pub trait RemoteWallet<T> {
    fn name(&self) -> &str { ... }
    fn read_device(
        &mut self,
        dev_info: &T
    ) -> Result<RemoteWalletInfo, RemoteWalletError> { ... } fn get_pubkey(
        derivation_path: &DerivationPath,
        confirm_key: bool
    ) -> Result<Pubkey, RemoteWalletError> { ... } fn sign_message(
        derivation_path: &DerivationPath,
        data: &[u8]
    ) -> Result<Signature, RemoteWalletError> { ... } }
Expand description

RemoteWallet trait

Provided methods

Parse device info and get device base pubkey

Get solana pubkey from a RemoteWallet

Sign transaction data with wallet managing pubkey at derivation path m/44’/501’/‘/’.
