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use crate::*;
impl SurgeSuperOscillator {
#[inline] pub fn get_t(&self, sync: f64, detune: f64) -> (f32, f32) {
let t: f32 = {
if self.params[SSOParam::UniSpread].absolute {
// Oh so this line of code. What is it doing?
// t = storage->n2pinv_tuningctr(detune * pitchmult_inv * (1.f / CONCERT_A_HZ) + sync);
// Lets for a moment assume std tuning. So n2pinv will give you, say, 1/32 for note 60 and 1/1 for note 0. Cool.
// it is the inverse of frequency. That's why below with detune = +/- 1 for the extreme 2 voice case we just use it directly.
// It is the time distance of one note.
// But in absolute mode we want to scale that note. So the calculation here (assume sync is 0 for a second) is
// detune * pitcmult_inv / CONCERT_A_HZ
// pitchmult_inv = dsamplerate_os / 8.17 * n2pinv(pitch)
// so this is using
// detune * 1.0 / CONCERT_A_HZ * 1.0 / 8.17 * dsamplerate * n2pinv(pitch)
// Or:
// detune / n2p(pitch) * ( 1.0 / (CONCERT_A_HZ * 8.17 ) ) * dsamplerate
// So there's a couple of things wrong with that. First of all this should not be samplerate dependent.
// Second of all, what/s up with 1.0 / ( 8.17 * CONCERT_A_HZ )
// Well the answer is that we want the time to be pushed around in hz. So it turns out that
// 44100 * 2 / ( CONCERT_A_HZ * 8.175 ) =~ 24.2 and 24.2 / 16 = 1.447 which is almost how much absolute is off. So
// lets set the multiplier here so that the regtests exacty match the display frequency. That is the
// frequency desired spread / 0.9443. 0.9443 is empirically determined by running the 2 unisoncase
// over a bunch of tests.
let note: f64 =
detune as f64 *
self.tuner.n2pinv::<f64,true>( self.pitch as f64) *
16.0 / 0.9443 + sync;
let mut t = self.tuner.n2pinv::<f64,true>(note);
// With extended range and low frequencies we can have an implied
// negative frequency; cut that off by setting a lower bound here.
if t < 0.1 {
t = 0.0;
t as f32
self.tuner.n2pinv_tuningctr((detune as f64) + sync) as f32
let t_inv: f32 = rcp(t);
(t, t_inv)