Crate wasm_encoder
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A WebAssembly encoder.
The main builder is the Module
. You can build a section with a
section-specific builder, like TypeSection
or ImportSection
, and
then add it to the module with Module::section
. When you are finished
building the module, call either Module::as_slice
or Module::finish
to get the encoded bytes. The former gives a shared reference to the
underlying bytes as a slice, while the latter gives you ownership of them as
a vector.
If we wanted to build this module:
(type (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(func (type 0)
local.get 0
local.get 1
(export "f" (func 0)))
then we would do this:
use wasm_encoder::{
CodeSection, ExportKind, ExportSection, Function, FunctionSection, Instruction,
Module, TypeSection, ValType,
let mut module = Module::new();
// Encode the type section.
let mut types = TypeSection::new();
let params = vec![ValType::I32, ValType::I32];
let results = vec![ValType::I32];
types.function(params, results);
// Encode the function section.
let mut functions = FunctionSection::new();
let type_index = 0;
// Encode the export section.
let mut exports = ExportSection::new();
exports.export("f", ExportKind::Func, 0);
// Encode the code section.
let mut codes = CodeSection::new();
let locals = vec![];
let mut f = Function::new(locals);
// Extract the encoded Wasm bytes for this module.
let wasm_bytes = module.finish();
// We generated a valid Wasm module!
An encoder for the core alias section of WebAssembly components.
An encoder for the canonical function section of WebAssembly components.
An encoder for the code section.
Represents a WebAssembly component that is being encoded.
An encoder for the alias section of WebAssembly component.
Used for encoding component defined types.
An encoder for the export section of WebAssembly component.
An encoder for the import section of WebAssembly components.
An encoder for the instance section of WebAssembly components.
An encoder for the start section of WebAssembly components.
Represents a component type.
Used to encode component and instance types.
An encoder for the type section of WebAssembly components.
Used to encode core types.
An encoder for the core type section of WebAssembly components.
A custom section holding arbitrary data.
An encoder for the data count section.
An encoder for the data section.
A segment in the data section.
The definition of a data symbol within a symbol table.
An encoder for the element section.
An element segment in the element section.
An encoder for the export section of WebAssembly module.
An encoder for a function body within the code section.
An encoder for the function section of WebAssembly modules.
An encoder for the global section.
A global’s type.
An encoder for the import section of WebAssembly modules.
A map used to describe names with two levels of indirection, as opposed to a
which has one level of indirection.
An encoder for the core instance section of WebAssembly components.
Represents an instance type.
An encoder for the linking custom section.
The immediate for a memory instruction.
An encoder for the memory section.
A memory’s type.
Represents a WebAssembly component that is being encoded.
An encoder for the module section of WebAssembly components.
Represents the type of a core module.
A map used to name items in a wasm module, organized by naming each individual index.
An encoder for the custom name
An encoder for the component section of WebAssembly components.
A section made up of uninterpreted, raw bytes.
An encoder for the start section of WebAssembly modules.
A subsection of the linking custom section that provides extra information about the symbols present in this Wasm object file.
An encoder for the table section.
A table’s type.
An encoder for the tag section.
A tag’s type.
An encoder for the type section of WebAssembly modules.
The type for a block
Represents options for canonical function definitions.
Represents the kind of an export from a WebAssembly component.
Represents the kinds of outer aliasable items in a component.
Known section identifiers of WebAssembly components.
Represents a reference to a type.
Represents a component value type.
A data segment’s mode.
An element in a segment in the element section.
An element segment’s mode.
A sequence of elements in a segment in the element section.
The type of an entity.
Represents the kind of an export from a WebAssembly module.
WebAssembly instructions.
Represents an argument to a module instantiation.
Represents a primitive component value type.
Known section identifiers of WebAssembly modules.
Represents a tag kind.
Represents the possible type bounds for type references.
The type of a core WebAssembly value.
A WebAssembly component section.
Implemented by types that can be encoded into a byte sink.
A WebAssembly module section.
Type Definitions
Describe an unchecked SIMD lane index.