Struct trust_dns_proto::xfer::dns_request::DnsRequest[][src]

pub struct DnsRequest { /* fields omitted */ }

A DNS request object

This wraps a DNS Message for requests. It also has request options associated for controlling certain features of the DNS protocol handlers.


impl DnsRequest[src]

pub fn new(message: Message, options: DnsRequestOptions) -> Self[src]

Returns a new DnsRequest object

pub fn options(&self) -> &DnsRequestOptions[src]

Get the set of request options associated with this request

pub fn unwrap(self) -> (Message, DnsRequestOptions)[src]

Unwraps the raw message

Methods from Deref<Target = Message>

pub fn truncate(&self) -> Self[src]

Truncates a Message, this blindly removes all response fields and sets truncated to true

pub fn set_id(&mut self, id: u16) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_id

pub fn set_message_type(&mut self, message_type: MessageType) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_message_type

pub fn set_op_code(&mut self, op_code: OpCode) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_op_code

pub fn set_authoritative(&mut self, authoritative: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_authoritative

pub fn set_truncated(&mut self, truncated: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_truncated

pub fn set_recursion_desired(&mut self, recursion_desired: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_recursion_desired

pub fn set_recursion_available(
    &mut self,
    recursion_available: bool
) -> &mut Self

see Header::set_recursion_available

pub fn set_authentic_data(&mut self, authentic_data: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_authentic_data

pub fn set_checking_disabled(&mut self, checking_disabled: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_checking_disabled

pub fn set_response_code(&mut self, response_code: ResponseCode) -> &mut Self[src]

see Header::set_response_code

pub fn add_query(&mut self, query: Query) -> &mut Self[src]

Add a query to the Message, either the query response from the server, or the request Query.

pub fn add_queries<Q, I>(&mut self, queries: Q) -> &mut Self where
    Q: IntoIterator<Item = Query, IntoIter = I>,
    I: Iterator<Item = Query>, 

Adds an iterator over a set of Queries to be added to the message

pub fn add_answer(&mut self, record: Record) -> &mut Self[src]

Add an answer to the Message

pub fn add_answers<R, I>(&mut self, records: R) -> &mut Self where
    R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
    I: Iterator<Item = Record>, 

Add all the records from the iterator to the answers section of the Message

pub fn insert_answers(&mut self, records: Vec<Record>)[src]

Sets the answers to the specified set of Records.


Will panic if answer records are already associated to the message.

pub fn add_name_server(&mut self, record: Record) -> &mut Self[src]

Add a name server record to the Message

pub fn add_name_servers<R, I>(&mut self, records: R) -> &mut Self where
    R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
    I: Iterator<Item = Record>, 

Add all the records in the Iterator to the name server section of the message

pub fn insert_name_servers(&mut self, records: Vec<Record>)[src]

Sets the name_servers to the specified set of Records.


Will panic if name_servers records are already associated to the message.

pub fn add_additional(&mut self, record: Record) -> &mut Self[src]

Add an additional Record to the message

pub fn insert_additionals(&mut self, records: Vec<Record>)[src]

Sets the additional to the specified set of Records.


Will panic if additional records are already associated to the message.

pub fn set_edns(&mut self, edns: Edns) -> &mut Self[src]

Add the EDNS section to the Message

pub fn header(&self) -> &Header[src]

Gets the header of the Message

pub fn id(&self) -> u16[src]

see Header::id()

pub fn message_type(&self) -> MessageType[src]

see Header::message_type()

pub fn op_code(&self) -> OpCode[src]

see Header::op_code()

pub fn authoritative(&self) -> bool[src]

see Header::authoritative()

pub fn truncated(&self) -> bool[src]

see Header::truncated()

pub fn recursion_desired(&self) -> bool[src]

see Header::recursion_desired()

pub fn recursion_available(&self) -> bool[src]

see Header::recursion_available()

pub fn authentic_data(&self) -> bool[src]

see Header::authentic_data()

pub fn checking_disabled(&self) -> bool[src]

see Header::checking_disabled()

pub fn response_code(&self) -> ResponseCode[src]

Return value

The ResponseCode, if this is an EDNS message then this will join the section from the OPT record to create the EDNS ResponseCode

pub fn queries(&self) -> &[Query][src]

Question        Carries the query name and other query parameters.

pub fn answers(&self) -> &[Record][src]

Answer          Carries RRs which directly answer the query.

pub fn take_answers(&mut self) -> Vec<Record>[src]

Removes all the answers from the Message

pub fn name_servers(&self) -> &[Record][src]

Authority       Carries RRs which describe other authoritative servers.
                May optionally carry the SOA RR for the authoritative
                data in the answer section.

pub fn take_name_servers(&mut self) -> Vec<Record>[src]

Remove the name servers from the Message

pub fn additionals(&self) -> &[Record][src]

Additional      Carries RRs which may be helpful in using the RRs in the
                other sections.

pub fn take_additionals(&mut self) -> Vec<Record>[src]

Remove the additional Records from the Message

pub fn edns(&self) -> Option<&Edns>[src]

RFC 6891, EDNS(0) Extensions, April 2013

6.1.1.  Basic Elements

 An OPT pseudo-RR (sometimes called a meta-RR) MAY be added to the
 additional data section of a request.

 The OPT RR has RR type 41.

 If an OPT record is present in a received request, compliant
 responders MUST include an OPT record in their respective responses.

 An OPT record does not carry any DNS data.  It is used only to
 contain control information pertaining to the question-and-answer
 sequence of a specific transaction.  OPT RRs MUST NOT be cached,
 forwarded, or stored in or loaded from master files.

 The OPT RR MAY be placed anywhere within the additional data section.
 When an OPT RR is included within any DNS message, it MUST be the
 only OPT RR in that message.  If a query message with more than one
 OPT RR is received, a FORMERR (RCODE=1) MUST be returned.  The
 placement flexibility for the OPT RR does not override the need for
 the TSIG or SIG(0) RRs to be the last in the additional section
 whenever they are present.

Return value

Returns the EDNS record if it was found in the additional section.

pub fn edns_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Edns[src]

If edns is_none, this will create a new default Edns.

pub fn max_payload(&self) -> u16[src]

Return value

the max payload value as it’s defined in the EDNS section.

pub fn version(&self) -> u8[src]

Return value

the version as defined in the EDNS record

pub fn sig0(&self) -> &[Record][src]

RFC 2535, Domain Name System Security Extensions, March 1999

A DNS request may be optionally signed by including one or more SIGs
 at the end of the query. Such SIGs are identified by having a "type
 covered" field of zero. They sign the preceding DNS request message
 including DNS header but not including the IP header or any request
 SIGs at the end and before the request RR counts have been adjusted
 for the inclusions of any request SIG(s).

Return value

The sig0, i.e. signed record, for verifying the sending and package integrity

pub fn to_vec(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ProtoError>[src]

Encodes the Message into a buffer

pub fn finalize<MF: MessageFinalizer>(
    &mut self,
    finalizer: &MF,
    inception_time: u32
) -> ProtoResult<()>

Finalize the message prior to sending.

Subsequent to calling this, the Message should not change.

Methods from Deref<Target = Header>

pub fn id(&self) -> u16[src]

ID              A 16 bit identifier assigned by the program that
                generates any kind of query.  This identifier is copied
                the corresponding reply and can be used by the requester
                to match up replies to outstanding queries.

pub fn message_type(&self) -> MessageType[src]

QR              A one bit field that specifies whether this message is a
                query (0), or a response (1).

pub fn op_code(&self) -> OpCode[src]

OPCODE          A four bit field that specifies kind of query in this
                message.  This value is set by the originator of a query
                and copied into the response.  The values are: <see super::op_code>

pub fn authoritative(&self) -> bool[src]

AA              Authoritative Answer - this bit is valid in responses,
                and specifies that the responding name server is an
                authority for the domain name in question section.

                Note that the contents of the answer section may have
                multiple owner names because of aliases.  The AA bit
                corresponds to the name which matches the query name, or
                the first owner name in the answer section.

pub fn truncated(&self) -> bool[src]

TC              TrunCation - specifies that this message was truncated
                due to length greater than that permitted on the
                transmission channel.

pub fn recursion_desired(&self) -> bool[src]

RD              Recursion Desired - this bit may be set in a query and
                is copied into the response.  If RD is set, it directs
                the name server to pursue the query recursively.
                Recursive query support is optional.

pub fn recursion_available(&self) -> bool[src]

RA              Recursion Available - this be is set or cleared in a
                response, and denotes whether recursive query support is
                available in the name server.

pub fn authentic_data(&self) -> bool[src]

RFC 4035, DNSSEC Resource Records, March 2005

3.1.6.  The AD and CD Bits in an Authoritative Response

  The CD and AD bits are designed for use in communication between
  security-aware resolvers and security-aware recursive name servers.
  These bits are for the most part not relevant to query processing by
  security-aware authoritative name servers.

  A security-aware name server does not perform signature validation
  for authoritative data during query processing, even when the CD bit
  is clear.  A security-aware name server SHOULD clear the CD bit when
  composing an authoritative response.

  A security-aware name server MUST NOT set the AD bit in a response
  unless the name server considers all RRsets in the Answer and
  Authority sections of the response to be authentic.  A security-aware
  name server's local policy MAY consider data from an authoritative
  zone to be authentic without further validation.  However, the name
  server MUST NOT do so unless the name server obtained the
  authoritative zone via secure means (such as a secure zone transfer
  mechanism) and MUST NOT do so unless this behavior has been
  configured explicitly.

  A security-aware name server that supports recursion MUST follow the
  rules for the CD and AD bits given in Section 3.2 when generating a
  response that involves data obtained via recursion.

pub fn checking_disabled(&self) -> bool[src]

see is_authentic_data()

pub fn response_code(&self) -> u8[src]

RCODE           Response code - this 4 bit field is set as part of
                responses.  The values have the following
                interpretation: <see super::response_code>

pub fn query_count(&self) -> u16[src]

QDCOUNT         an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of
                entries in the question section.

Return value

If this is a query, this will return the number of queries in the query section of the

pub fn answer_count(&self) -> u16[src]

ANCOUNT         an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of
                resource records in the answer section.

Return value

For query responses this is the number of records in the answer section, should be 0 for requests, for updates this is the count of prerequisite records.

pub fn name_server_count(&self) -> u16[src]

for queries this is the nameservers which are authorities for the SOA of the Record for updates this is the update record count

NSCOUNT         an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of name
                server resource records in the authority records

Return value

For query responses this is the number of authorities, or nameservers, in the name server section, for updates this is the number of update records being sent.

pub fn additional_count(&self) -> u16[src]

ARCOUNT         an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of
                resource records in the additional records section.

Return value

This is the additional record section count, this section may include EDNS options.

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for DnsRequest[src]

impl Deref for DnsRequest[src]

type Target = Message

The resulting type after dereferencing.

impl DerefMut for DnsRequest[src]

impl Into<DnsRequest> for Message[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,