Module span

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Spans represent periods of time in the execution of a program.

§Entering a Span

A thread of execution is said to enter a span when it begins executing, and exit the span when it switches to another context. Spans may be entered through the enter method, which enters the target span, performs a given function (either a closure or a function pointer), exits the span, and then returns the result.

Calling enter on a span handle enters the span that handle corresponds to, if the span exists:

let my_var: u64 = 5;
let my_span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span", my_var = &my_var);

my_span.enter(|| {
    // perform some work in the context of `my_span`...

// Perform some work outside of the context of `my_span`...

my_span.enter(|| {
    // Perform some more work in the context of `my_span`.

§The Span Lifecycle

Execution may enter and exit a span multiple times before that span is closed. Consider, for example, a future which has an associated span and enters that span every time it is polled:

struct MyFuture {
   // data
   span: tokio_trace::Span,

impl Future for MyFuture {
    type Item = ();
    type Error = ();

    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
        self.span.enter(|| {
            // Do actual future work

If this future was spawned on an executor, it might yield one or more times before poll returns Ok(Async::Ready). If the future were to yield, then the executor would move on to poll the next future, which may also enter an associated span or series of spans. Therefore, it is valid for a span to be entered repeatedly before it completes. Only the time when that span or one of its children was the current span is considered to be time spent in that span. A span which is not executing and has not yet been closed is said to be idle.

Because spans may be entered and exited multiple times before they close, Subscribers have separate trait methods which are called to notify them of span exits and when span handles are dropped. When execution exits a span, exit will always be called with that span’s ID to notify the subscriber that the span has been exited. When span handles are dropped, the drop_span method is called with that span’s ID. The subscriber may use this to determine whether or not the span will be entered again.

If there is only a single handle with the capacity to exit a span, dropping that handle “close” the span, since the capacity to enter it no longer exists. For example:

    span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span").enter(|| {
        // perform some work in the context of `my_span`...
    }); // --> Subscriber::exit(my_span)

    // The handle to `my_span` only lives inside of this block; when it is
    // dropped, the subscriber will be informed via `drop_span`.

} // --> Subscriber::drop_span(my_span)

However, if multiple handles exist, the span can still be re-entered even if one or more is dropped. For determining when all handles to a span have been dropped, Subscribers have a clone_span method, which is called every time a span handle is cloned. Combined with drop_span, this may be used to track the number of handles to a given span — if drop_span has been called one more time than the number of calls to clone_span for a given ID, then no more handles to the span with that ID exist. The subscriber may then treat it as closed.

§Accessing a Span’s Attributes

The Attributes type represents a non-entering reference to a Span’s data — a set of key-value pairs (known as fields), a creation timestamp, a reference to the span’s parent in the trace tree, and metadata describing the source code location where the span was created. This data is provided to the Subscriber when the span is created; it may then choose to cache the data for future use, record it in some manner, or discard it completely.


Attributes provided to a Subscriber describing a new span when it is created.
Identifies a span within the context of a subscriber.
A set of fields recorded by a span.
A handle representing a span, with the capability to enter the span if it exists.


Trait implemented by types which have a span Id.