Enum sp_core::crypto::Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
source · #[non_exhaustive]#[repr(u16)]pub enum Ss58AddressFormatRegistry {
Show 143 variants
BareEd25519Account = 3,
BareSecp256K1Account = 43,
BareSr25519Account = 1,
DicoAccount = 53,
IceAccount = 2_206,
KicoAccount = 52,
SnowAccount = 2_207,
AcalaAccount = 10,
AjunaAccount = 1_328,
AllfeatNetworkAccount = 440,
AltairAccount = 136,
AmplitudeAccount = 57,
AnmolAccount = 92,
AresAccount = 34,
AstarAccount = 5,
AventusAccount = 65,
BajunAccount = 1_337,
BasiliskAccount = 10_041,
BifrostAccount = 6,
BitgreenAccount = 2_106,
BittensorAccount = 13_116,
CalamariAccount = 78,
CentrifugeAccount = 36,
CereAccount = 54,
CessAccount = 11_331,
CessTestnetAccount = 11_330,
ChainflipAccount = 2_112,
ChainxAccount = 44,
CloudwalkMainnetAccount = 2_009,
CloverAccount = 128,
ComposableAccount = 50,
ContextfreeAccount = 11_820,
CordAccount = 29,
CrustAccount = 66,
DarkAccount = 17,
DarwiniaAccount = 18,
DatahighwayAccount = 33,
DentnetAccount = 9_807,
DockPosMainnetAccount = 22,
DorafactoryPolkadotAccount = 129,
EdgewareAccount = 7,
EfinityAccount = 1_110,
EquilibriumAccount = 68,
EwxAccount = 64,
FragnovaAccount = 93,
FrequencyAccount = 90,
G1Account = 4_450,
GeekAccount = 789,
GenshiroAccount = 67,
GmAccount = 7_013,
GoldenGateAccount = 8_866,
GoldenGateSydneyAccount = 8_886,
GoroAccount = 14_697,
HashedAccount = 9_072,
HeikoAccount = 110,
HumanodeAccount = 5_234,
HydradxAccount = 63,
IbtidaAccount = 100,
ImpactAccount = 12_155,
IntegriteeAccount = 13,
IntegriteeIncognitoAccount = 113,
InterlayAccount = 2_032,
JoystreamAccount = 126,
JupiterAccount = 26,
KabochaAccount = 27,
KapexAccount = 2_007,
KarmachainAccount = 21,
KaruraAccount = 8,
KatalchainAccount = 4,
KiltAccount = 38,
KintsugiAccount = 2_092,
KrestAccount = 1_222,
KriganAccount = 7_306,
KulupuAccount = 16,
KusamaAccount = 2,
LaminarAccount = 11,
LitentryAccount = 31,
LitmusAccount = 131,
LogionAccount = 2_021,
LuhnAccount = 11_486,
MantaAccount = 77,
MathchainAccount = 39,
MathchainTestnetAccount = 40,
MetaquityNetworkAccount = 666,
MoonbeamAccount = 1_284,
MoonriverAccount = 1_285,
MoonsamaAccount = 2_199,
NeatcoinAccount = 48,
NftmartAccount = 12_191,
NodleAccount = 37,
OakAccount = 51,
OrigintrailParachainAccount = 101,
P3DAccount = 71,
P3DtAccount = 72,
ParallelAccount = 172,
PeaqAccount = 1_221,
PeerplaysAccount = 3_333,
PendulumAccount = 56,
PhalaAccount = 30,
PicassoAccount = 49,
PioneerNetworkAccount = 268,
PolimecAccount = 41,
PolkadexAccount = 88,
PolkadexparachainAccount = 89,
PolkadotAccount = 0,
PolkafoundryAccount = 99,
PolkasmithAccount = 98,
PolymeshAccount = 12,
PontemNetworkAccount = 105,
QuartzMainnetAccount = 255,
Reserved46Account = 46,
Reserved47Account = 47,
ReynoldsAccount = 9,
RobonomicsAccount = 32,
SapphireMainnetAccount = 8_883,
SealsAccount = 1_985,
ShiftAccount = 23,
SocialNetworkAccount = 252,
SocietalAccount = 1_516,
SoraAccount = 69,
SoraDotParaAccount = 81,
SoraKusamaParaAccount = 420,
StafiAccount = 20,
SubsocialAccount = 28,
SubspaceAccount = 6_094,
SubspaceTestnetAccount = 2_254,
SubstrateAccount = 42,
SynesthesiaAccount = 15,
T3RnAccount = 9_935,
TangleAccount = 4_006,
TernoaAccount = 995,
TidefiAccount = 7_007,
TinkerAccount = 117,
TotemAccount = 14,
UniartsAccount = 45,
UniqueMainnetAccount = 7_391,
VaraAccount = 137,
VlnAccount = 35,
WatrAccount = 19,
XxnetworkAccount = 55,
ZeitgeistAccount = 73,
ZeroAccount = 24,
ZeroAlphavilleAccount = 25,
Expand description
A known address (sub)format/network ID for SS58.
Variants (Non-exhaustive)§
This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
BareEd25519Account = 3
Bare 32-bit Ed25519 public key.
BareSecp256K1Account = 43
Bare 32-bit ECDSA SECP-256k1 public key.
BareSr25519Account = 1
Bare 32-bit Schnorr/Ristretto (S/R 25519) public key.
DicoAccount = 53
DICO - https://dico.io
IceAccount = 2_206
ICE Network - https://icenetwork.io
KicoAccount = 52
KICO - https://dico.io
SnowAccount = 2_207
SNOW: ICE Canary Network - https://icenetwork.io
AcalaAccount = 10
Acala - https://acala.network/
AjunaAccount = 1_328
Ajuna Network - https://ajuna.io
AllfeatNetworkAccount = 440
Allfeat Network - https://allfeat.network
AltairAccount = 136
Altair - https://centrifuge.io/
AmplitudeAccount = 57
Amplitude chain - https://pendulumchain.org/
AnmolAccount = 92
Anmol Network - https://anmol.network/
AresAccount = 34
Ares Protocol - https://www.aresprotocol.com/
AstarAccount = 5
Astar Network - https://astar.network
AventusAccount = 65
Aventus Mainnet - https://aventus.io
BajunAccount = 1_337
Bajun Network - https://ajuna.io
BasiliskAccount = 10_041
Basilisk - https://bsx.fi
BifrostAccount = 6
Bifrost - https://bifrost.finance/
BitgreenAccount = 2_106
Bitgreen - https://bitgreen.org/
BittensorAccount = 13_116
Bittensor - https://bittensor.com
CalamariAccount = 78
Calamari: Manta Canary Network - https://manta.network
CentrifugeAccount = 36
Centrifuge Chain - https://centrifuge.io/
CereAccount = 54
Cere Network - https://cere.network
CessAccount = 11_331
CESS - https://cess.cloud
CessTestnetAccount = 11_330
CESS Testnet - https://cess.cloud
ChainflipAccount = 2_112
Chainflip - https://chainflip.io/
ChainxAccount = 44
ChainX - https://chainx.org/
CloudwalkMainnetAccount = 2_009
CloudWalk Network Mainnet - https://explorer.mainnet.cloudwalk.io
CloverAccount = 128
Clover Finance - https://clover.finance
ComposableAccount = 50
Composable Finance - https://composable.finance
ContextfreeAccount = 11_820
Automata ContextFree - https://ata.network
CordAccount = 29
CORD Network - https://cord.network/
CrustAccount = 66
Crust Network - https://crust.network
DarkAccount = 17
Dark Mainnet
DarwiniaAccount = 18
Darwinia Network - https://darwinia.network
DatahighwayAccount = 33
DentnetAccount = 9_807
DENTNet - https://www.dentnet.io
DockPosMainnetAccount = 22
Dock Mainnet - https://dock.io
DorafactoryPolkadotAccount = 129
Dorafactory Polkadot Network - https://dorafactory.org
EdgewareAccount = 7
Edgeware - https://edgewa.re
EfinityAccount = 1_110
Efinity - https://efinity.io/
EquilibriumAccount = 68
Equilibrium Network - https://equilibrium.io
EwxAccount = 64
Energy Web X - https://www.energyweb.org
FragnovaAccount = 93
Fragnova Network - https://fragnova.com
FrequencyAccount = 90
Frequency - https://www.frequency.xyz
G1Account = 4_450
Ğ1 - https://duniter.org
GeekAccount = 789
GEEK Network - https://geek.gl
GenshiroAccount = 67
Genshiro Network - https://genshiro.equilibrium.io
GmAccount = 7_013
GM - https://gmordie.com
GoldenGateAccount = 8_866
Golden Gate - https://ggxchain.io/
GoldenGateSydneyAccount = 8_886
Golden Gate Sydney - https://ggxchain.io/
GoroAccount = 14_697
GORO Network - https://goro.network
HashedAccount = 9_072
Hashed Network - https://hashed.network
HeikoAccount = 110
Heiko - https://parallel.fi/
HumanodeAccount = 5_234
Humanode Network - https://humanode.io
HydradxAccount = 63
HydraDX - https://hydradx.io
IbtidaAccount = 100
Anmol Network Ibtida Canary network - https://anmol.network/
ImpactAccount = 12_155
Impact Protocol Network - https://impactprotocol.network/
IntegriteeAccount = 13
Integritee - https://integritee.network
IntegriteeIncognitoAccount = 113
Integritee Incognito - https://integritee.network
InterlayAccount = 2_032
Interlay - https://interlay.io/
JoystreamAccount = 126
Joystream - https://www.joystream.org
JupiterAccount = 26
Jupiter - https://jupiter.patract.io
KabochaAccount = 27
Kabocha - https://kabocha.network
KapexAccount = 2_007
Kapex - https://totemaccounting.com
KarmachainAccount = 21
Karmacoin - https://karmaco.in
KaruraAccount = 8
Karura - https://karura.network/
KatalchainAccount = 4
Katal Chain
KiltAccount = 38
KILT Spiritnet - https://kilt.io/
KintsugiAccount = 2_092
Kintsugi - https://interlay.io/
KrestAccount = 1_222
Krest Network - https://www.peaq.network/
KriganAccount = 7_306
Krigan Network - https://krigan.network
KulupuAccount = 16
Kulupu - https://kulupu.network/
KusamaAccount = 2
Kusama Relay Chain - https://kusama.network
LaminarAccount = 11
Laminar - http://laminar.network/
LitentryAccount = 31
Litentry Network - https://litentry.com/
LitmusAccount = 131
Litmus Network - https://litentry.com/
LogionAccount = 2_021
logion network - https://logion.network
LuhnAccount = 11_486
Luhn Network - https://luhn.network
MantaAccount = 77
Manta network - https://manta.network
MathchainAccount = 39
MathChain mainnet - https://mathwallet.org
MathchainTestnetAccount = 40
MathChain testnet - https://mathwallet.org
MetaquityNetworkAccount = 666
Metaquity Network - https://metaquity.xyz/
MoonbeamAccount = 1_284
Moonbeam - https://moonbeam.network
MoonriverAccount = 1_285
Moonriver - https://moonbeam.network
MoonsamaAccount = 2_199
Moonsama - https://moonsama.com
NeatcoinAccount = 48
Neatcoin Mainnet - https://neatcoin.org
NftmartAccount = 12_191
NFTMart - https://nftmart.io
NodleAccount = 37
Nodle Chain - https://nodle.io/
OakAccount = 51
OAK Network - https://oak.tech
OrigintrailParachainAccount = 101
OriginTrail Parachain - https://parachain.origintrail.io/
P3DAccount = 71
3DP network - https://3dpass.org
P3DtAccount = 72
3DP test network - https://3dpass.org
ParallelAccount = 172
Parallel - https://parallel.fi/
PeaqAccount = 1_221
Peaq Network - https://www.peaq.network/
PeerplaysAccount = 3_333
Peerplays - https://www.peerplays.com/
PendulumAccount = 56
Pendulum chain - https://pendulumchain.org/
PhalaAccount = 30
Phala Network - https://phala.network
PicassoAccount = 49
Picasso - https://picasso.composable.finance
PioneerNetworkAccount = 268
Pioneer Network by Bit.Country - https://bit.country
PolimecAccount = 41
Polimec Protocol - https://www.polimec.org/
PolkadexAccount = 88
Polkadex Mainnet - https://polkadex.trade
PolkadexparachainAccount = 89
Polkadex Parachain - https://polkadex.trade
PolkadotAccount = 0
Polkadot Relay Chain - https://polkadot.network
PolkafoundryAccount = 99
PolkaFoundry Network - https://polkafoundry.com
PolkasmithAccount = 98
PolkaSmith Canary Network - https://polkafoundry.com
PolymeshAccount = 12
Polymesh - https://polymath.network/
PontemNetworkAccount = 105
Pontem Network - https://pontem.network
QuartzMainnetAccount = 255
QUARTZ by UNIQUE - https://unique.network
Reserved46Account = 46
This prefix is reserved.
Reserved47Account = 47
This prefix is reserved.
ReynoldsAccount = 9
Laminar Reynolds Canary - http://laminar.network/
RobonomicsAccount = 32
Robonomics - https://robonomics.network
SapphireMainnetAccount = 8_883
Sapphire by Unique - https://unique.network
SealsAccount = 1_985
Seals Network - https://seals.app
ShiftAccount = 23
SocialNetworkAccount = 252
Social Network - https://social.network
SocietalAccount = 1_516
Societal - https://www.sctl.xyz
SoraAccount = 69
SORA Network - https://sora.org
SoraDotParaAccount = 81
SORA Polkadot Parachain - https://sora.org
SoraKusamaParaAccount = 420
SORA Kusama Parachain - https://sora.org
StafiAccount = 20
Stafi - https://stafi.io
SubspaceAccount = 6_094
Subspace - https://subspace.network
SubspaceTestnetAccount = 2_254
Subspace testnet - https://subspace.network
SubstrateAccount = 42
Substrate - https://substrate.io/
SynesthesiaAccount = 15
Synesthesia - https://synesthesia.network/
T3RnAccount = 9_935
t3rn - https://t3rn.io/
TangleAccount = 4_006
Tangle Network - https://www.webb.tools/
TernoaAccount = 995
Ternoa - https://www.ternoa.network
TidefiAccount = 7_007
Tidefi - https://tidefi.com
TinkerAccount = 117
Tinker - https://invarch.network
TotemAccount = 14
Totem - https://totemaccounting.com
UniartsAccount = 45
UniArts Network - https://uniarts.me
UniqueMainnetAccount = 7_391
Unique Network - https://unique.network
VaraAccount = 137
Vara Network - https://vara-network.io/
VlnAccount = 35
Valiu Liquidity Network - https://valiu.com/
WatrAccount = 19
Watr Protocol - https://www.watr.org
XxnetworkAccount = 55
xx network - https://xx.network
ZeitgeistAccount = 73
Zeitgeist - https://zeitgeist.pm
ZeroAccount = 24
ZERO - https://zero.io
ZeroAlphavilleAccount = 25
ZERO Alphaville - https://zero.io
source§impl Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
sourcepub fn tokens(&self) -> &'static [TokenRegistry]
pub fn tokens(&self) -> &'static [TokenRegistry]
Tokens used on the given network.
Trait Implementations§
source§impl Clone for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl Clone for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
source§fn clone(&self) -> Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
fn clone(&self) -> Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
1.0.0 · source§fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
. Read moresource§impl Debug for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl Debug for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
source§impl Display for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl Display for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
source§impl From<Ss58AddressFormatRegistry> for Ss58AddressFormat
impl From<Ss58AddressFormatRegistry> for Ss58AddressFormat
source§fn from(x: Ss58AddressFormatRegistry) -> Ss58AddressFormat
fn from(x: Ss58AddressFormatRegistry) -> Ss58AddressFormat
source§impl FromStr for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl FromStr for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
§type Err = ParseError
type Err = ParseError
source§fn from_str(
data: &str
) -> Result<Ss58AddressFormatRegistry, <Ss58AddressFormatRegistry as FromStr>::Err>
fn from_str( data: &str ) -> Result<Ss58AddressFormatRegistry, <Ss58AddressFormatRegistry as FromStr>::Err>
to return a value of this type. Read moresource§impl PartialEq for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl PartialEq for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
source§fn eq(&self, other: &Ss58AddressFormatRegistry) -> bool
fn eq(&self, other: &Ss58AddressFormatRegistry) -> bool
and other
values to be equal, and is used
by ==
.source§impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
§type Error = ParseError
type Error = ParseError
source§fn try_from(
x: &'a str
) -> Result<Ss58AddressFormatRegistry, <Ss58AddressFormatRegistry as TryFrom<&'a str>>::Error>
fn try_from( x: &'a str ) -> Result<Ss58AddressFormatRegistry, <Ss58AddressFormatRegistry as TryFrom<&'a str>>::Error>
source§impl TryFrom<Ss58AddressFormat> for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl TryFrom<Ss58AddressFormat> for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
§type Error = ParseError
type Error = ParseError
source§fn try_from(
x: Ss58AddressFormat
) -> Result<Ss58AddressFormatRegistry, ParseError>
fn try_from( x: Ss58AddressFormat ) -> Result<Ss58AddressFormatRegistry, ParseError>
impl Copy for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl Eq for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl StructuralEq for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl StructuralPartialEq for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl RefUnwindSafe for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl Send for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl Sync for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl Unpin for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
impl UnwindSafe for Ss58AddressFormatRegistry
Blanket Implementations§
source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
source§impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
source§fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool
fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool
and return true
if they are equal.source§impl<T> Instrument for T
impl<T> Instrument for T
source§fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
source§fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
source§impl<T, Outer> IsWrappedBy<Outer> for T
impl<T, Outer> IsWrappedBy<Outer> for T
source§impl<S, T> UncheckedInto<T> for Swhere
T: UncheckedFrom<S>,
impl<S, T> UncheckedInto<T> for Swhere
T: UncheckedFrom<S>,
source§fn unchecked_into(self) -> T
fn unchecked_into(self) -> T