Trait Policy

pub trait Policy<Req, Res, E>: Sized {
    type Future: Future<Output = Self>;

    // Required methods
    fn retry(&self, req: &Req, result: Result<&Res, &E>) -> Option<Self::Future>;
    fn clone_request(&self, req: &Req) -> Option<Req>;
Expand description

A “retry policy” to classify if a request should be retried.


use tower_retry::Policy;
use futures_util::future;

type Req = String;
type Res = String;

struct Attempts(usize);

impl<E> Policy<Req, Res, E> for Attempts {
    type Future = future::Ready<Self>;

    fn retry(&self, req: &Req, result: Result<&Res, &E>) -> Option<Self::Future> {
        match result {
            Ok(_) => {
                // Treat all `Response`s as success,
                // so don't retry...
            Err(_) => {
                // Treat all errors as failures...
                // But we limit the number of attempts...
                if self.0 > 0 {
                    // Try again!
                    Some(future::ready(Attempts(self.0 - 1)))
                } else {
                    // Used all our attempts, no retry...

    fn clone_request(&self, req: &Req) -> Option<Req> {

Required Associated Types§


type Future: Future<Output = Self>

The Future type returned by Policy::retry().

Required Methods§


fn retry(&self, req: &Req, result: Result<&Res, &E>) -> Option<Self::Future>

Check the policy if a certain request should be retried.

This method is passed a reference to the original request, and either the Service::Response or Service::Error from the inner service.

If the request should not be retried, return None.

If the request should be retried, return Some future of a new policy that would apply for the next request attempt.


fn clone_request(&self, req: &Req) -> Option<Req>

Tries to clone a request before being passed to the inner service.

If the request cannot be cloned, return None.

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
