pub trait VisitMutAstPath {
Show 293 methods
// Provided methods
fn visit_mut_accessibility(
&mut self,
node: &mut Accessibility,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_array_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut ArrayLit,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_array_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut ArrayPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_arrow_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ArrowExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_assign_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_assign_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_assign_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_assign_pat_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignPatProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_assign_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_assign_target(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignTarget,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_assign_target_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignTargetPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_atom(&mut self, node: &mut Atom, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_auto_accessor(
&mut self,
node: &mut AutoAccessor,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_await_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut AwaitExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_big_int(
&mut self,
node: &mut BigInt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_big_int_value(
&mut self,
node: &mut BigIntValue,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_bin_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut BinExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_binary_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut BinaryOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_binding_ident(
&mut self,
node: &mut BindingIdent,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_block_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut BlockStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_block_stmt_or_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut BlockStmtOrExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_bool(&mut self, node: &mut Bool, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_break_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut BreakStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_call_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut CallExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_callee(
&mut self,
node: &mut Callee,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_catch_clause(
&mut self,
node: &mut CatchClause,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_class(
&mut self,
node: &mut Class,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_class_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_class_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_class_member(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassMember,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_class_members(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ClassMember>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_class_method(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassMethod,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_class_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_computed_prop_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut ComputedPropName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_cond_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut CondExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_constructor(
&mut self,
node: &mut Constructor,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_continue_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ContinueStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_debugger_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut DebuggerStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_decl(&mut self, node: &mut Decl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_decorator(
&mut self,
node: &mut Decorator,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_decorators(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Decorator>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_default_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut DefaultDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_do_while_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut DoWhileStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_empty_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut EmptyStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_all(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportAll,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_default_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportDefaultDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_default_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportDefaultExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_default_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportDefaultSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_named_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportNamedSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_namespace_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportNamespaceSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_export_specifiers(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ExportSpecifier>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_expr(&mut self, node: &mut Expr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_expr_or_spread(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExprOrSpread,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_expr_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ExprOrSpread>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_expr_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExprStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_exprs(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Box<Expr>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_fn_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut FnDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_fn_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut FnExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_for_head(
&mut self,
node: &mut ForHead,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_for_in_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ForInStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_for_of_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ForOfStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_for_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ForStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_function(
&mut self,
node: &mut Function,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_getter_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut GetterProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ident(
&mut self,
node: &mut Ident,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ident_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut IdentName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_if_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut IfStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import(
&mut self,
node: &mut Import,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_default_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportDefaultSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_named_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportNamedSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_phase(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportPhase,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_specifiers(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ImportSpecifier>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_star_as_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportStarAsSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_with(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportWith,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_with_item(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportWithItem,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_import_with_items(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ImportWithItem>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_invalid(
&mut self,
node: &mut Invalid,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXAttr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXAttrName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr_or_spread(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXAttrOrSpread,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<JSXAttrOrSpread>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr_value(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXAttrValue,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_closing_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXClosingElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_closing_fragment(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXClosingFragment,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_element_child(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXElementChild,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_element_childs(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<JSXElementChild>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_element_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXElementName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_empty_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXEmptyExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_expr_container(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXExprContainer,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_fragment(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXFragment,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_member_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXMemberExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_namespaced_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXNamespacedName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_object(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXObject,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_opening_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXOpeningElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_opening_fragment(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXOpeningFragment,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_spread_child(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXSpreadChild,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_jsx_text(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXText,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_key(&mut self, node: &mut Key, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_key_value_pat_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut KeyValuePatProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_key_value_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut KeyValueProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_labeled_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut LabeledStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_lit(&mut self, node: &mut Lit, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_member_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut MemberExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_member_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut MemberProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_meta_prop_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut MetaPropExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_meta_prop_kind(
&mut self,
node: &mut MetaPropKind,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_method_kind(
&mut self,
node: &mut MethodKind,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_method_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut MethodProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_module(
&mut self,
node: &mut Module,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_module_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ModuleDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_module_export_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut ModuleExportName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_module_item(
&mut self,
node: &mut ModuleItem,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_module_items(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ModuleItem>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_named_export(
&mut self,
node: &mut NamedExport,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_new_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut NewExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_null(&mut self, node: &mut Null, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_number(
&mut self,
node: &mut Number,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_object_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut ObjectLit,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_object_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut ObjectPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_object_pat_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut ObjectPatProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_object_pat_props(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ObjectPatProp>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_accessibility(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Accessibility>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_atom(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Atom>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_block_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<BlockStmt>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_call(
&mut self,
node: &mut OptCall,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_catch_clause(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<CatchClause>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_chain_base(
&mut self,
node: &mut OptChainBase,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_chain_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut OptChainExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<Expr>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_expr_or_spread(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<ExprOrSpread>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_expr_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Vec<ExprOrSpread>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_ident(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Ident>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_jsx_attr_value(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<JSXAttrValue>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_jsx_closing_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<JSXClosingElement>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_module_export_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<ModuleExportName>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_object_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<ObjectLit>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Pat>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_span(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Span>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<Stmt>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_str(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<Str>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_true_plus_minus(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<TruePlusMinus>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_entity_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<TsEntityName>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_import_call_options(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<TsImportCallOptions>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_namespace_body(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<TsNamespaceBody>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<TsType>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_ann(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeAnn>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_param_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeParamDecl>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_param_instantiation(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeParamInstantiation>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_var_decl_or_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<VarDeclOrExpr>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_vec_expr_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Option<ExprOrSpread>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_opt_vec_pats(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Option<Pat>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_param(
&mut self,
node: &mut Param,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_param_or_ts_param_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut ParamOrTsParamProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_param_or_ts_param_props(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ParamOrTsParamProp>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_params(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Param>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_paren_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ParenExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_pat(&mut self, node: &mut Pat, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_pats(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Pat>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_private_method(
&mut self,
node: &mut PrivateMethod,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_private_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut PrivateName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_private_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut PrivateProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_program(
&mut self,
node: &mut Program,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_prop(&mut self, node: &mut Prop, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_prop_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut PropName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_prop_or_spread(
&mut self,
node: &mut PropOrSpread,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_prop_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<PropOrSpread>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_regex(
&mut self,
node: &mut Regex,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_rest_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut RestPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_return_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ReturnStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_script(
&mut self,
node: &mut Script,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_seq_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut SeqExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_setter_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut SetterProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_simple_assign_target(
&mut self,
node: &mut SimpleAssignTarget,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_span(&mut self, node: &mut Span, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_spread_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut SpreadElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_static_block(
&mut self,
node: &mut StaticBlock,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut Stmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_stmts(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Stmt>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_str(&mut self, node: &mut Str, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_super(
&mut self,
node: &mut Super,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_super_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut SuperProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_super_prop_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut SuperPropExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_switch_case(
&mut self,
node: &mut SwitchCase,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_switch_cases(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<SwitchCase>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_switch_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut SwitchStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_syntax_context(
&mut self,
node: &mut SyntaxContext,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_tagged_tpl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TaggedTpl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_this_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ThisExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_throw_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ThrowStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_tpl(&mut self, node: &mut Tpl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath) { ... }
fn visit_mut_tpl_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut TplElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_tpl_elements(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TplElement>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_true_plus_minus(
&mut self,
node: &mut TruePlusMinus,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_try_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut TryStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_array_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsArrayType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_as_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsAsExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_call_signature_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsCallSignatureDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_conditional_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsConditionalType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_const_assertion(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsConstAssertion,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_construct_signature_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsConstructSignatureDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_constructor_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsConstructorType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_entity_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsEntityName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_enum_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsEnumDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_enum_member(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsEnumMember,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_enum_member_id(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsEnumMemberId,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_enum_members(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsEnumMember>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_export_assignment(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsExportAssignment,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_expr_with_type_args(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsExprWithTypeArgs,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_expr_with_type_argss(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsExprWithTypeArgs>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_external_module_ref(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsExternalModuleRef,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_fn_or_constructor_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsFnOrConstructorType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_fn_param(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsFnParam,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_fn_params(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsFnParam>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_fn_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsFnType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_getter_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsGetterSignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_import_call_options(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsImportCallOptions,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_import_equals_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsImportEqualsDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_import_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsImportType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_index_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsIndexSignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_indexed_access_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsIndexedAccessType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_infer_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsInferType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_instantiation(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsInstantiation,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_interface_body(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsInterfaceBody,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_interface_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsInterfaceDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_intersection_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsIntersectionType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_keyword_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsKeywordType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_keyword_type_kind(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsKeywordTypeKind,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsLit,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_lit_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsLitType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_mapped_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsMappedType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_method_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsMethodSignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_module_block(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsModuleBlock,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_module_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsModuleDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_module_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsModuleName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_module_ref(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsModuleRef,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_namespace_body(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsNamespaceBody,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_namespace_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsNamespaceDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_namespace_export_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsNamespaceExportDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_non_null_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsNonNullExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_optional_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsOptionalType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_param_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsParamProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_param_prop_param(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsParamPropParam,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_parenthesized_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsParenthesizedType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_property_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsPropertySignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_qualified_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsQualifiedName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_rest_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsRestType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_satisfies_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsSatisfiesExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_setter_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsSetterSignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_this_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsThisType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_this_type_or_ident(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsThisTypeOrIdent,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_tpl_lit_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTplLitType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_tuple_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTupleElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_tuple_elements(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsTupleElement>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_tuple_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTupleType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_alias_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeAliasDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_ann(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeAnn,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_assertion(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeAssertion,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_elements(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsTypeElement>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeLit,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_operator(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeOperator,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_operator_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeOperatorOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_param(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeParam,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_param_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeParamDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_param_instantiation(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeParamInstantiation,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_params(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsTypeParam>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_predicate(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypePredicate,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_query(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeQuery,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_query_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeQueryExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_type_ref(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeRef,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_types(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Box<TsType>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_union_or_intersection_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsUnionOrIntersectionType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_ts_union_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsUnionType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_unary_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut UnaryExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_unary_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut UnaryOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_update_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut UpdateExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_update_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut UpdateOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_using_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut UsingDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_var_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut VarDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_var_decl_kind(
&mut self,
node: &mut VarDeclKind,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_var_decl_or_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut VarDeclOrExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_var_declarator(
&mut self,
node: &mut VarDeclarator,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_var_declarators(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<VarDeclarator>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_while_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut WhileStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_with_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut WithStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
fn visit_mut_yield_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut YieldExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
) { ... }
only.Expand description
A visitor trait for traversing the AST.
Provided Methods§
Sourcefn visit_mut_accessibility(
&mut self,
node: &mut Accessibility,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_accessibility( &mut self, node: &mut Accessibility, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Accessibility
By default, this method calls Accessibility::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_array_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut ArrayLit,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_array_lit( &mut self, node: &mut ArrayLit, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ArrayLit
By default, this method calls ArrayLit::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_array_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut ArrayPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_array_pat( &mut self, node: &mut ArrayPat, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ArrayPat
By default, this method calls ArrayPat::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_arrow_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ArrowExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_arrow_expr( &mut self, node: &mut ArrowExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ArrowExpr
By default, this method calls ArrowExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_assign_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_assign_expr( &mut self, node: &mut AssignExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AssignExpr
By default, this method calls AssignExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_assign_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_assign_op( &mut self, node: &mut AssignOp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AssignOp
By default, this method calls AssignOp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_assign_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_assign_pat( &mut self, node: &mut AssignPat, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AssignPat
By default, this method calls AssignPat::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_assign_pat_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignPatProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_assign_pat_prop( &mut self, node: &mut AssignPatProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AssignPatProp
By default, this method calls AssignPatProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_assign_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_assign_prop( &mut self, node: &mut AssignProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AssignProp
By default, this method calls AssignProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_assign_target(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignTarget,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_assign_target( &mut self, node: &mut AssignTarget, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AssignTarget
By default, this method calls AssignTarget::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_assign_target_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut AssignTargetPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_assign_target_pat( &mut self, node: &mut AssignTargetPat, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AssignTargetPat
By default, this method calls AssignTargetPat::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_atom(&mut self, node: &mut Atom, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_atom(&mut self, node: &mut Atom, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type swc_atoms :: Atom
By default, this method calls [swc_atoms :: Atom::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_auto_accessor(
&mut self,
node: &mut AutoAccessor,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_auto_accessor( &mut self, node: &mut AutoAccessor, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AutoAccessor
By default, this method calls AutoAccessor::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_await_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut AwaitExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_await_expr( &mut self, node: &mut AwaitExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type AwaitExpr
By default, this method calls AwaitExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_big_int(&mut self, node: &mut BigInt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_big_int(&mut self, node: &mut BigInt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type BigInt
By default, this method calls BigInt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_big_int_value(
&mut self,
node: &mut BigIntValue,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_big_int_value( &mut self, node: &mut BigIntValue, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type BigIntValue
By default, this method calls BigIntValue::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_bin_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut BinExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_bin_expr( &mut self, node: &mut BinExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type BinExpr
By default, this method calls BinExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_binary_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut BinaryOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_binary_op( &mut self, node: &mut BinaryOp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type BinaryOp
By default, this method calls BinaryOp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_binding_ident(
&mut self,
node: &mut BindingIdent,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_binding_ident( &mut self, node: &mut BindingIdent, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type BindingIdent
By default, this method calls BindingIdent::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_block_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut BlockStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_block_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut BlockStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type BlockStmt
By default, this method calls BlockStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_block_stmt_or_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut BlockStmtOrExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_block_stmt_or_expr( &mut self, node: &mut BlockStmtOrExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type BlockStmtOrExpr
By default, this method calls BlockStmtOrExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_bool(&mut self, node: &mut Bool, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_bool(&mut self, node: &mut Bool, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Bool
By default, this method calls Bool::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_break_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut BreakStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_break_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut BreakStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type BreakStmt
By default, this method calls BreakStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_call_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut CallExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_call_expr( &mut self, node: &mut CallExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type CallExpr
By default, this method calls CallExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_callee(&mut self, node: &mut Callee, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_callee(&mut self, node: &mut Callee, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Callee
By default, this method calls Callee::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_catch_clause(
&mut self,
node: &mut CatchClause,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_catch_clause( &mut self, node: &mut CatchClause, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type CatchClause
By default, this method calls CatchClause::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_class(&mut self, node: &mut Class, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_class(&mut self, node: &mut Class, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Class
By default, this method calls Class::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_class_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_class_decl( &mut self, node: &mut ClassDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ClassDecl
By default, this method calls ClassDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_class_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_class_expr( &mut self, node: &mut ClassExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ClassExpr
By default, this method calls ClassExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_class_member(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassMember,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_class_member( &mut self, node: &mut ClassMember, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ClassMember
By default, this method calls ClassMember::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_class_members(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ClassMember>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_class_members( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<ClassMember>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < ClassMember >
By default, this method calls [Vec < ClassMember >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_class_method(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassMethod,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_class_method( &mut self, node: &mut ClassMethod, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ClassMethod
By default, this method calls ClassMethod::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_class_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut ClassProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_class_prop( &mut self, node: &mut ClassProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ClassProp
By default, this method calls ClassProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_computed_prop_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut ComputedPropName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_computed_prop_name( &mut self, node: &mut ComputedPropName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ComputedPropName
By default, this method calls ComputedPropName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_cond_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut CondExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_cond_expr( &mut self, node: &mut CondExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type CondExpr
By default, this method calls CondExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_constructor(
&mut self,
node: &mut Constructor,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_constructor( &mut self, node: &mut Constructor, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Constructor
By default, this method calls Constructor::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_continue_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ContinueStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_continue_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut ContinueStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ContinueStmt
By default, this method calls ContinueStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_debugger_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut DebuggerStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_debugger_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut DebuggerStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type DebuggerStmt
By default, this method calls DebuggerStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_decl(&mut self, node: &mut Decl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_decl(&mut self, node: &mut Decl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Decl
By default, this method calls Decl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_decorator(
&mut self,
node: &mut Decorator,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_decorator( &mut self, node: &mut Decorator, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Decorator
By default, this method calls Decorator::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_decorators(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Decorator>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_decorators( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<Decorator>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < Decorator >
By default, this method calls [Vec < Decorator >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_default_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut DefaultDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_default_decl( &mut self, node: &mut DefaultDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type DefaultDecl
By default, this method calls DefaultDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_do_while_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut DoWhileStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_do_while_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut DoWhileStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type DoWhileStmt
By default, this method calls DoWhileStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_empty_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut EmptyStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_empty_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut EmptyStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type EmptyStmt
By default, this method calls EmptyStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_all(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportAll,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_all( &mut self, node: &mut ExportAll, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExportAll
By default, this method calls ExportAll::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_decl( &mut self, node: &mut ExportDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExportDecl
By default, this method calls ExportDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_default_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportDefaultDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_default_decl( &mut self, node: &mut ExportDefaultDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExportDefaultDecl
By default, this method calls ExportDefaultDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_default_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportDefaultExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_default_expr( &mut self, node: &mut ExportDefaultExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExportDefaultExpr
By default, this method calls ExportDefaultExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_default_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportDefaultSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_default_specifier( &mut self, node: &mut ExportDefaultSpecifier, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExportDefaultSpecifier
By default, this method calls ExportDefaultSpecifier::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_named_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportNamedSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_named_specifier( &mut self, node: &mut ExportNamedSpecifier, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExportNamedSpecifier
By default, this method calls ExportNamedSpecifier::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_namespace_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportNamespaceSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_namespace_specifier( &mut self, node: &mut ExportNamespaceSpecifier, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExportNamespaceSpecifier
By default, this method calls ExportNamespaceSpecifier::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExportSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_specifier( &mut self, node: &mut ExportSpecifier, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExportSpecifier
By default, this method calls ExportSpecifier::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_export_specifiers(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ExportSpecifier>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_export_specifiers( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<ExportSpecifier>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < ExportSpecifier >
By default, this method calls [Vec < ExportSpecifier >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_expr(&mut self, node: &mut Expr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_expr(&mut self, node: &mut Expr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Expr
By default, this method calls Expr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_expr_or_spread(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExprOrSpread,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_expr_or_spread( &mut self, node: &mut ExprOrSpread, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExprOrSpread
By default, this method calls ExprOrSpread::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_expr_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ExprOrSpread>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_expr_or_spreads( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<ExprOrSpread>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < ExprOrSpread >
By default, this method calls [Vec < ExprOrSpread >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_expr_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ExprStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_expr_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut ExprStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ExprStmt
By default, this method calls ExprStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_exprs(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Box<Expr>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_exprs( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<Box<Expr>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < Box < Expr > >
By default, this method calls [Vec < Box < Expr > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_fn_decl(&mut self, node: &mut FnDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_fn_decl(&mut self, node: &mut FnDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type FnDecl
By default, this method calls FnDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_fn_expr(&mut self, node: &mut FnExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_fn_expr(&mut self, node: &mut FnExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type FnExpr
By default, this method calls FnExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_for_head(
&mut self,
node: &mut ForHead,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_for_head( &mut self, node: &mut ForHead, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ForHead
By default, this method calls ForHead::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_for_in_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ForInStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_for_in_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut ForInStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ForInStmt
By default, this method calls ForInStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_for_of_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ForOfStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_for_of_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut ForOfStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ForOfStmt
By default, this method calls ForOfStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_for_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ForStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_for_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut ForStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ForStmt
By default, this method calls ForStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_function(
&mut self,
node: &mut Function,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_function( &mut self, node: &mut Function, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Function
By default, this method calls Function::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_getter_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut GetterProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_getter_prop( &mut self, node: &mut GetterProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type GetterProp
By default, this method calls GetterProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ident(&mut self, node: &mut Ident, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_ident(&mut self, node: &mut Ident, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Ident
By default, this method calls Ident::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ident_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut IdentName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ident_name( &mut self, node: &mut IdentName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type IdentName
By default, this method calls IdentName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_if_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut IfStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_if_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut IfStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type IfStmt
By default, this method calls IfStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import(&mut self, node: &mut Import, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_import(&mut self, node: &mut Import, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Import
By default, this method calls Import::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_decl( &mut self, node: &mut ImportDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ImportDecl
By default, this method calls ImportDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_default_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportDefaultSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_default_specifier( &mut self, node: &mut ImportDefaultSpecifier, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ImportDefaultSpecifier
By default, this method calls ImportDefaultSpecifier::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_named_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportNamedSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_named_specifier( &mut self, node: &mut ImportNamedSpecifier, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ImportNamedSpecifier
By default, this method calls ImportNamedSpecifier::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_phase(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportPhase,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_phase( &mut self, node: &mut ImportPhase, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ImportPhase
By default, this method calls ImportPhase::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_specifier( &mut self, node: &mut ImportSpecifier, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ImportSpecifier
By default, this method calls ImportSpecifier::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_specifiers(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ImportSpecifier>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_specifiers( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<ImportSpecifier>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < ImportSpecifier >
By default, this method calls [Vec < ImportSpecifier >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_star_as_specifier(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportStarAsSpecifier,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_star_as_specifier( &mut self, node: &mut ImportStarAsSpecifier, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ImportStarAsSpecifier
By default, this method calls ImportStarAsSpecifier::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_with(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportWith,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_with( &mut self, node: &mut ImportWith, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ImportWith
By default, this method calls ImportWith::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_with_item(
&mut self,
node: &mut ImportWithItem,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_with_item( &mut self, node: &mut ImportWithItem, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ImportWithItem
By default, this method calls ImportWithItem::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_import_with_items(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ImportWithItem>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_import_with_items( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<ImportWithItem>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < ImportWithItem >
By default, this method calls [Vec < ImportWithItem >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_invalid(
&mut self,
node: &mut Invalid,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_invalid( &mut self, node: &mut Invalid, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Invalid
By default, this method calls Invalid::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_attr(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXAttr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr( &mut self, node: &mut JSXAttr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXAttr
By default, this method calls JSXAttr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_attr_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXAttrName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr_name( &mut self, node: &mut JSXAttrName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXAttrName
By default, this method calls JSXAttrName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_attr_or_spread(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXAttrOrSpread,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr_or_spread( &mut self, node: &mut JSXAttrOrSpread, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXAttrOrSpread
By default, this method calls JSXAttrOrSpread::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_attr_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<JSXAttrOrSpread>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr_or_spreads( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<JSXAttrOrSpread>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < JSXAttrOrSpread >
By default, this method calls [Vec < JSXAttrOrSpread >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_attr_value(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXAttrValue,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_attr_value( &mut self, node: &mut JSXAttrValue, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXAttrValue
By default, this method calls JSXAttrValue::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_closing_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXClosingElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_closing_element( &mut self, node: &mut JSXClosingElement, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXClosingElement
By default, this method calls JSXClosingElement::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_closing_fragment(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXClosingFragment,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_closing_fragment( &mut self, node: &mut JSXClosingFragment, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXClosingFragment
By default, this method calls JSXClosingFragment::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_element( &mut self, node: &mut JSXElement, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXElement
By default, this method calls JSXElement::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_element_child(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXElementChild,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_element_child( &mut self, node: &mut JSXElementChild, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXElementChild
By default, this method calls JSXElementChild::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_element_childs(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<JSXElementChild>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_element_childs( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<JSXElementChild>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < JSXElementChild >
By default, this method calls [Vec < JSXElementChild >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_element_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXElementName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_element_name( &mut self, node: &mut JSXElementName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXElementName
By default, this method calls JSXElementName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_empty_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXEmptyExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_empty_expr( &mut self, node: &mut JSXEmptyExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXEmptyExpr
By default, this method calls JSXEmptyExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_expr( &mut self, node: &mut JSXExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXExpr
By default, this method calls JSXExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_expr_container(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXExprContainer,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_expr_container( &mut self, node: &mut JSXExprContainer, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXExprContainer
By default, this method calls JSXExprContainer::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_fragment(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXFragment,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_fragment( &mut self, node: &mut JSXFragment, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXFragment
By default, this method calls JSXFragment::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_member_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXMemberExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_member_expr( &mut self, node: &mut JSXMemberExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXMemberExpr
By default, this method calls JSXMemberExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_namespaced_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXNamespacedName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_namespaced_name( &mut self, node: &mut JSXNamespacedName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXNamespacedName
By default, this method calls JSXNamespacedName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_object(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXObject,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_object( &mut self, node: &mut JSXObject, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXObject
By default, this method calls JSXObject::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_opening_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXOpeningElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_opening_element( &mut self, node: &mut JSXOpeningElement, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXOpeningElement
By default, this method calls JSXOpeningElement::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_opening_fragment(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXOpeningFragment,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_opening_fragment( &mut self, node: &mut JSXOpeningFragment, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXOpeningFragment
By default, this method calls JSXOpeningFragment::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_spread_child(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXSpreadChild,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_spread_child( &mut self, node: &mut JSXSpreadChild, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXSpreadChild
By default, this method calls JSXSpreadChild::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_jsx_text(
&mut self,
node: &mut JSXText,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_jsx_text( &mut self, node: &mut JSXText, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type JSXText
By default, this method calls JSXText::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_key(&mut self, node: &mut Key, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_key(&mut self, node: &mut Key, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Key
By default, this method calls Key::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_key_value_pat_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut KeyValuePatProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_key_value_pat_prop( &mut self, node: &mut KeyValuePatProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type KeyValuePatProp
By default, this method calls KeyValuePatProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_key_value_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut KeyValueProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_key_value_prop( &mut self, node: &mut KeyValueProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type KeyValueProp
By default, this method calls KeyValueProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_labeled_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut LabeledStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_labeled_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut LabeledStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type LabeledStmt
By default, this method calls LabeledStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_lit(&mut self, node: &mut Lit, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_lit(&mut self, node: &mut Lit, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Lit
By default, this method calls Lit::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_member_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut MemberExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_member_expr( &mut self, node: &mut MemberExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type MemberExpr
By default, this method calls MemberExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_member_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut MemberProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_member_prop( &mut self, node: &mut MemberProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type MemberProp
By default, this method calls MemberProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_meta_prop_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut MetaPropExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_meta_prop_expr( &mut self, node: &mut MetaPropExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type MetaPropExpr
By default, this method calls MetaPropExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_meta_prop_kind(
&mut self,
node: &mut MetaPropKind,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_meta_prop_kind( &mut self, node: &mut MetaPropKind, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type MetaPropKind
By default, this method calls MetaPropKind::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_method_kind(
&mut self,
node: &mut MethodKind,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_method_kind( &mut self, node: &mut MethodKind, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type MethodKind
By default, this method calls MethodKind::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_method_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut MethodProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_method_prop( &mut self, node: &mut MethodProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type MethodProp
By default, this method calls MethodProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_module(&mut self, node: &mut Module, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_module(&mut self, node: &mut Module, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Module
By default, this method calls Module::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_module_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut ModuleDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_module_decl( &mut self, node: &mut ModuleDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ModuleDecl
By default, this method calls ModuleDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_module_export_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut ModuleExportName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_module_export_name( &mut self, node: &mut ModuleExportName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ModuleExportName
By default, this method calls ModuleExportName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_module_item(
&mut self,
node: &mut ModuleItem,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_module_item( &mut self, node: &mut ModuleItem, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ModuleItem
By default, this method calls ModuleItem::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_module_items(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ModuleItem>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_module_items( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<ModuleItem>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < ModuleItem >
By default, this method calls [Vec < ModuleItem >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_named_export(
&mut self,
node: &mut NamedExport,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_named_export( &mut self, node: &mut NamedExport, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type NamedExport
By default, this method calls NamedExport::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_new_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut NewExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_new_expr( &mut self, node: &mut NewExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type NewExpr
By default, this method calls NewExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_null(&mut self, node: &mut Null, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_null(&mut self, node: &mut Null, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Null
By default, this method calls Null::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_number(&mut self, node: &mut Number, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_number(&mut self, node: &mut Number, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Number
By default, this method calls Number::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_object_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut ObjectLit,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_object_lit( &mut self, node: &mut ObjectLit, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ObjectLit
By default, this method calls ObjectLit::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_object_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut ObjectPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_object_pat( &mut self, node: &mut ObjectPat, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ObjectPat
By default, this method calls ObjectPat::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_object_pat_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut ObjectPatProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_object_pat_prop( &mut self, node: &mut ObjectPatProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ObjectPatProp
By default, this method calls ObjectPatProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_object_pat_props(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ObjectPatProp>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_object_pat_props( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<ObjectPatProp>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < ObjectPatProp >
By default, this method calls [Vec < ObjectPatProp >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_accessibility(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Accessibility>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_accessibility( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Accessibility>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Accessibility >
By default, this method calls [Option < Accessibility >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_atom(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Atom>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_atom( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Atom>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < swc_atoms :: Atom >
By default, this method calls [Option < swc_atoms :: Atom >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_block_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<BlockStmt>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_block_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut Option<BlockStmt>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < BlockStmt >
By default, this method calls [Option < BlockStmt >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_call(
&mut self,
node: &mut OptCall,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_call( &mut self, node: &mut OptCall, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type OptCall
By default, this method calls OptCall::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_catch_clause(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<CatchClause>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_catch_clause( &mut self, node: &mut Option<CatchClause>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < CatchClause >
By default, this method calls [Option < CatchClause >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_chain_base(
&mut self,
node: &mut OptChainBase,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_chain_base( &mut self, node: &mut OptChainBase, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type OptChainBase
By default, this method calls OptChainBase::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_chain_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut OptChainExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_chain_expr( &mut self, node: &mut OptChainExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type OptChainExpr
By default, this method calls OptChainExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<Expr>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_expr( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Box<Expr>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Box < Expr > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Box < Expr > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_expr_or_spread(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<ExprOrSpread>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_expr_or_spread( &mut self, node: &mut Option<ExprOrSpread>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < ExprOrSpread >
By default, this method calls [Option < ExprOrSpread >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_expr_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Vec<ExprOrSpread>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_expr_or_spreads( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Vec<ExprOrSpread>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Vec < ExprOrSpread > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Vec < ExprOrSpread > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_ident(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Ident>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_ident( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Ident>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Ident >
By default, this method calls [Option < Ident >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_jsx_attr_value(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<JSXAttrValue>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_jsx_attr_value( &mut self, node: &mut Option<JSXAttrValue>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < JSXAttrValue >
By default, this method calls [Option < JSXAttrValue >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_jsx_closing_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<JSXClosingElement>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_jsx_closing_element( &mut self, node: &mut Option<JSXClosingElement>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < JSXClosingElement >
By default, this method calls [Option < JSXClosingElement >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_module_export_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<ModuleExportName>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_module_export_name( &mut self, node: &mut Option<ModuleExportName>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < ModuleExportName >
By default, this method calls [Option < ModuleExportName >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_object_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<ObjectLit>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_object_lit( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Box<ObjectLit>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Box < ObjectLit > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Box < ObjectLit > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Pat>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_pat( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Pat>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Pat >
By default, this method calls [Option < Pat >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_span(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Span>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_span( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Span>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < swc_common :: Span >
By default, this method calls [Option < swc_common :: Span >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<Stmt>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Box<Stmt>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Box < Stmt > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Box < Stmt > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_str(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<Str>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_str( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Box<Str>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Box < Str > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Box < Str > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_true_plus_minus(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<TruePlusMinus>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_true_plus_minus( &mut self, node: &mut Option<TruePlusMinus>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < TruePlusMinus >
By default, this method calls [Option < TruePlusMinus >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_ts_entity_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<TsEntityName>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_entity_name( &mut self, node: &mut Option<TsEntityName>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < TsEntityName >
By default, this method calls [Option < TsEntityName >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_ts_import_call_options(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<TsImportCallOptions>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_import_call_options( &mut self, node: &mut Option<TsImportCallOptions>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < TsImportCallOptions >
By default, this method calls [Option < TsImportCallOptions >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_ts_namespace_body(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<TsNamespaceBody>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_namespace_body( &mut self, node: &mut Option<TsNamespaceBody>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < TsNamespaceBody >
By default, this method calls [Option < TsNamespaceBody >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_ts_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<TsType>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_type( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Box<TsType>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Box < TsType > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Box < TsType > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_ann(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeAnn>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_ann( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeAnn>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Box < TsTypeAnn > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Box < TsTypeAnn > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_param_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeParamDecl>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_param_decl( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeParamDecl>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Box < TsTypeParamDecl > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Box < TsTypeParamDecl > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_param_instantiation(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeParamInstantiation>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_ts_type_param_instantiation( &mut self, node: &mut Option<Box<TsTypeParamInstantiation>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < Box < TsTypeParamInstantiation > >
By default, this method calls [Option < Box < TsTypeParamInstantiation > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_var_decl_or_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut Option<VarDeclOrExpr>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_var_decl_or_expr( &mut self, node: &mut Option<VarDeclOrExpr>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Option < VarDeclOrExpr >
By default, this method calls [Option < VarDeclOrExpr >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_vec_expr_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Option<ExprOrSpread>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_vec_expr_or_spreads( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<Option<ExprOrSpread>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < Option < ExprOrSpread > >
By default, this method calls [Vec < Option < ExprOrSpread > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_opt_vec_pats(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Option<Pat>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_opt_vec_pats( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<Option<Pat>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < Option < Pat > >
By default, this method calls [Vec < Option < Pat > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_param(&mut self, node: &mut Param, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_param(&mut self, node: &mut Param, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Param
By default, this method calls Param::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_param_or_ts_param_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut ParamOrTsParamProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_param_or_ts_param_prop( &mut self, node: &mut ParamOrTsParamProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ParamOrTsParamProp
By default, this method calls ParamOrTsParamProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_param_or_ts_param_props(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<ParamOrTsParamProp>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_param_or_ts_param_props( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<ParamOrTsParamProp>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < ParamOrTsParamProp >
By default, this method calls [Vec < ParamOrTsParamProp >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_params(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Param>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_params( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<Param>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < Param >
By default, this method calls [Vec < Param >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_paren_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ParenExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_paren_expr( &mut self, node: &mut ParenExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ParenExpr
By default, this method calls ParenExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_pat(&mut self, node: &mut Pat, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_pat(&mut self, node: &mut Pat, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Pat
By default, this method calls Pat::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_pats(&mut self, node: &mut Vec<Pat>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_pats(&mut self, node: &mut Vec<Pat>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Vec < Pat >
By default, this method calls [Vec < Pat >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_private_method(
&mut self,
node: &mut PrivateMethod,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_private_method( &mut self, node: &mut PrivateMethod, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type PrivateMethod
By default, this method calls PrivateMethod::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_private_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut PrivateName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_private_name( &mut self, node: &mut PrivateName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type PrivateName
By default, this method calls PrivateName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_private_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut PrivateProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_private_prop( &mut self, node: &mut PrivateProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type PrivateProp
By default, this method calls PrivateProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_program(
&mut self,
node: &mut Program,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_program( &mut self, node: &mut Program, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Program
By default, this method calls Program::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_prop(&mut self, node: &mut Prop, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_prop(&mut self, node: &mut Prop, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Prop
By default, this method calls Prop::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_prop_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut PropName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_prop_name( &mut self, node: &mut PropName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type PropName
By default, this method calls PropName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_prop_or_spread(
&mut self,
node: &mut PropOrSpread,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_prop_or_spread( &mut self, node: &mut PropOrSpread, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type PropOrSpread
By default, this method calls PropOrSpread::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_prop_or_spreads(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<PropOrSpread>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_prop_or_spreads( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<PropOrSpread>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < PropOrSpread >
By default, this method calls [Vec < PropOrSpread >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_regex(&mut self, node: &mut Regex, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_regex(&mut self, node: &mut Regex, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Regex
By default, this method calls Regex::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_rest_pat(
&mut self,
node: &mut RestPat,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_rest_pat( &mut self, node: &mut RestPat, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type RestPat
By default, this method calls RestPat::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_return_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ReturnStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_return_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut ReturnStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ReturnStmt
By default, this method calls ReturnStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_script(&mut self, node: &mut Script, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_script(&mut self, node: &mut Script, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Script
By default, this method calls Script::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_seq_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut SeqExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_seq_expr( &mut self, node: &mut SeqExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type SeqExpr
By default, this method calls SeqExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_setter_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut SetterProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_setter_prop( &mut self, node: &mut SetterProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type SetterProp
By default, this method calls SetterProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_simple_assign_target(
&mut self,
node: &mut SimpleAssignTarget,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_simple_assign_target( &mut self, node: &mut SimpleAssignTarget, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type SimpleAssignTarget
By default, this method calls SimpleAssignTarget::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_span(&mut self, node: &mut Span, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_span(&mut self, node: &mut Span, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type swc_common :: Span
By default, this method calls [swc_common :: Span::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_spread_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut SpreadElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_spread_element( &mut self, node: &mut SpreadElement, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type SpreadElement
By default, this method calls SpreadElement::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_static_block(
&mut self,
node: &mut StaticBlock,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_static_block( &mut self, node: &mut StaticBlock, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type StaticBlock
By default, this method calls StaticBlock::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut Stmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut Stmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Stmt
By default, this method calls Stmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_stmts(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Stmt>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_stmts( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<Stmt>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < Stmt >
By default, this method calls [Vec < Stmt >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_str(&mut self, node: &mut Str, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_str(&mut self, node: &mut Str, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Str
By default, this method calls Str::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_super(&mut self, node: &mut Super, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_super(&mut self, node: &mut Super, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Super
By default, this method calls Super::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_super_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut SuperProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_super_prop( &mut self, node: &mut SuperProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type SuperProp
By default, this method calls SuperProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_super_prop_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut SuperPropExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_super_prop_expr( &mut self, node: &mut SuperPropExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type SuperPropExpr
By default, this method calls SuperPropExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_switch_case(
&mut self,
node: &mut SwitchCase,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_switch_case( &mut self, node: &mut SwitchCase, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type SwitchCase
By default, this method calls SwitchCase::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_switch_cases(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<SwitchCase>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_switch_cases( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<SwitchCase>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < SwitchCase >
By default, this method calls [Vec < SwitchCase >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_switch_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut SwitchStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_switch_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut SwitchStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type SwitchStmt
By default, this method calls SwitchStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_syntax_context(
&mut self,
node: &mut SyntaxContext,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_syntax_context( &mut self, node: &mut SyntaxContext, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type swc_common :: SyntaxContext
By default, this method calls [swc_common :: SyntaxContext::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_tagged_tpl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TaggedTpl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_tagged_tpl( &mut self, node: &mut TaggedTpl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TaggedTpl
By default, this method calls TaggedTpl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_this_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut ThisExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_this_expr( &mut self, node: &mut ThisExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ThisExpr
By default, this method calls ThisExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_throw_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut ThrowStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_throw_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut ThrowStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type ThrowStmt
By default, this method calls ThrowStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_tpl(&mut self, node: &mut Tpl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_tpl(&mut self, node: &mut Tpl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type Tpl
By default, this method calls Tpl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_tpl_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut TplElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_tpl_element( &mut self, node: &mut TplElement, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TplElement
By default, this method calls TplElement::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_tpl_elements(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TplElement>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_tpl_elements( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<TplElement>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < TplElement >
By default, this method calls [Vec < TplElement >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_true_plus_minus(
&mut self,
node: &mut TruePlusMinus,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_true_plus_minus( &mut self, node: &mut TruePlusMinus, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TruePlusMinus
By default, this method calls TruePlusMinus::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_try_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut TryStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_try_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut TryStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TryStmt
By default, this method calls TryStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_array_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsArrayType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_array_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsArrayType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsArrayType
By default, this method calls TsArrayType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_as_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsAsExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_as_expr( &mut self, node: &mut TsAsExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsAsExpr
By default, this method calls TsAsExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_call_signature_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsCallSignatureDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_call_signature_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsCallSignatureDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsCallSignatureDecl
By default, this method calls TsCallSignatureDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_conditional_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsConditionalType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_conditional_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsConditionalType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsConditionalType
By default, this method calls TsConditionalType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_const_assertion(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsConstAssertion,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_const_assertion( &mut self, node: &mut TsConstAssertion, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsConstAssertion
By default, this method calls TsConstAssertion::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_construct_signature_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsConstructSignatureDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_construct_signature_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsConstructSignatureDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsConstructSignatureDecl
By default, this method calls TsConstructSignatureDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_constructor_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsConstructorType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_constructor_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsConstructorType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsConstructorType
By default, this method calls TsConstructorType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_entity_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsEntityName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_entity_name( &mut self, node: &mut TsEntityName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsEntityName
By default, this method calls TsEntityName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_enum_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsEnumDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_enum_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsEnumDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsEnumDecl
By default, this method calls TsEnumDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_enum_member(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsEnumMember,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_enum_member( &mut self, node: &mut TsEnumMember, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsEnumMember
By default, this method calls TsEnumMember::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_enum_member_id(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsEnumMemberId,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_enum_member_id( &mut self, node: &mut TsEnumMemberId, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsEnumMemberId
By default, this method calls TsEnumMemberId::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_enum_members(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsEnumMember>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_enum_members( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<TsEnumMember>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < TsEnumMember >
By default, this method calls [Vec < TsEnumMember >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_export_assignment(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsExportAssignment,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_export_assignment( &mut self, node: &mut TsExportAssignment, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsExportAssignment
By default, this method calls TsExportAssignment::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_expr_with_type_args(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsExprWithTypeArgs,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_expr_with_type_args( &mut self, node: &mut TsExprWithTypeArgs, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsExprWithTypeArgs
By default, this method calls TsExprWithTypeArgs::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_expr_with_type_argss(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsExprWithTypeArgs>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_expr_with_type_argss( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<TsExprWithTypeArgs>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < TsExprWithTypeArgs >
By default, this method calls [Vec < TsExprWithTypeArgs >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_external_module_ref(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsExternalModuleRef,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_external_module_ref( &mut self, node: &mut TsExternalModuleRef, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsExternalModuleRef
By default, this method calls TsExternalModuleRef::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_fn_or_constructor_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsFnOrConstructorType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_fn_or_constructor_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsFnOrConstructorType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsFnOrConstructorType
By default, this method calls TsFnOrConstructorType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_fn_param(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsFnParam,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_fn_param( &mut self, node: &mut TsFnParam, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsFnParam
By default, this method calls TsFnParam::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_fn_params(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsFnParam>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_fn_params( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<TsFnParam>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < TsFnParam >
By default, this method calls [Vec < TsFnParam >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_fn_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsFnType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_fn_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsFnType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsFnType
By default, this method calls TsFnType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_getter_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsGetterSignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_getter_signature( &mut self, node: &mut TsGetterSignature, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsGetterSignature
By default, this method calls TsGetterSignature::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_import_call_options(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsImportCallOptions,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_import_call_options( &mut self, node: &mut TsImportCallOptions, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsImportCallOptions
By default, this method calls TsImportCallOptions::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_import_equals_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsImportEqualsDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_import_equals_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsImportEqualsDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsImportEqualsDecl
By default, this method calls TsImportEqualsDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_import_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsImportType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_import_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsImportType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsImportType
By default, this method calls TsImportType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_index_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsIndexSignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_index_signature( &mut self, node: &mut TsIndexSignature, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsIndexSignature
By default, this method calls TsIndexSignature::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_indexed_access_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsIndexedAccessType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_indexed_access_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsIndexedAccessType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsIndexedAccessType
By default, this method calls TsIndexedAccessType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_infer_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsInferType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_infer_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsInferType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsInferType
By default, this method calls TsInferType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_instantiation(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsInstantiation,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_instantiation( &mut self, node: &mut TsInstantiation, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsInstantiation
By default, this method calls TsInstantiation::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_interface_body(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsInterfaceBody,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_interface_body( &mut self, node: &mut TsInterfaceBody, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsInterfaceBody
By default, this method calls TsInterfaceBody::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_interface_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsInterfaceDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_interface_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsInterfaceDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsInterfaceDecl
By default, this method calls TsInterfaceDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_intersection_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsIntersectionType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_intersection_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsIntersectionType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsIntersectionType
By default, this method calls TsIntersectionType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_keyword_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsKeywordType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_keyword_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsKeywordType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsKeywordType
By default, this method calls TsKeywordType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_keyword_type_kind(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsKeywordTypeKind,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_keyword_type_kind( &mut self, node: &mut TsKeywordTypeKind, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsKeywordTypeKind
By default, this method calls TsKeywordTypeKind::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_lit(&mut self, node: &mut TsLit, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_ts_lit(&mut self, node: &mut TsLit, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type TsLit
By default, this method calls TsLit::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_lit_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsLitType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_lit_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsLitType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsLitType
By default, this method calls TsLitType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_mapped_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsMappedType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_mapped_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsMappedType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsMappedType
By default, this method calls TsMappedType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_method_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsMethodSignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_method_signature( &mut self, node: &mut TsMethodSignature, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsMethodSignature
By default, this method calls TsMethodSignature::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_module_block(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsModuleBlock,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_module_block( &mut self, node: &mut TsModuleBlock, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsModuleBlock
By default, this method calls TsModuleBlock::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_module_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsModuleDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_module_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsModuleDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsModuleDecl
By default, this method calls TsModuleDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_module_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsModuleName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_module_name( &mut self, node: &mut TsModuleName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsModuleName
By default, this method calls TsModuleName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_module_ref(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsModuleRef,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_module_ref( &mut self, node: &mut TsModuleRef, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsModuleRef
By default, this method calls TsModuleRef::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_namespace_body(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsNamespaceBody,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_namespace_body( &mut self, node: &mut TsNamespaceBody, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsNamespaceBody
By default, this method calls TsNamespaceBody::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_namespace_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsNamespaceDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_namespace_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsNamespaceDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsNamespaceDecl
By default, this method calls TsNamespaceDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_namespace_export_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsNamespaceExportDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_namespace_export_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsNamespaceExportDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsNamespaceExportDecl
By default, this method calls TsNamespaceExportDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_non_null_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsNonNullExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_non_null_expr( &mut self, node: &mut TsNonNullExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsNonNullExpr
By default, this method calls TsNonNullExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_optional_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsOptionalType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_optional_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsOptionalType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsOptionalType
By default, this method calls TsOptionalType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_param_prop(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsParamProp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_param_prop( &mut self, node: &mut TsParamProp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsParamProp
By default, this method calls TsParamProp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_param_prop_param(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsParamPropParam,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_param_prop_param( &mut self, node: &mut TsParamPropParam, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsParamPropParam
By default, this method calls TsParamPropParam::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_parenthesized_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsParenthesizedType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_parenthesized_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsParenthesizedType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsParenthesizedType
By default, this method calls TsParenthesizedType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_property_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsPropertySignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_property_signature( &mut self, node: &mut TsPropertySignature, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsPropertySignature
By default, this method calls TsPropertySignature::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_qualified_name(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsQualifiedName,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_qualified_name( &mut self, node: &mut TsQualifiedName, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsQualifiedName
By default, this method calls TsQualifiedName::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_rest_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsRestType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_rest_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsRestType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsRestType
By default, this method calls TsRestType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_satisfies_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsSatisfiesExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_satisfies_expr( &mut self, node: &mut TsSatisfiesExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsSatisfiesExpr
By default, this method calls TsSatisfiesExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_setter_signature(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsSetterSignature,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_setter_signature( &mut self, node: &mut TsSetterSignature, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsSetterSignature
By default, this method calls TsSetterSignature::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_this_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsThisType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_this_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsThisType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsThisType
By default, this method calls TsThisType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_this_type_or_ident(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsThisTypeOrIdent,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_this_type_or_ident( &mut self, node: &mut TsThisTypeOrIdent, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsThisTypeOrIdent
By default, this method calls TsThisTypeOrIdent::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_tpl_lit_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTplLitType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_tpl_lit_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsTplLitType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTplLitType
By default, this method calls TsTplLitType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_tuple_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTupleElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_tuple_element( &mut self, node: &mut TsTupleElement, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTupleElement
By default, this method calls TsTupleElement::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_tuple_elements(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsTupleElement>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_tuple_elements( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<TsTupleElement>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < TsTupleElement >
By default, this method calls [Vec < TsTupleElement >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_tuple_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTupleType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_tuple_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsTupleType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTupleType
By default, this method calls TsTupleType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type(&mut self, node: &mut TsType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
fn visit_mut_ts_type(&mut self, node: &mut TsType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath)
Visit a node of type TsType
By default, this method calls TsType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_alias_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeAliasDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_alias_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeAliasDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeAliasDecl
By default, this method calls TsTypeAliasDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_ann(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeAnn,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_ann( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeAnn, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeAnn
By default, this method calls TsTypeAnn::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_assertion(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeAssertion,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_assertion( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeAssertion, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeAssertion
By default, this method calls TsTypeAssertion::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_element(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeElement,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_element( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeElement, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeElement
By default, this method calls TsTypeElement::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_elements(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsTypeElement>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_elements( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<TsTypeElement>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < TsTypeElement >
By default, this method calls [Vec < TsTypeElement >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_lit(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeLit,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_lit( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeLit, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeLit
By default, this method calls TsTypeLit::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_operator(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeOperator,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_operator( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeOperator, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeOperator
By default, this method calls TsTypeOperator::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_operator_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeOperatorOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_operator_op( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeOperatorOp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeOperatorOp
By default, this method calls TsTypeOperatorOp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_param(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeParam,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_param( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeParam, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeParam
By default, this method calls TsTypeParam::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_param_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeParamDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_param_decl( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeParamDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeParamDecl
By default, this method calls TsTypeParamDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_param_instantiation(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeParamInstantiation,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_param_instantiation( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeParamInstantiation, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeParamInstantiation
By default, this method calls TsTypeParamInstantiation::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_params(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<TsTypeParam>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_params( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<TsTypeParam>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < TsTypeParam >
By default, this method calls [Vec < TsTypeParam >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_predicate(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypePredicate,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_predicate( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypePredicate, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypePredicate
By default, this method calls TsTypePredicate::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_query(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeQuery,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_query( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeQuery, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeQuery
By default, this method calls TsTypeQuery::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_query_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeQueryExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_query_expr( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeQueryExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeQueryExpr
By default, this method calls TsTypeQueryExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_type_ref(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsTypeRef,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_type_ref( &mut self, node: &mut TsTypeRef, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsTypeRef
By default, this method calls TsTypeRef::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_types(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<Box<TsType>>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_types( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<Box<TsType>>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < Box < TsType > >
By default, this method calls [Vec < Box < TsType > >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_union_or_intersection_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsUnionOrIntersectionType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_union_or_intersection_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsUnionOrIntersectionType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsUnionOrIntersectionType
By default, this method calls TsUnionOrIntersectionType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_ts_union_type(
&mut self,
node: &mut TsUnionType,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_ts_union_type( &mut self, node: &mut TsUnionType, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type TsUnionType
By default, this method calls TsUnionType::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_unary_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut UnaryExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_unary_expr( &mut self, node: &mut UnaryExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type UnaryExpr
By default, this method calls UnaryExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_unary_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut UnaryOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_unary_op( &mut self, node: &mut UnaryOp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type UnaryOp
By default, this method calls UnaryOp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_update_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut UpdateExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_update_expr( &mut self, node: &mut UpdateExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type UpdateExpr
By default, this method calls UpdateExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_update_op(
&mut self,
node: &mut UpdateOp,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_update_op( &mut self, node: &mut UpdateOp, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type UpdateOp
By default, this method calls UpdateOp::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_using_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut UsingDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_using_decl( &mut self, node: &mut UsingDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type UsingDecl
By default, this method calls UsingDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_var_decl(
&mut self,
node: &mut VarDecl,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_var_decl( &mut self, node: &mut VarDecl, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type VarDecl
By default, this method calls VarDecl::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_var_decl_kind(
&mut self,
node: &mut VarDeclKind,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_var_decl_kind( &mut self, node: &mut VarDeclKind, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type VarDeclKind
By default, this method calls VarDeclKind::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_var_decl_or_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut VarDeclOrExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_var_decl_or_expr( &mut self, node: &mut VarDeclOrExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type VarDeclOrExpr
By default, this method calls VarDeclOrExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_var_declarator(
&mut self,
node: &mut VarDeclarator,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_var_declarator( &mut self, node: &mut VarDeclarator, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type VarDeclarator
By default, this method calls VarDeclarator::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_var_declarators(
&mut self,
node: &mut Vec<VarDeclarator>,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_var_declarators( &mut self, node: &mut Vec<VarDeclarator>, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type Vec < VarDeclarator >
By default, this method calls [Vec < VarDeclarator >::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
]. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_while_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut WhileStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_while_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut WhileStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type WhileStmt
By default, this method calls WhileStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_with_stmt(
&mut self,
node: &mut WithStmt,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_with_stmt( &mut self, node: &mut WithStmt, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type WithStmt
By default, this method calls WithStmt::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.
Sourcefn visit_mut_yield_expr(
&mut self,
node: &mut YieldExpr,
__ast_path: &mut AstKindPath,
fn visit_mut_yield_expr( &mut self, node: &mut YieldExpr, __ast_path: &mut AstKindPath, )
Visit a node of type YieldExpr
By default, this method calls YieldExpr::visit_mut_children_with_ast_path
. If you want to recurse, you need to call it manually.