Struct trust_dns_proto::rr::rdata::caa::CAA[][src]

pub struct CAA { /* fields omitted */ }

The CAA RR Type

RFC 6844, DNS Certification Authority Authorization, January 2013

3.  The CAA RR Type

A CAA RR consists of a flags byte and a tag-value pair referred to as
a property.  Multiple properties MAY be associated with the same
domain name by publishing multiple CAA RRs at that domain name.  The
following flag is defined:

Issuer Critical:  If set to '1', indicates that the corresponding
   property tag MUST be understood if the semantics of the CAA record
   are to be correctly interpreted by an issuer.

   Issuers MUST NOT issue certificates for a domain if the relevant
   CAA Resource Record set contains unknown property tags that have
   the Critical bit set.

The following property tags are defined:

issue <Issuer Domain Name> [; <name>=<value> ]* :  The issue property
   entry authorizes the holder of the domain name <Issuer Domain
   Name> or a party acting under the explicit authority of the holder
   of that domain name to issue certificates for the domain in which
   the property is published.

issuewild <Issuer Domain Name> [; <name>=<value> ]* :  The issuewild
   property entry authorizes the holder of the domain name <Issuer
   Domain Name> or a party acting under the explicit authority of the
   holder of that domain name to issue wildcard certificates for the
   domain in which the property is published.

iodef <URL> :  Specifies a URL to which an issuer MAY report
   certificate issue requests that are inconsistent with the issuer's
   Certification Practices or Certificate Policy, or that a
   Certificate Evaluator may use to report observation of a possible
   policy violation.  The Incident Object Description Exchange Format
   (IODEF) format is used [RFC5070].

The following example is a DNS zone file (see [RFC1035]) that informs
CAs that certificates are not to be issued except by the holder of
the domain name '' or an authorized agent thereof.
This policy applies to all subordinate domains under

.       CAA 0 issue ""

If the domain name holder specifies one or more iodef properties, a
certificate issuer MAY report invalid certificate requests to that
address.  In the following example, the domain name holder specifies
that reports may be made by means of email with the IODEF data as an
attachment, a Web service [RFC6546], or both:

.       CAA 0 issue ""
.       CAA 0 iodef ""
.       CAA 0 iodef ""

A certificate issuer MAY specify additional parameters that allow
customers to specify additional parameters governing certificate
issuance.  This might be the Certificate Policy under which the
certificate is to be issued, the authentication process to be used
might be specified, or an account number specified by the CA to
enable these parameters to be retrieved.

For example, the CA '' has requested its customer
'' to specify the CA's account number '230123' in each of
the customer's CAA records.

.       CAA 0 issue "; account=230123"

The syntax of additional parameters is a sequence of name-value pairs
as defined in Section 5.2.  The semantics of such parameters is left
to site policy and is outside the scope of this document.

The critical flag is intended to permit future versions CAA to
introduce new semantics that MUST be understood for correct
processing of the record, preventing conforming CAs that do not
recognize the new semantics from issuing certificates for the
indicated domains.

In the following example, the property 'tbs' is flagged as critical.
Neither the CA nor any other issuer is authorized to
issue under either policy unless the processing rules for the 'tbs'
property tag are understood.

.       CAA 0 issue "; policy=ev"
.       CAA 128 tbs "Unknown"

Note that the above restrictions only apply at certificate issue.
Since the validity of an end entity certificate is typically a year
or more, it is quite possible that the CAA records published at a
domain will change between the time a certificate was issued and
validation by a relying party.


impl CAA[src]

pub fn new_issue(
    issuer_critical: bool,
    name: Option<Name>,
    options: Vec<KeyValue>
) -> Self

Creates a new CAA issue record data, the tag is issue


  • issuer_critical - indicates that the corresponding property tag MUST be understood if the semantics of the CAA record are to be correctly interpreted by an issuer
  • name - authorized to issue certificates for the associated record label
  • options - additional options for the issuer, e.g. ‘account’, etc.

pub fn new_issuewild(
    issuer_critical: bool,
    name: Option<Name>,
    options: Vec<KeyValue>
) -> Self

Creates a new CAA issue record data, the tag is issuewild


  • issuer_critical - indicates that the corresponding property tag MUST be understood if the semantics of the CAA record are to be correctly interpreted by an issuer
  • name - authorized to issue certificates for the associated record label
  • options - additional options for the issuer, e.g. ‘account’, etc.

pub fn new_iodef(issuer_critical: bool, url: Url) -> Self[src]

Creates a new CAA issue record data, the tag is iodef


  • issuer_critical - indicates that the corresponding property tag MUST be understood if the semantics of the CAA record are to be correctly interpreted by an issuer
  • url - Url where issuer errors should be reported


If value is not Value::Issuer

pub fn issuer_critical(&self) -> bool[src]

Indicates that the corresponding property tag MUST be understood if the semantics of the CAA record are to be correctly interpreted by an issuer

pub fn tag(&self) -> &Property[src]

The property tag, see struct documentation

pub fn value(&self) -> &Value[src]

a potentially associated value with the property tag, see struct documentation

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for CAA[src]

impl Debug for CAA[src]

impl Eq for CAA[src]

impl Hash for CAA[src]

impl PartialEq<CAA> for CAA[src]

impl StructuralEq for CAA[src]

impl StructuralPartialEq for CAA[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for CAA

impl Send for CAA

impl Sync for CAA

impl Unpin for CAA

impl UnwindSafe for CAA

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,