pub trait Dispatch<T: UserEvent>: Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Sized + 'static {
    type Runtime: Runtime<T>;
    type WindowBuilder: WindowBuilder;

Show 54 methods fn run_on_main_thread<F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> Result<()>; fn on_window_event<F: Fn(&WindowEvent) + Send + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> Uuid; fn on_menu_event<F: Fn(&MenuEvent) + Send + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> Uuid; fn open_devtools(&self); fn close_devtools(&self); fn is_devtools_open(&self) -> Result<bool>; fn scale_factor(&self) -> Result<f64>; fn inner_position(&self) -> Result<PhysicalPosition<i32>>; fn outer_position(&self) -> Result<PhysicalPosition<i32>>; fn inner_size(&self) -> Result<PhysicalSize<u32>>; fn outer_size(&self) -> Result<PhysicalSize<u32>>; fn is_fullscreen(&self) -> Result<bool>; fn is_maximized(&self) -> Result<bool>; fn is_decorated(&self) -> Result<bool>; fn is_resizable(&self) -> Result<bool>; fn is_visible(&self) -> Result<bool>; fn is_menu_visible(&self) -> Result<bool>; fn current_monitor(&self) -> Result<Option<Monitor>>; fn primary_monitor(&self) -> Result<Option<Monitor>>; fn available_monitors(&self) -> Result<Vec<Monitor>>; fn theme(&self) -> Result<Theme>; fn gtk_window(&self) -> Result<ApplicationWindow>; fn center(&self) -> Result<()>; fn print(&self) -> Result<()>; fn request_user_attention(
        request_type: Option<UserAttentionType>
    ) -> Result<()>; fn create_window(
        &mut self,
        pending: PendingWindow<T, Self::Runtime>
    ) -> Result<DetachedWindow<T, Self::Runtime>>; fn set_resizable(&self, resizable: bool) -> Result<()>; fn set_title<S: Into<String>>(&self, title: S) -> Result<()>; fn maximize(&self) -> Result<()>; fn unmaximize(&self) -> Result<()>; fn minimize(&self) -> Result<()>; fn unminimize(&self) -> Result<()>; fn show_menu(&self) -> Result<()>; fn hide_menu(&self) -> Result<()>; fn show(&self) -> Result<()>; fn hide(&self) -> Result<()>; fn close(&self) -> Result<()>; fn set_decorations(&self, decorations: bool) -> Result<()>; fn set_always_on_top(&self, always_on_top: bool) -> Result<()>; fn set_size(&self, size: Size) -> Result<()>; fn set_min_size(&self, size: Option<Size>) -> Result<()>; fn set_max_size(&self, size: Option<Size>) -> Result<()>; fn set_position(&self, position: Position) -> Result<()>; fn set_fullscreen(&self, fullscreen: bool) -> Result<()>; fn set_focus(&self) -> Result<()>; fn set_icon(&self, icon: WindowIcon) -> Result<()>; fn set_skip_taskbar(&self, skip: bool) -> Result<()>; fn set_cursor_grab(&self, grab: bool) -> Result<()>; fn set_cursor_visible(&self, visible: bool) -> Result<()>; fn set_cursor_icon(&self, icon: CursorIcon) -> Result<()>; fn set_cursor_position<Pos: Into<Position>>(
        position: Pos
    ) -> Result<()>; fn start_dragging(&self) -> Result<()>; fn eval_script<S: Into<String>>(&self, script: S) -> Result<()>; fn update_menu_item(&self, id: u16, update: MenuUpdate) -> Result<()>;
Expand description

Webview dispatcher. A thread-safe handle to the webview API.

Required Associated Types

The runtime this Dispatch runs under.

The winoow builder type.

Required Methods

Run a task on the main thread.

Registers a window event handler.

Registers a window event handler.

Open the web inspector which is usually called devtools.

Close the web inspector which is usually called devtools.

Gets the devtools window’s current open state.

Returns the scale factor that can be used to map logical pixels to physical pixels, and vice versa.

Returns the position of the top-left hand corner of the window’s client area relative to the top-left hand corner of the desktop.

Returns the position of the top-left hand corner of the window relative to the top-left hand corner of the desktop.

Returns the physical size of the window’s client area.

The client area is the content of the window, excluding the title bar and borders.

Returns the physical size of the entire window.

These dimensions include the title bar and borders. If you don’t want that (and you usually don’t), use inner_size instead.

Gets the window’s current fullscreen state.

Gets the window’s current maximized state.

Gets the window’s current decoration state.

Gets the window’s current resizable state.

Gets the window’s current vibility state.

Gets the window menu current visibility state.

Returns the monitor on which the window currently resides.

Returns None if current monitor can’t be detected.

Returns the primary monitor of the system.

Returns None if it can’t identify any monitor as a primary one.

Returns the list of all the monitors available on the system.

Returns the current window theme.

Returns the ApplicatonWindow from gtk crate that is used by this window.

Centers the window.

Opens the dialog to prints the contents of the webview.

Requests user attention to the window.

Providing None will unset the request for user attention.

Create a new webview window.

Updates the window resizable flag.

Updates the window title.

Maximizes the window.

Unmaximizes the window.

Minimizes the window.

Unminimizes the window.

Shows the window menu.

Hides the window menu.

Shows the window.

Hides the window.

Closes the window.

Updates the hasDecorations flag.

Updates the window alwaysOnTop flag.

Resizes the window.

Updates the window min size.

Updates the window max size.

Updates the window position.

Updates the window fullscreen state.

Bring the window to front and focus.

Updates the window icon.

Whether to show the window icon in the task bar or not.

Grabs the cursor, preventing it from leaving the window.

There’s no guarantee that the cursor will be hidden. You should hide it by yourself if you want so.

Modifies the cursor’s visibility.

If false, this will hide the cursor. If true, this will show the cursor.

Changes the position of the cursor in window coordinates.

Starts dragging the window.

Executes javascript on the window this Dispatch represents.

Applies the specified update to the menu item associated with the given id.
