#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "sys-poll"))]
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::{
io::{self, Read, Seek, Write},
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use wasmer_vbus::BusError;
use wasmer_wasi_types::wasi::{BusErrno, Errno};
#[cfg(feature = "host-fs")]
pub use wasmer_vfs::host_fs::{Stderr, Stdin, Stdout};
#[cfg(feature = "mem-fs")]
pub use wasmer_vfs::mem_fs::{Stderr, Stdin, Stdout};
use wasmer_vfs::{FsError, VirtualFile};
use wasmer_vnet::NetworkError;
pub fn fs_error_from_wasi_err(err: Errno) -> FsError {
match err {
Errno::Badf => FsError::InvalidFd,
Errno::Exist => FsError::AlreadyExists,
Errno::Io => FsError::IOError,
Errno::Addrinuse => FsError::AddressInUse,
Errno::Addrnotavail => FsError::AddressNotAvailable,
Errno::Pipe => FsError::BrokenPipe,
Errno::Connaborted => FsError::ConnectionAborted,
Errno::Connrefused => FsError::ConnectionRefused,
Errno::Connreset => FsError::ConnectionReset,
Errno::Intr => FsError::Interrupted,
Errno::Inval => FsError::InvalidInput,
Errno::Notconn => FsError::NotConnected,
Errno::Nodev => FsError::NoDevice,
Errno::Noent => FsError::EntityNotFound,
Errno::Perm => FsError::PermissionDenied,
Errno::Timedout => FsError::TimedOut,
Errno::Proto => FsError::UnexpectedEof,
Errno::Again => FsError::WouldBlock,
Errno::Nospc => FsError::WriteZero,
Errno::Notempty => FsError::DirectoryNotEmpty,
_ => FsError::UnknownError,
pub fn fs_error_into_wasi_err(fs_error: FsError) -> Errno {
match fs_error {
FsError::AlreadyExists => Errno::Exist,
FsError::AddressInUse => Errno::Addrinuse,
FsError::AddressNotAvailable => Errno::Addrnotavail,
FsError::BaseNotDirectory => Errno::Notdir,
FsError::BrokenPipe => Errno::Pipe,
FsError::ConnectionAborted => Errno::Connaborted,
FsError::ConnectionRefused => Errno::Connrefused,
FsError::ConnectionReset => Errno::Connreset,
FsError::Interrupted => Errno::Intr,
FsError::InvalidData => Errno::Io,
FsError::InvalidFd => Errno::Badf,
FsError::InvalidInput => Errno::Inval,
FsError::IOError => Errno::Io,
FsError::NoDevice => Errno::Nodev,
FsError::NotAFile => Errno::Inval,
FsError::NotConnected => Errno::Notconn,
FsError::EntityNotFound => Errno::Noent,
FsError::PermissionDenied => Errno::Perm,
FsError::TimedOut => Errno::Timedout,
FsError::UnexpectedEof => Errno::Proto,
FsError::WouldBlock => Errno::Again,
FsError::WriteZero => Errno::Nospc,
FsError::DirectoryNotEmpty => Errno::Notempty,
FsError::Lock | FsError::UnknownError => Errno::Io,
pub fn net_error_into_wasi_err(net_error: NetworkError) -> Errno {
match net_error {
NetworkError::InvalidFd => Errno::Badf,
NetworkError::AlreadyExists => Errno::Exist,
NetworkError::Lock => Errno::Io,
NetworkError::IOError => Errno::Io,
NetworkError::AddressInUse => Errno::Addrinuse,
NetworkError::AddressNotAvailable => Errno::Addrnotavail,
NetworkError::BrokenPipe => Errno::Pipe,
NetworkError::ConnectionAborted => Errno::Connaborted,
NetworkError::ConnectionRefused => Errno::Connrefused,
NetworkError::ConnectionReset => Errno::Connreset,
NetworkError::Interrupted => Errno::Intr,
NetworkError::InvalidData => Errno::Io,
NetworkError::InvalidInput => Errno::Inval,
NetworkError::NotConnected => Errno::Notconn,
NetworkError::NoDevice => Errno::Nodev,
NetworkError::PermissionDenied => Errno::Perm,
NetworkError::TimedOut => Errno::Timedout,
NetworkError::UnexpectedEof => Errno::Proto,
NetworkError::WouldBlock => Errno::Again,
NetworkError::WriteZero => Errno::Nospc,
NetworkError::Unsupported => Errno::Notsup,
NetworkError::UnknownError => Errno::Io,
pub fn bus_error_into_wasi_err(bus_error: BusError) -> BusErrno {
use BusError::*;
match bus_error {
Serialization => BusErrno::Ser,
Deserialization => BusErrno::Des,
InvalidWapm => BusErrno::Wapm,
FetchFailed => BusErrno::Fetch,
CompileError => BusErrno::Compile,
InvalidABI => BusErrno::Abi,
Aborted => BusErrno::Aborted,
BadHandle => BusErrno::Badhandle,
InvalidTopic => BusErrno::Topic,
BadCallback => BusErrno::Badcb,
Unsupported => BusErrno::Unsupported,
BadRequest => BusErrno::Badrequest,
AccessDenied => BusErrno::Denied,
InternalError => BusErrno::Internal,
MemoryAllocationFailed => BusErrno::Alloc,
InvokeFailed => BusErrno::Invoke,
AlreadyConsumed => BusErrno::Consumed,
MemoryAccessViolation => BusErrno::Memviolation,
UnknownError => BusErrno::Unknown,
pub fn wasi_error_into_bus_err(bus_error: BusErrno) -> BusError {
use BusError::*;
match bus_error {
BusErrno::Success => UnknownError,
BusErrno::Ser => Serialization,
BusErrno::Des => Deserialization,
BusErrno::Wapm => InvalidWapm,
BusErrno::Fetch => FetchFailed,
BusErrno::Compile => CompileError,
BusErrno::Abi => InvalidABI,
BusErrno::Aborted => Aborted,
BusErrno::Badhandle => BadHandle,
BusErrno::Topic => InvalidTopic,
BusErrno::Badcb => BadCallback,
BusErrno::Unsupported => Unsupported,
BusErrno::Badrequest => BadRequest,
BusErrno::Denied => AccessDenied,
BusErrno::Internal => InternalError,
BusErrno::Alloc => MemoryAllocationFailed,
BusErrno::Invoke => InvokeFailed,
BusErrno::Consumed => AlreadyConsumed,
BusErrno::Memviolation => MemoryAccessViolation,
BusErrno::Unknown => UnknownError,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PollEvent {
PollIn = 1,
PollOut = 2,
PollError = 4,
PollHangUp = 8,
PollInvalid = 16,
impl PollEvent {
fn from_i16(raw_num: i16) -> Option<PollEvent> {
Some(match raw_num {
1 => PollEvent::PollIn,
2 => PollEvent::PollOut,
4 => PollEvent::PollError,
8 => PollEvent::PollHangUp,
16 => PollEvent::PollInvalid,
_ => return None,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PollEventBuilder {
inner: PollEventSet,
pub type PollEventSet = i16;
pub struct PollEventIter {
pes: PollEventSet,
i: usize,
impl Iterator for PollEventIter {
type Item = PollEvent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.pes == 0 || self.i > 15 {
} else {
while self.i < 16 {
let result = PollEvent::from_i16(self.pes & (1 << self.i));
self.pes &= !(1 << self.i);
self.i += 1;
if let Some(r) = result {
return Some(r);
unreachable!("Internal logic error in PollEventIter");
pub fn iterate_poll_events(pes: PollEventSet) -> PollEventIter {
PollEventIter { pes, i: 0 }
#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "sys-poll"))]
fn poll_event_set_to_platform_poll_events(mut pes: PollEventSet) -> i16 {
let mut out = 0;
for i in 0..16 {
out |= match PollEvent::from_i16(pes & (1 << i)) {
Some(PollEvent::PollIn) => libc::POLLIN,
Some(PollEvent::PollOut) => libc::POLLOUT,
Some(PollEvent::PollError) => libc::POLLERR,
Some(PollEvent::PollHangUp) => libc::POLLHUP,
Some(PollEvent::PollInvalid) => libc::POLLNVAL,
_ => 0,
pes &= !(1 << i);
#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "sys-poll"))]
fn platform_poll_events_to_pollevent_set(mut num: i16) -> PollEventSet {
let mut peb = PollEventBuilder::new();
for i in 0..16 {
peb = match num & (1 << i) {
libc::POLLIN => peb.add(PollEvent::PollIn),
libc::POLLOUT => peb.add(PollEvent::PollOut),
libc::POLLERR => peb.add(PollEvent::PollError),
libc::POLLHUP => peb.add(PollEvent::PollHangUp),
libc::POLLNVAL => peb.add(PollEvent::PollInvalid),
_ => peb,
num &= !(1 << i);
impl PollEventBuilder {
pub fn new() -> PollEventBuilder {
PollEventBuilder { inner: 0 }
pub fn add(mut self, event: PollEvent) -> PollEventBuilder {
self.inner |= event as PollEventSet;
pub fn build(self) -> PollEventSet {
#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "sys-poll"))]
pub(crate) fn poll(
selfs: &[&(dyn VirtualFile + Send + Sync + 'static)],
events: &[PollEventSet],
seen_events: &mut [PollEventSet],
timeout: Duration,
) -> Result<u32, FsError> {
if !(selfs.len() == events.len() && events.len() == seen_events.len()) {
return Err(FsError::InvalidInput);
let mut fds = selfs
.filter_map(|(i, s)| s.get_fd().map(|rfd| (i, rfd)))
.map(|(i, host_fd)| libc::pollfd {
fd: host_fd.try_into().unwrap(),
events: poll_event_set_to_platform_poll_events(events[i]),
revents: 0,
let result = unsafe {
selfs.len() as _,
timeout.as_millis() as i32,
if result < 0 {
return Err(FsError::IOError);
for (i, fd) in fds.into_iter().enumerate() {
seen_events[i] = platform_poll_events_to_pollevent_set(fd.revents);
#[cfg(any(not(unix), not(feature = "sys-poll")))]
pub(crate) fn poll(
files: &[&(dyn VirtualFile + Send + Sync + 'static)],
events: &[PollEventSet],
seen_events: &mut [PollEventSet],
timeout: Duration,
) -> Result<u32, FsError> {
if !(files.len() == events.len() && events.len() == seen_events.len()) {
tracing::debug!("the slice length of 'files', 'events' and 'seen_events' must be the same (files={}, events={}, seen_events={})", files.len(), events.len(), seen_events.len());
return Err(FsError::InvalidInput);
let mut ret = 0;
for n in 0..files.len() {
let mut builder = PollEventBuilder::new();
let file = files[n];
let can_read = file.bytes_available_read()?.map(|_| true).unwrap_or(false);
let can_write = file
.map(|s| s > 0)
let is_closed = file.is_open() == false;
"poll_evt can_read={} can_write={} is_closed={}",
for event in iterate_poll_events(events[n]) {
match event {
PollEvent::PollIn if can_read => {
builder = builder.add(PollEvent::PollIn);
PollEvent::PollOut if can_write => {
builder = builder.add(PollEvent::PollOut);
PollEvent::PollHangUp if is_closed => {
builder = builder.add(PollEvent::PollHangUp);
PollEvent::PollInvalid if is_closed => {
builder = builder.add(PollEvent::PollInvalid);
PollEvent::PollError if is_closed => {
builder = builder.add(PollEvent::PollError);
_ => {}
let revents = builder.build();
if revents != 0 {
ret += 1;
seen_events[n] = revents;
if ret == 0 && timeout > Duration::ZERO {
return Err(FsError::WouldBlock);
pub trait WasiPath {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Pipe {
buffer: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<u8>>>,
impl Pipe {
pub fn new() -> Self {
impl Read for Pipe {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let mut buffer = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();
let amt = std::cmp::min(buf.len(), buffer.len());
let buf_iter = buffer.drain(..amt).enumerate();
for (i, byte) in buf_iter {
buf[i] = byte;
impl Write for Pipe {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let mut buffer = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl Seek for Pipe {
fn seek(&mut self, _pos: io::SeekFrom) -> io::Result<u64> {
"can not seek in a pipe",
impl VirtualFile for Pipe {
fn last_accessed(&self) -> u64 {
fn last_modified(&self) -> u64 {
fn created_time(&self) -> u64 {
fn size(&self) -> u64 {
let buffer = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();
buffer.len() as u64
fn set_len(&mut self, len: u64) -> Result<(), FsError> {
let mut buffer = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();
buffer.resize(len as usize, 0);
fn unlink(&mut self) -> Result<(), FsError> {
fn bytes_available_read(&self) -> Result<Option<usize>, FsError> {
let buffer = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();