pub trait TwistedEdwardsParameters: ModelParameters {
    type MontgomeryParameters: MontgomeryParameters<BaseField = Self::BaseField>;

    const EDWARDS_A: Self::BaseField;
    const EDWARDS_D: Self::BaseField;
    const COFACTOR: &'static [u64];
    const COFACTOR_INV: Self::ScalarField;
    const AFFINE_GENERATOR_COEFFS: (Self::BaseField, Self::BaseField);

    fn mul_by_a(elem: &Self::BaseField) -> Self::BaseField { ... }

Required Associated Types§

Required Associated Constants§

The coefficient A of the twisted Edwards curve.

The coefficient D of the twisted Edwards curve.

The cofactor of the twisted Edwards curve.

The cofactor inverse of the twisted Edwards curve.

The affine generator of the twisted Edwards curve.

Provided Methods§
