Struct wasmtime_environ::Module
source · pub struct Module {Show 19 fields
pub name: Option<String>,
pub initializers: Vec<Initializer>,
pub exports: IndexMap<String, EntityIndex>,
pub start_func: Option<FuncIndex>,
pub table_initialization: TableInitialization,
pub memory_initialization: MemoryInitialization,
pub passive_elements: Vec<Box<[FuncIndex]>>,
pub passive_elements_map: BTreeMap<ElemIndex, usize>,
pub passive_data_map: BTreeMap<DataIndex, Range<u32>>,
pub types: PrimaryMap<TypeIndex, ModuleType>,
pub num_imported_funcs: usize,
pub num_imported_tables: usize,
pub num_imported_memories: usize,
pub num_imported_globals: usize,
pub num_escaped_funcs: usize,
pub functions: PrimaryMap<FuncIndex, FunctionType>,
pub table_plans: PrimaryMap<TableIndex, TablePlan>,
pub memory_plans: PrimaryMap<MemoryIndex, MemoryPlan>,
pub globals: PrimaryMap<GlobalIndex, Global>,
Expand description
A translated WebAssembly module, excluding the function bodies and memory initializers.
§name: Option<String>
The name of this wasm module, often found in the wasm file.
initializers: Vec<Initializer>
All import records, in the order they are declared in the module.
exports: IndexMap<String, EntityIndex>
Exported entities.
start_func: Option<FuncIndex>
The module “start” function, if present.
table_initialization: TableInitialization
WebAssembly table initialization data, per table.
memory_initialization: MemoryInitialization
WebAssembly linear memory initializer.
passive_elements: Vec<Box<[FuncIndex]>>
WebAssembly passive elements.
passive_elements_map: BTreeMap<ElemIndex, usize>
The map from passive element index (element segment index space) to index in passive_elements
passive_data_map: BTreeMap<DataIndex, Range<u32>>
The map from passive data index (data segment index space) to index in passive_data
types: PrimaryMap<TypeIndex, ModuleType>
Types declared in the wasm module.
num_imported_funcs: usize
Number of imported or aliased functions in the module.
num_imported_tables: usize
Number of imported or aliased tables in the module.
num_imported_memories: usize
Number of imported or aliased memories in the module.
num_imported_globals: usize
Number of imported or aliased globals in the module.
num_escaped_funcs: usize
Number of functions that “escape” from this module may need to have a
constructed for them.
This is also the number of functions in the functions
array below with
an anyfunc
index (and is the maximum anyfunc index).
functions: PrimaryMap<FuncIndex, FunctionType>
Types of functions, imported and local.
table_plans: PrimaryMap<TableIndex, TablePlan>
WebAssembly tables.
memory_plans: PrimaryMap<MemoryIndex, MemoryPlan>
WebAssembly linear memory plans.
globals: PrimaryMap<GlobalIndex, Global>
WebAssembly global variables.
source§impl Module
impl Module
sourcepub fn func_index(&self, defined_func: DefinedFuncIndex) -> FuncIndex
pub fn func_index(&self, defined_func: DefinedFuncIndex) -> FuncIndex
Convert a DefinedFuncIndex
into a FuncIndex
sourcepub fn defined_func_index(&self, func: FuncIndex) -> Option<DefinedFuncIndex>
pub fn defined_func_index(&self, func: FuncIndex) -> Option<DefinedFuncIndex>
Convert a FuncIndex
into a DefinedFuncIndex
. Returns None if the
index is an imported function.
sourcepub fn is_imported_function(&self, index: FuncIndex) -> bool
pub fn is_imported_function(&self, index: FuncIndex) -> bool
Test whether the given function index is for an imported function.
sourcepub fn table_index(&self, defined_table: DefinedTableIndex) -> TableIndex
pub fn table_index(&self, defined_table: DefinedTableIndex) -> TableIndex
Convert a DefinedTableIndex
into a TableIndex
sourcepub fn defined_table_index(&self, table: TableIndex) -> Option<DefinedTableIndex>
pub fn defined_table_index(&self, table: TableIndex) -> Option<DefinedTableIndex>
Convert a TableIndex
into a DefinedTableIndex
. Returns None if the
index is an imported table.
Examples found in repository?
397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477
pub fn try_func_table_init(&mut self) {
// This should be large enough to support very large Wasm
// modules with huge funcref tables, but small enough to avoid
// OOMs or DoS on truly sparse tables.
const MAX_FUNC_TABLE_SIZE: u32 = 1024 * 1024;
let segments = match &self.module.table_initialization {
TableInitialization::Segments { segments } => segments,
TableInitialization::FuncTable { .. } => {
// Already done!
// Build the table arrays per-table.
let mut tables = PrimaryMap::with_capacity(self.module.table_plans.len());
// Keep the "leftovers" for eager init.
let mut leftovers = vec![];
for segment in segments {
// Skip imported tables: we can't provide a preconstructed
// table for them, because their values depend on the
// imported table overlaid with whatever segments we have.
if self
// If this is not a funcref table, then we can't support a
// pre-computed table of function indices.
if self.module.table_plans[segment.table_index].table.wasm_ty != WasmType::FuncRef {
// If the base of this segment is dynamic, then we can't
// include it in the statically-built array of initial
// contents.
if segment.base.is_some() {
// Get the end of this segment. If out-of-bounds, or too
// large for our dense table representation, then skip the
// segment.
let top = match segment.offset.checked_add(segment.elements.len() as u32) {
Some(top) => top,
None => {
let table_size = self.module.table_plans[segment.table_index].table.minimum;
if top > table_size || top > MAX_FUNC_TABLE_SIZE {
// We can now incorporate this segment into the initializers array.
while tables.len() <= segment.table_index.index() {
let elements = &mut tables[segment.table_index];
if elements.is_empty() {
elements.resize(table_size as usize, FuncIndex::reserved_value());
let dst = &mut elements[(segment.offset as usize)..(top as usize)];
self.module.table_initialization = TableInitialization::FuncTable {
segments: leftovers,
sourcepub fn is_imported_table(&self, index: TableIndex) -> bool
pub fn is_imported_table(&self, index: TableIndex) -> bool
Test whether the given table index is for an imported table.
sourcepub fn memory_index(&self, defined_memory: DefinedMemoryIndex) -> MemoryIndex
pub fn memory_index(&self, defined_memory: DefinedMemoryIndex) -> MemoryIndex
Convert a DefinedMemoryIndex
into a MemoryIndex
sourcepub fn defined_memory_index(
memory: MemoryIndex
) -> Option<DefinedMemoryIndex>
pub fn defined_memory_index(
memory: MemoryIndex
) -> Option<DefinedMemoryIndex>
Convert a MemoryIndex
into a DefinedMemoryIndex
. Returns None if the
index is an imported memory.
Examples found in repository?
214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391
pub fn try_static_init(&mut self, page_size: u64, max_image_size_always_allowed: u64) {
// This method only attempts to transform a `Segmented` memory init
// into a `Static` one, no other state.
if !self.module.memory_initialization.is_segmented() {
// First a dry run of memory initialization is performed. This
// collects information about the extent of memory initialized for each
// memory as well as the size of all data segments being copied in.
struct Memory {
data_size: u64,
min_addr: u64,
max_addr: u64,
// The `usize` here is a pointer into `` which is the list
// of data segments corresponding to what was found in the original
// wasm module.
segments: Vec<(usize, StaticMemoryInitializer)>,
let mut info = PrimaryMap::with_capacity(self.module.memory_plans.len());
for _ in 0..self.module.memory_plans.len() {
info.push(Memory {
data_size: 0,
min_addr: u64::MAX,
max_addr: 0,
segments: Vec::new(),
let mut idx = 0;
let ok = self.module.memory_initialization.init_memory(
&mut |memory, init| {
// Currently `Static` only applies to locally-defined memories,
// so if a data segment references an imported memory then
// transitioning to a `Static` memory initializer is not
// possible.
if self.module.defined_memory_index(memory).is_none() {
return false;
let info = &mut info[memory];
let data_len = u64::from( -;
if data_len > 0 {
info.data_size += data_len;
info.min_addr = info.min_addr.min(init.offset);
info.max_addr = info.max_addr.max(init.offset + data_len);
info.segments.push((idx, init.clone()));
idx += 1;
if !ok {
// Validate that the memory information collected is indeed valid for
// static memory initialization.
for info in info.values().filter(|i| i.data_size > 0) {
let image_size = info.max_addr - info.min_addr;
// If the range of memory being initialized is less than twice the
// total size of the data itself then it's assumed that static
// initialization is ok. This means we'll at most double memory
// consumption during the memory image creation process, which is
// currently assumed to "probably be ok" but this will likely need
// tweaks over time.
if image_size < info.data_size.saturating_mul(2) {
// If the memory initialization image is larger than the size of all
// data, then we still allow memory initialization if the image will
// be of a relatively modest size, such as 1MB here.
if image_size < max_image_size_always_allowed {
// At this point memory initialization is concluded to be too
// expensive to do at compile time so it's entirely deferred to
// happen at runtime.
// Here's where we've now committed to changing to static memory. The
// memory initialization image is built here from the page data and then
// it's converted to a single initializer.
let data = mem::replace(&mut, Vec::new());
let mut map = PrimaryMap::with_capacity(info.len());
let mut module_data_size = 0u32;
for (memory, info) in info.iter() {
// Create the in-memory `image` which is the initialized contents of
// this linear memory.
let extent = if info.segments.len() > 0 {
(info.max_addr - info.min_addr) as usize
} else {
let mut image = Vec::with_capacity(extent);
for (idx, init) in info.segments.iter() {
let data = &data[*idx];
let offset = usize::try_from(init.offset - info.min_addr).unwrap();
if image.len() < offset {
image.resize(offset, 0u8);
} else {
offset..(offset + data.len()).min(image.len()),
assert_eq!(image.len(), extent);
assert_eq!(image.capacity(), extent);
let mut offset = if info.segments.len() > 0 {
} else {
// Chop off trailing zeros from the image as memory is already
// zero-initialized. Note that `i` is the position of a nonzero
// entry here, so to not lose it we truncate to `i + 1`.
if let Some(i) = image.iter().rposition(|i| *i != 0) {
image.truncate(i + 1);
// Also chop off leading zeros, if any.
if let Some(i) = image.iter().position(|i| *i != 0) {
offset += i as u64;
let mut len = u64::try_from(image.len()).unwrap();
// The goal is to enable mapping this image directly into memory, so
// the offset into linear memory must be a multiple of the page
// size. If that's not already the case then the image is padded at
// the front and back with extra zeros as necessary
if offset % page_size != 0 {
let zero_padding = offset % page_size;![0; zero_padding as usize].into());
offset -= zero_padding;
len += zero_padding;
if len % page_size != 0 {
let zero_padding = page_size - (len % page_size);![0; zero_padding as usize].into());
len += zero_padding;
// Offset/length should now always be page-aligned.
assert!(offset % page_size == 0);
assert!(len % page_size == 0);
// Create the `StaticMemoryInitializer` which describes this image,
// only needed if the image is actually present and has a nonzero
// length. The `offset` has been calculates above, originally
// sourced from `info.min_addr`. The `data` field is the extent
// within the final data segment we'll emit to an ELF image, which
// is the concatenation of ``, so here it's the size of
// the section-so-far plus the current segment we're appending.
let len = u32::try_from(len).unwrap();
let init = if len > 0 {
Some(StaticMemoryInitializer {
data: module_data_size..module_data_size + len,
} else {
let idx = map.push(init);
assert_eq!(idx, memory);
module_data_size += len;
self.data_align = Some(page_size);
self.module.memory_initialization = MemoryInitialization::Static { map };
sourcepub fn owned_memory_index(&self, memory: DefinedMemoryIndex) -> OwnedMemoryIndex
pub fn owned_memory_index(&self, memory: DefinedMemoryIndex) -> OwnedMemoryIndex
Convert a DefinedMemoryIndex
into an OwnedMemoryIndex
. Returns None
if the index is an imported memory.
sourcepub fn is_imported_memory(&self, index: MemoryIndex) -> bool
pub fn is_imported_memory(&self, index: MemoryIndex) -> bool
Test whether the given memory index is for an imported memory.
sourcepub fn global_index(&self, defined_global: DefinedGlobalIndex) -> GlobalIndex
pub fn global_index(&self, defined_global: DefinedGlobalIndex) -> GlobalIndex
Convert a DefinedGlobalIndex
into a GlobalIndex
sourcepub fn defined_global_index(
global: GlobalIndex
) -> Option<DefinedGlobalIndex>
pub fn defined_global_index(
global: GlobalIndex
) -> Option<DefinedGlobalIndex>
Convert a GlobalIndex
into a DefinedGlobalIndex
. Returns None if the
index is an imported global.
sourcepub fn is_imported_global(&self, index: GlobalIndex) -> bool
pub fn is_imported_global(&self, index: GlobalIndex) -> bool
Test whether the given global index is for an imported global.
sourcepub fn imports(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (&str, &str, EntityType)>
pub fn imports(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (&str, &str, EntityType)>
Returns an iterator of all the imports in this module, along with their module name, field name, and type that’s being imported.
sourcepub fn type_of(&self, index: EntityIndex) -> EntityType
pub fn type_of(&self, index: EntityIndex) -> EntityType
Returns the type of an item based on its index
sourcepub fn push_function(&mut self, signature: SignatureIndex) -> FuncIndex
pub fn push_function(&mut self, signature: SignatureIndex) -> FuncIndex
Appends a new function to this module with the given type information, used for functions that either don’t escape or aren’t certain whether they escape yet.
Examples found in repository?
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751
fn translate_payload(&mut self, payload: Payload<'data>) -> WasmResult<()> {
match payload {
Payload::Version {
} => {
self.validator.version(num, encoding, &range)?;
match encoding {
Encoding::Module => {}
Encoding::Component => {
return Err(WasmError::Unsupported(format!("component model")));
Payload::End(offset) => {
self.result.types = Some(self.validator.end(offset)?);
// With the `escaped_funcs` set of functions finished
// we can calculate the set of signatures that are exported as
// the set of exported functions' signatures.
self.result.exported_signatures = self
.filter_map(|(_, func)| {
if func.is_escaping() {
} else {
Payload::TypeSection(types) => {
let num = usize::try_from(types.get_count()).unwrap();
for ty in types {
match ty? {
Type::Func(wasm_func_ty) => {
Payload::ImportSection(imports) => {
let cnt = usize::try_from(imports.get_count()).unwrap();
for entry in imports {
let import = entry?;
let ty = match import.ty {
TypeRef::Func(index) => {
let index = TypeIndex::from_u32(index);
let sig_index = self.result.module.types[index].unwrap_function();
self.result.module.num_imported_funcs += 1;
self.result.debuginfo.wasm_file.imported_func_count += 1;
TypeRef::Memory(ty) => {
self.result.module.num_imported_memories += 1;
TypeRef::Global(ty) => {
self.result.module.num_imported_globals += 1;
EntityType::Global(Global::new(ty, GlobalInit::Import)?)
TypeRef::Table(ty) => {
self.result.module.num_imported_tables += 1;
// doesn't get past validation
TypeRef::Tag(_) => unreachable!(),
self.declare_import(import.module,, ty);
Payload::FunctionSection(functions) => {
let cnt = usize::try_from(functions.get_count()).unwrap();
for entry in functions {
let sigindex = entry?;
let ty = TypeIndex::from_u32(sigindex);
let sig_index = self.result.module.types[ty].unwrap_function();
Payload::TableSection(tables) => {
let cnt = usize::try_from(tables.get_count()).unwrap();
for entry in tables {
let table = entry?.try_into()?;
let plan = TablePlan::for_table(table, &self.tunables);
Payload::MemorySection(memories) => {
let cnt = usize::try_from(memories.get_count()).unwrap();
for entry in memories {
let memory = entry?;
let plan = MemoryPlan::for_memory(memory.into(), &self.tunables);
Payload::TagSection(tags) => {
// This feature isn't enabled at this time, so we should
// never get here.
Payload::GlobalSection(globals) => {
let cnt = usize::try_from(globals.get_count()).unwrap();
for entry in globals {
let wasmparser::Global { ty, init_expr } = entry?;
let mut init_expr_reader = init_expr.get_binary_reader();
let initializer = match init_expr_reader.read_operator()? {
Operator::I32Const { value } => GlobalInit::I32Const(value),
Operator::I64Const { value } => GlobalInit::I64Const(value),
Operator::F32Const { value } => GlobalInit::F32Const(value.bits()),
Operator::F64Const { value } => GlobalInit::F64Const(value.bits()),
Operator::V128Const { value } => {
Operator::RefNull { ty: _ } => GlobalInit::RefNullConst,
Operator::RefFunc { function_index } => {
let index = FuncIndex::from_u32(function_index);
Operator::GlobalGet { global_index } => {
s => {
return Err(WasmError::Unsupported(format!(
"unsupported init expr in global section: {:?}",
let ty = Global::new(ty, initializer)?;
Payload::ExportSection(exports) => {
let cnt = usize::try_from(exports.get_count()).unwrap();
for entry in exports {
let wasmparser::Export { name, kind, index } = entry?;
let entity = match kind {
ExternalKind::Func => {
let index = FuncIndex::from_u32(index);
ExternalKind::Table => EntityIndex::Table(TableIndex::from_u32(index)),
ExternalKind::Memory => EntityIndex::Memory(MemoryIndex::from_u32(index)),
ExternalKind::Global => EntityIndex::Global(GlobalIndex::from_u32(index)),
// this never gets past validation
ExternalKind::Tag => unreachable!(),
.insert(String::from(name), entity);
Payload::StartSection { func, range } => {
self.validator.start_section(func, &range)?;
let func_index = FuncIndex::from_u32(func);
self.result.module.start_func = Some(func_index);
Payload::ElementSection(elements) => {
for (index, entry) in elements.into_iter().enumerate() {
let wasmparser::Element {
ty: _,
range: _,
} = entry?;
// Build up a list of `FuncIndex` corresponding to all the
// entries listed in this segment. Note that it's not
// possible to create anything other than a `ref.null
// extern` for externref segments, so those just get
// translated to the reserved value of `FuncIndex`.
let items_reader = items.get_items_reader()?;
let mut elements =
for item in items_reader {
let func = match item? {
ElementItem::Func(f) => Some(f),
ElementItem::Expr(init) => {
match init.get_binary_reader().read_operator()? {
Operator::RefNull { .. } => None,
Operator::RefFunc { function_index } => Some(function_index),
s => {
return Err(WasmError::Unsupported(format!(
"unsupported init expr in element section: {:?}",
elements.push(match func {
Some(f) => {
let f = FuncIndex::from_u32(f);
None => FuncIndex::reserved_value(),
match kind {
ElementKind::Active {
} => {
let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(table_index);
let mut offset_expr_reader = offset_expr.get_binary_reader();
let (base, offset) = match offset_expr_reader.read_operator()? {
Operator::I32Const { value } => (None, value as u32),
Operator::GlobalGet { global_index } => {
(Some(GlobalIndex::from_u32(global_index)), 0)
ref s => {
return Err(WasmError::Unsupported(format!(
"unsupported init expr in element section: {:?}",
let table_segments = match &mut self.result.module.table_initialization
TableInitialization::Segments { segments } => segments,
TableInitialization::FuncTable { .. } => unreachable!(),
table_segments.push(TableInitializer {
elements: elements.into(),
ElementKind::Passive => {
let elem_index = ElemIndex::from_u32(index as u32);
let index = self.result.module.passive_elements.len();
.insert(elem_index, index);
ElementKind::Declared => {}
Payload::CodeSectionStart { count, range, .. } => {
self.validator.code_section_start(count, &range)?;
let cnt = usize::try_from(count).unwrap();
self.result.debuginfo.wasm_file.code_section_offset = range.start as u64;
Payload::CodeSectionEntry(mut body) => {
let validator = self.validator.code_section_entry(&body)?;
let func_index =
self.result.code_index + self.result.module.num_imported_funcs as u32;
let func_index = FuncIndex::from_u32(func_index);
if self.tunables.generate_native_debuginfo {
let sig_index = self.result.module.functions[func_index].signature;
let sig = &self.types[sig_index];
let mut locals = Vec::new();
for pair in body.get_locals_reader()? {
.push(FunctionMetadata {
locals: locals.into_boxed_slice(),
params: sig.params().iter().cloned().map(|i| i.into()).collect(),
.push(FunctionBodyData { validator, body });
self.result.code_index += 1;
Payload::DataSection(data) => {
let initializers = match &mut self.result.module.memory_initialization {
MemoryInitialization::Segmented(i) => i,
_ => unreachable!(),
let cnt = usize::try_from(data.get_count()).unwrap();
for (index, entry) in data.into_iter().enumerate() {
let wasmparser::Data {
range: _,
} = entry?;
let mk_range = |total: &mut u32| -> Result<_, WasmError> {
let range = u32::try_from(data.len())
.and_then(|size| {
let start = *total;
let end = start.checked_add(size)?;
.ok_or_else(|| {
"more than 4 gigabytes of data in wasm module",
*total += range.end - range.start;
match kind {
DataKind::Active {
} => {
let range = mk_range(&mut self.result.total_data)?;
let memory_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memory_index);
let mut offset_expr_reader = offset_expr.get_binary_reader();
let (base, offset) = match offset_expr_reader.read_operator()? {
Operator::I32Const { value } => (None, value as u64),
Operator::I64Const { value } => (None, value as u64),
Operator::GlobalGet { global_index } => {
(Some(GlobalIndex::from_u32(global_index)), 0)
s => {
return Err(WasmError::Unsupported(format!(
"unsupported init expr in data section: {:?}",
initializers.push(MemoryInitializer {
data: range,
DataKind::Passive => {
let data_index = DataIndex::from_u32(index as u32);
let range = mk_range(&mut self.result.total_passive_data)?;
.insert(data_index, range);
Payload::DataCountSection { count, range } => {
self.validator.data_count_section(count, &range)?;
// Note: the count passed in here is the *total* segment count
// There is no way to reserve for just the passive segments as
// they are discovered when iterating the data section entries
// Given that the total segment count might be much larger than
// the passive count, do not reserve anything here.
Payload::CustomSection(s) if == "name" => {
let result = NameSectionReader::new(, s.data_offset())
.map_err(|e| e.into())
.and_then(|s| self.name_section(s));
if let Err(e) = result {
log::warn!("failed to parse name section {:?}", e);
if == "webidl-bindings" || == "wasm-interface-types" =>
return Err(WasmError::Unsupported(
Support for interface types has temporarily been removed from `wasmtime`.
For more information about this temporary change you can read on the issue online:
and for re-adding support for interface types you can see this issue:
Payload::CustomSection(s) => {
// It's expected that validation will probably reject other
// payloads such as `UnknownSection` or those related to the
// component model. If, however, something gets past validation then
// that's a bug in Wasmtime as we forgot to implement something.
other => {
panic!("unimplemented section in wasm file {:?}", other);
fn register_dwarf_section(&mut self, section: &CustomSectionReader<'data>) {
let name =;
if !name.starts_with(".debug_") {
if !self.tunables.generate_native_debuginfo && !self.tunables.parse_wasm_debuginfo {
self.result.has_unparsed_debuginfo = true;
let info = &mut self.result.debuginfo;
let dwarf = &mut info.dwarf;
let endian = gimli::LittleEndian;
let data =;
let slice = gimli::EndianSlice::new(data, endian);
match name {
// `gimli::Dwarf` fields.
".debug_abbrev" => dwarf.debug_abbrev = gimli::DebugAbbrev::new(data, endian),
".debug_addr" => dwarf.debug_addr = gimli::DebugAddr::from(slice),
".debug_info" => dwarf.debug_info = gimli::DebugInfo::new(data, endian),
".debug_line" => dwarf.debug_line = gimli::DebugLine::new(data, endian),
".debug_line_str" => dwarf.debug_line_str = gimli::DebugLineStr::from(slice),
".debug_str" => dwarf.debug_str = gimli::DebugStr::new(data, endian),
".debug_str_offsets" => dwarf.debug_str_offsets = gimli::DebugStrOffsets::from(slice),
".debug_str_sup" => {
let mut dwarf_sup: Dwarf<'data> = Default::default();
dwarf_sup.debug_str = gimli::DebugStr::from(slice);
dwarf.sup = Some(Arc::new(dwarf_sup));
".debug_types" => dwarf.debug_types = gimli::DebugTypes::from(slice),
// Additional fields.
".debug_loc" => info.debug_loc = gimli::DebugLoc::from(slice),
".debug_loclists" => info.debug_loclists = gimli::DebugLocLists::from(slice),
".debug_ranges" => info.debug_ranges = gimli::DebugRanges::new(data, endian),
".debug_rnglists" => info.debug_rnglists = gimli::DebugRngLists::new(data, endian),
// We don't use these at the moment.
".debug_aranges" | ".debug_pubnames" | ".debug_pubtypes" => return,
other => {
log::warn!("unknown debug section `{}`", other);
dwarf.ranges = gimli::RangeLists::new(info.debug_ranges, info.debug_rnglists);
dwarf.locations = gimli::LocationLists::new(info.debug_loc, info.debug_loclists);
/// Declares a new import with the `module` and `field` names, importing the
/// `ty` specified.
/// Note that this method is somewhat tricky due to the implementation of
/// the module linking proposal. In the module linking proposal two-level
/// imports are recast as single-level imports of instances. That recasting
/// happens here by recording an import of an instance for the first time
/// we see a two-level import.
/// When the module linking proposal is disabled, however, disregard this
/// logic and instead work directly with two-level imports since no
/// instances are defined.
fn declare_import(&mut self, module: &'data str, field: &'data str, ty: EntityType) {
let index = self.push_type(ty);
self.result.module.initializers.push(Initializer::Import {
name: module.to_owned(),
field: field.to_owned(),
fn push_type(&mut self, ty: EntityType) -> EntityIndex {
match ty {
EntityType::Function(ty) => EntityIndex::Function(self.result.module.push_function(ty)),
EntityType::Table(ty) => {
let plan = TablePlan::for_table(ty, &self.tunables);
EntityType::Memory(ty) => {
let plan = MemoryPlan::for_memory(ty, &self.tunables);
EntityType::Global(ty) => EntityIndex::Global(self.result.module.globals.push(ty)),
EntityType::Tag(_) => unimplemented!(),
sourcepub fn push_escaped_function(
&mut self,
signature: SignatureIndex,
anyfunc: AnyfuncIndex
) -> FuncIndex
pub fn push_escaped_function(
&mut self,
signature: SignatureIndex,
anyfunc: AnyfuncIndex
) -> FuncIndex
Appends a new function to this module with the given type information.