[][src]Module storage_proofs::zigzag_drgporep



ZigZagDrgPorep is a layered PoRep which replicates layer by layer. Between layers, the graph is 'reversed' in such a way that the dependencies expand with each iteration. This reversal is not a straightforward inversion -- so we coin the term 'zigzag' to describe the transformation. Each graph can be divided into base and expansion components. The 'base' component is an ordinary DRG. The expansion component attempts to add a target (expansion_degree) number of connections between nodes in a reversible way. Expansion connections are therefore simply inverted at each layer. Because of how DRG-sampled parents are calculated on demand, the base components are not. Instead, a same-degree DRG with connections in the opposite direction (and using the same random seed) is used when calculating parents on demand. For the algorithm to have the desired properties, it is important that the expansion components are directly inverted at each layer. However, it is fortunately not necessary that the base DRG components also have this property.