomizer)
308    }
310    /// Returns a Pedersen commitment for the given (up to) 128-bit input and randomizer.
311    fn commit_ped128(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
312        PEDERSEN_128.commit(input, randomizer)
313    }
315    /// Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 256-bits and randomizer.
316    fn commit_to_group_bhp256(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
317        BHP_256.commit_uncompressed(input, randomizer)
318    }
320    /// Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 512-bits and randomizer.
321    fn commit_to_group_bhp512(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
322        BHP_512.commit_uncompressed(input, randomizer)
323    }
325    /// Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 768-bits and randomizer.
326    fn commit_to_group_bhp768(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
327        BHP_768.commit_uncompressed(input, randomizer)
328    }
330    /// Returns a BHP commitment with an input hasher of 1024-bits and randomizer.
331    fn commit_to_group_bhp1024(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
332        BHP_1024.commit_uncompressed(input, randomizer)
333    }
335    /// Returns a Pedersen commitment for the given (up to) 64-bit input and randomizer.
336    fn commit_to_group_ped64(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
337        PEDERSEN_64.commit_uncompressed(input, randomizer)
338    }
340    /// Returns a Pedersen commitment for the given (up to) 128-bit input and randomizer.
341    fn commit_to_group_ped128(input: &[bool], randomizer: &Scalar<Self>) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
342        PEDERSEN_128.commit_uncompressed(input, randomizer)
343    }
345    /// Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 256-bits.
346    fn hash_bhp256(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
347        BHP_256.hash(input)
348    }
350    /// Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 512-bits.
351    fn hash_bhp512(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
352        BHP_512.hash(input)
353    }
355    /// Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 768-bits.
356    fn hash_bhp768(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
357        BHP_768.hash(input)
358    }
360    /// Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 1024-bits.
361    fn hash_bhp1024(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
362        BHP_1024.hash(input)
363    }
365    /// Returns the Keccak hash with a 256-bit output.
366    fn hash_keccak256(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Vec<bool>> {
367        Keccak256::default().hash(input)
368    }
370    /// Returns the Keccak hash with a 384-bit output.
371    fn hash_keccak384(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Vec<bool>> {
372        Keccak384::default().hash(input)
373    }
375    /// Returns the Keccak hash with a 512-bit output.
376    fn hash_keccak512(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Vec<bool>> {
377        Keccak512::default().hash(input)
378    }
380    /// Returns the Pedersen hash for a given (up to) 64-bit input.
381    fn hash_ped64(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
382        PEDERSEN_64.hash(input)
383    }
385    /// Returns the Pedersen hash for a given (up to) 128-bit input.
386    fn hash_ped128(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
387        PEDERSEN_128.hash(input)
388    }
390    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2.
391    fn hash_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
392        POSEIDON_2.hash(input)
393    }
395    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4.
396    fn hash_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
397        POSEIDON_4.hash(input)
398    }
400    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8.
401    fn hash_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Field<Self>> {
402        POSEIDON_8.hash(input)
403    }
405    /// Returns the SHA-3 hash with a 256-bit output.
406    fn hash_sha3_256(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Vec<bool>> {
407        Sha3_256::default().hash(input)
408    }
410    /// Returns the SHA-3 hash with a 384-bit output.
411    fn hash_sha3_384(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Vec<bool>> {
412        Sha3_384::default().hash(input)
413    }
415    /// Returns the SHA-3 hash with a 512-bit output.
416    fn hash_sha3_512(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Vec<bool>> {
417        Sha3_512::default().hash(input)
418    }
420    /// Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2.
421    fn hash_many_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16) -> Vec<Field<Self>> {
422        POSEIDON_2.hash_many(input, num_outputs)
423    }
425    /// Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4.
426    fn hash_many_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16) -> Vec<Field<Self>> {
427        POSEIDON_4.hash_many(input, num_outputs)
428    }
430    /// Returns the extended Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8.
431    fn hash_many_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>], num_outputs: u16) -> Vec<Field<Self>> {
432        POSEIDON_8.hash_many(input, num_outputs)
433    }
435    /// Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 256-bits.
436    fn hash_to_group_bhp256(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
437        BHP_256.hash_uncompressed(input)
438    }
440    /// Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 512-bits.
441    fn hash_to_group_bhp512(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
442        BHP_512.hash_uncompressed(input)
443    }
445    /// Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 768-bits.
446    fn hash_to_group_bhp768(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
447        BHP_768.hash_uncompressed(input)
448    }
450    /// Returns the BHP hash with an input hasher of 1024-bits.
451    fn hash_to_group_bhp1024(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
452        BHP_1024.hash_uncompressed(input)
453    }
455    /// Returns the Pedersen hash for a given (up to) 64-bit input.
456    fn hash_to_group_ped64(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
457        PEDERSEN_64.hash_uncompressed(input)
458    }
460    /// Returns the Pedersen hash for a given (up to) 128-bit input.
461    fn hash_to_group_ped128(input: &[bool]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
462        PEDERSEN_128.hash_uncompressed(input)
463    }
465    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2 on the affine curve.
466    fn hash_to_group_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
467        POSEIDON_2.hash_to_group(input)
468    }
470    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4 on the affine curve.
471    fn hash_to_group_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
472        POSEIDON_4.hash_to_group(input)
473    }
475    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8 on the affine curve.
476    fn hash_to_group_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Group<Self>> {
477        POSEIDON_8.hash_to_group(input)
478    }
480    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2 on the scalar field.
481    fn hash_to_scalar_psd2(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Scalar<Self>> {
482        POSEIDON_2.hash_to_scalar(input)
483    }
485    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4 on the scalar field.
486    fn hash_to_scalar_psd4(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Scalar<Self>> {
487        POSEIDON_4.hash_to_scalar(input)
488    }
490    /// Returns the Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8 on the scalar field.
491    fn hash_to_scalar_psd8(input: &[Field<Self>]) -> Result<Scalar<Self>> {
492        POSEIDON_8.hash_to_scalar(input)
493    }
495    /// Returns a Merkle tree with a BHP leaf hasher of 1024-bits and a BHP path hasher of 512-bits.
496    fn merkle_tree_bhp<const DEPTH: u8>(leaves: &[Vec<bool>]) -> Result<BHPMerkleTree<Self, DEPTH>> {
497        MerkleTree::new(&*BHP_1024, &*BHP_512, leaves)
498    }
500    /// Returns a Merkle tree with a Poseidon leaf hasher with input rate of 4 and a Poseidon path hasher with input rate of 2.
501    fn merkle_tree_psd<const DEPTH: u8>(leaves: &[Vec<Field<Self>>]) -> Result<PoseidonMerkleTree<Self, DEPTH>> {
502        MerkleTree::new(&*POSEIDON_4, &*POSEIDON_2, leaves)
503    }
505    /// Returns `true` if the given Merkle path is valid for the given root and leaf.
506    fn verify_merkle_path_bhp<const DEPTH: u8>(
507        path: &MerklePath<Self, DEPTH>,
508        root: &Field<Self>,
509        leaf: &Vec<bool>,
510    ) -> bool {
511        path.verify(&*BHP_1024, &*BHP_512, root, leaf)
512    }
514    /// Returns `true` if the given Merkle path is valid for the given root and leaf.
515    fn verify_merkle_path_psd<const DEPTH: u8>(
516        path: &MerklePath<Self, DEPTH>,
517        root: &Field<Self>,
518        leaf: &Vec<Field<Self>>,
519    ) -> bool {
520        path.verify(&*POSEIDON_4, &*POSEIDON_2, root, leaf)
521    }
525mod tests {
526    use super::*;
528    type CurrentNetwork = MainnetV0;
530    #[test]
531    fn test_g_scalar_multiply() {
532        // Compute G^r.
533        let scalar = Scalar::rand(&mut TestRng::default());
534        let group = CurrentNetwork::g_scalar_multiply(&scalar);
535        assert_eq!(group, CurrentNetwork::g_powers()[0] * scalar);
536    }