Struct surgeosc_wavetable::WTOscillator [−][src]
pub struct WTOscillator {Show 41 fields
pub drift: f32,
pub master_osc: *mut f32,
pub blitter: AbstractBlitter,
pub out: OscillatorOut,
pub params: WTOscillatorParamArrayRT,
pub osc_params: OscillatorParamArrayRT,
pub li_hpf: LipolPs,
pub li_dc: LipolPs,
pub li_integratormult: LipolPs,
pub first_run: bool,
pub oscpitch: A1d<f32>,
pub dc: f32,
pub dc_uni: A1d<f32>,
pub last_level: A1d<f32>,
pub pitch: f32,
pub mipmap: A1d<i32>,
pub mipmap_ofs: A1d<i32>,
pub fm_depth: Lag<f32>,
pub hpf_coeff: Lag<f32>,
pub integrator_mult: Lag<f32>,
pub l_hskew: Lag<f32>,
pub l_vskew: Lag<f32>,
pub l_clip: Lag<f32>,
pub l_shape: Lag<f32>,
pub formant_t: f32,
pub formant_last: f32,
pub pitch_last: f32,
pub pitch_t: f32,
pub tableipol: f32,
pub last_tableipol: f32,
pub hskew: f32,
pub last_hskew: f32,
pub tableid: i32,
pub last_tableid: i32,
pub fm_delay: i32,
pub fm_mul_inv: f32,
pub sampleloop: i32,
pub tables: TablesHandle,
pub tuner: TunerHandle,
pub srunit: SampleRateHandle,
pub wave_wavetable: WaveTableBase<i16>,
drift: f32
master_osc: *mut f32
blitter: AbstractBlitter
out: OscillatorOut
params: WTOscillatorParamArrayRT
osc_params: OscillatorParamArrayRT
li_hpf: LipolPs
li_dc: LipolPs
li_integratormult: LipolPs
first_run: bool
oscpitch: A1d<f32>
dc: f32
dc_uni: A1d<f32>
last_level: A1d<f32>
pitch: f32
mipmap: A1d<i32>
mipmap_ofs: A1d<i32>
fm_depth: Lag<f32>
hpf_coeff: Lag<f32>
integrator_mult: Lag<f32>
l_hskew: Lag<f32>
l_vskew: Lag<f32>
l_clip: Lag<f32>
l_shape: Lag<f32>
formant_t: f32
formant_last: f32
pitch_last: f32
pitch_t: f32
tableipol: f32
last_tableipol: f32
hskew: f32
last_hskew: f32
tableid: i32
last_tableid: i32
fm_delay: i32
fm_mul_inv: f32
sampleloop: i32
tables: TablesHandle
tuner: TunerHandle
srunit: SampleRateHandle
wave_wavetable: WaveTableBase<i16>
each block overlap FIR_IPOL_N samples into the next (due to impulses not being wrapped around the block edges copy the overlapping samples to the new block position only needed if the new self.blitter.bufpos == 0