Crate soroban_wasmi

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The wasmi virtual machine definitions.

These closely mirror the WebAssembly specification definitions. The overall structure is heavily inspired by the wasmtime virtual machine architecture.


The following example shows a “Hello, World!”-like example of creating a Wasm module from some initial .wat contents, defining a simple host function and calling the exported Wasm function.

The example was inspired by Wasmtime’s API example.

use soroban_wasmi as wasmi;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use wasmi::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // First step is to create the Wasm execution engine with some config.
    // In this example we are using the default configuration.
    let engine = Engine::default();
    let wat = r#"
            (import "host" "hello" (func $host_hello (param i32)))
            (func (export "hello")
                (call $host_hello (i32.const 3))
    // Wasmi does not yet support parsing `.wat` so we have to convert
    // out `.wat` into `.wasm` before we compile and validate it.
    let wasm = wat::parse_str(&wat)?;
    let module = Module::new(&engine, &mut &wasm[..])?;

    // All Wasm objects operate within the context of a `Store`.
    // Each `Store` has a type parameter to store host-specific data,
    // which in this case we are using `42` for.
    type HostState = u32;
    let mut store = Store::new(&engine, 42);
    let host_hello = Func::wrap(&mut store, |caller: Caller<'_, HostState>, param: i32| {
        println!("Got {param} from WebAssembly");
        println!("My host state is: {}",;

    // In order to create Wasm module instances and link their imports
    // and exports we require a `Linker`.
    let mut linker = <Linker<HostState>>::new(&engine);
    // Instantiation of a Wasm module requires defining its imports and then
    // afterwards we can fetch exports by name, as well as asserting the
    // type signature of the function with `get_typed_func`.
    // Also before using an instance created this way we need to start it.
    linker.define("host", "hello", host_hello)?;
    let instance = linker
        .instantiate(&mut store, &module)?
        .start(&mut store)?;
    let hello = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&store, "hello")?;

    // And finally we can call the wasm! store, ())?;



  • Definitions from the wasmi_core crate.
  • Defines some errors that may occur upon interaction with wasmi.


