Crate term_table

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The purpose of term-table is to make it easy for CLI apps to display data in a table format


Here is an example of how to create a simple table

 use term_table::table_cell::TableCell;
 use term_table::row::Row;
 use term_table::{Table, TableStyle, rows, row};
 let mut table = Table::builder()
             TableCell::builder("This is some centered text")
             "This is left aligned text",        
             TableCell::builder("This is right aligned text")
            "This is left aligned text",
           TableCell::builder("This is right aligned text")
           TableCell::builder("This is some really really really really really really really really really that is going to wrap to the next line")

 println!("{}", table.render());

§This is the result

 ║                            This is some centered text                           ║
 ║ This is left aligned text              ║             This is right aligned text ║
 ║ This is left aligned text              ║             This is right aligned text ║
 ║ This is some really really really really really really really really really tha ║
 ║ t is going to wrap to the next line                                             ║




  • A set of rows containing data
  • Used to create non-mutable tables
  • A set of characters which make up a table style
