Struct wasmtime_wasi::WasiCtx
source · [−]pub struct WasiCtx { /* private fields */ }
sourceimpl WasiCtx
impl WasiCtx
sourcepub fn new<S>(
args: impl IntoIterator<Item = S>
) -> Result<WasiCtx, WasiCtxBuilderError> where
S: AsRef<[u8]>,
pub fn new<S>(
args: impl IntoIterator<Item = S>
) -> Result<WasiCtx, WasiCtxBuilderError> where
S: AsRef<[u8]>,
Make a new WasiCtx
with some default settings.
File descriptors 0, 1, and 2 inherit stdin, stdout, and stderr from the host process.
Environment variables are inherited from the host process.
To override these behaviors, use WasiCtxBuilder
Trait Implementations
sourceimpl GuestErrorConversion for WasiCtx
impl GuestErrorConversion for WasiCtx
pub fn into_errno(&self, e: GuestError) -> Errno
sourceimpl GuestErrorConversion for WasiCtx
impl GuestErrorConversion for WasiCtx
pub fn into_errno(&self, e: GuestError) -> Errno
sourceimpl UserErrorConversion for WasiCtx
impl UserErrorConversion for WasiCtx
sourceimpl UserErrorConversion for WasiCtx
impl UserErrorConversion for WasiCtx
sourceimpl<'a> WasiSnapshotPreview1 for WasiCtx
impl<'a> WasiSnapshotPreview1 for WasiCtx
pub fn args_get(
argv: &GuestPtr<'b, GuestPtr<'b, u8>>,
argv_buf: &GuestPtr<'b, u8>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn args_sizes_get(&self) -> Result<(u32, u32), Error>
pub fn environ_get(
environ: &GuestPtr<'b, GuestPtr<'b, u8>>,
environ_buf: &GuestPtr<'b, u8>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn environ_sizes_get(&self) -> Result<(u32, u32), Error>
pub fn clock_res_get(&self, id: Clockid) -> Result<u64, Error>
pub fn clock_time_get(&self, id: Clockid, _precision: u64) -> Result<u64, Error>
pub fn fd_advise(
fd: Fd,
offset: u64,
len: u64,
advice: Advice
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_allocate(&self, fd: Fd, offset: u64, len: u64) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_close(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_datasync(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_fdstat_get(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<Fdstat, Error>
pub fn fd_fdstat_set_flags(&self, fd: Fd, flags: Fdflags) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_fdstat_set_rights(
fd: Fd,
fs_rights_base: Rights,
fs_rights_inheriting: Rights
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_filestat_get(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<Filestat, Error>
pub fn fd_filestat_set_size(&self, fd: Fd, size: u64) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_filestat_set_times(
fd: Fd,
atim: u64,
mtim: u64,
fst_flags: Fstflags
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_pread(
fd: Fd,
iovs: &GuestPtr<'_, [Iovec<'_>]>,
offset: u64
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn fd_prestat_get(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<Prestat, Error>
pub fn fd_prestat_dir_name(
fd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'_, u8>,
path_len: u32
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_pwrite(
fd: Fd,
ciovs: &GuestPtr<'_, [Ciovec<'_>]>,
offset: u64
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn fd_read(
fd: Fd,
iovs: &GuestPtr<'_, [Iovec<'_>]>
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn fd_readdir(
fd: Fd,
buf: &GuestPtr<'_, u8>,
buf_len: u32,
cookie: u64
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn fd_renumber(&self, from: Fd, to: Fd) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_seek(&self, fd: Fd, offset: i64, whence: Whence) -> Result<u64, Error>
pub fn fd_sync(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_tell(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<u64, Error>
pub fn fd_write(
fd: Fd,
ciovs: &GuestPtr<'_, [Ciovec<'_>]>
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn path_create_directory(
dirfd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_filestat_get(
dirfd: Fd,
flags: Lookupflags,
path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>
) -> Result<Filestat, Error>
pub fn path_filestat_set_times(
dirfd: Fd,
flags: Lookupflags,
path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>,
atim: u64,
mtim: u64,
fst_flags: Fstflags
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_link(
old_fd: Fd,
old_flags: Lookupflags,
old_path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>,
new_fd: Fd,
new_path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_open(
dirfd: Fd,
dirflags: Lookupflags,
path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>,
oflags: Oflags,
fs_rights_base: Rights,
fs_rights_inheriting: Rights,
fdflags: Fdflags
) -> Result<Fd, Error>
pub fn path_readlink(
dirfd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>,
buf: &GuestPtr<'_, u8>,
buf_len: u32
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn path_remove_directory(
dirfd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_rename(
old_fd: Fd,
old_path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>,
new_fd: Fd,
new_path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_symlink(
old_path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>,
dirfd: Fd,
new_path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_unlink_file(
dirfd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'_, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn poll_oneoff(
in_: &GuestPtr<'_, Subscription>,
out: &GuestPtr<'_, Event>,
nsubscriptions: u32
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn proc_exit(&self, _rval: u32) -> Result<(), ()>
pub fn proc_raise(&self, _sig: Signal) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn sched_yield(&self) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn random_get(
buf: &GuestPtr<'_, u8>,
buf_len: u32
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn sock_recv(
_fd: Fd,
_ri_data: &GuestPtr<'_, [Iovec<'_>]>,
_ri_flags: Riflags
) -> Result<(u32, Roflags), Error>
pub fn sock_send(
_fd: Fd,
_si_data: &GuestPtr<'_, [Ciovec<'_>]>,
_si_flags: u16
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn sock_shutdown(&self, _fd: Fd, _how: Sdflags) -> Result<(), Error>
sourceimpl WasiUnstable for WasiCtx
impl WasiUnstable for WasiCtx
pub fn args_get(
argv: &GuestPtr<'a, GuestPtr<'a, u8>>,
argv_buf: &GuestPtr<'a, u8>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn args_sizes_get(&self) -> Result<(u32, u32), Error>
pub fn environ_get(
environ: &GuestPtr<'a, GuestPtr<'a, u8>>,
environ_buf: &GuestPtr<'a, u8>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn environ_sizes_get(&self) -> Result<(u32, u32), Error>
pub fn clock_res_get(&self, id: Clockid) -> Result<u64, Error>
pub fn clock_time_get(&self, id: Clockid, precision: u64) -> Result<u64, Error>
pub fn fd_advise(
fd: Fd,
offset: u64,
len: u64,
advice: Advice
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_allocate(&self, fd: Fd, offset: u64, len: u64) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_close(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_datasync(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_fdstat_get(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<Fdstat, Error>
pub fn fd_fdstat_set_flags(&self, fd: Fd, flags: Fdflags) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_fdstat_set_rights(
fd: Fd,
fs_rights_base: Rights,
fs_rights_inheriting: Rights
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_filestat_get(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<Filestat, Error>
pub fn fd_filestat_set_size(&self, fd: Fd, size: u64) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_filestat_set_times(
fd: Fd,
atim: u64,
mtim: u64,
fst_flags: Fstflags
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_pread(
fd: Fd,
iovs: &GuestPtr<'a, [Iovec<'a>]>,
offset: u64
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn fd_prestat_get(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<Prestat, Error>
pub fn fd_prestat_dir_name(
fd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'a, u8>,
path_len: u32
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_pwrite(
fd: Fd,
iovs: &GuestPtr<'a, [Ciovec<'a>]>,
offset: u64
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn fd_read(
fd: Fd,
iovs: &GuestPtr<'a, [Iovec<'a>]>
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn fd_readdir(
fd: Fd,
buf: &GuestPtr<'a, u8>,
buf_len: u32,
cookie: u64
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn fd_renumber(&self, from: Fd, to: Fd) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_seek(&self, fd: Fd, offset: i64, whence: Whence) -> Result<u64, Error>
pub fn fd_sync(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn fd_tell(&self, fd: Fd) -> Result<u64, Error>
pub fn fd_write(
fd: Fd,
iovs: &GuestPtr<'a, [Ciovec<'a>]>
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn path_create_directory(
fd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_filestat_get(
fd: Fd,
flags: Lookupflags,
path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>
) -> Result<Filestat, Error>
pub fn path_filestat_set_times(
fd: Fd,
flags: Lookupflags,
path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>,
atim: u64,
mtim: u64,
fst_flags: Fstflags
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_link(
old_fd: Fd,
old_flags: Lookupflags,
old_path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>,
new_fd: Fd,
new_path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_open(
fd: Fd,
dirflags: Lookupflags,
path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>,
oflags: Oflags,
fs_rights_base: Rights,
fs_rights_inheriting: Rights,
fdflags: Fdflags
) -> Result<Fd, Error>
pub fn path_readlink(
fd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>,
buf: &GuestPtr<'a, u8>,
buf_len: u32
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn path_remove_directory(
fd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_rename(
fd: Fd,
old_path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>,
new_fd: Fd,
new_path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_symlink(
old_path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>,
fd: Fd,
new_path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn path_unlink_file(
fd: Fd,
path: &GuestPtr<'a, str>
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn poll_oneoff(
in_: &GuestPtr<'a, Subscription>,
out: &GuestPtr<'a, Event>,
nsubscriptions: u32
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn proc_exit(&self, rval: u32) -> Result<(), ()>
pub fn proc_raise(&self, sig: Signal) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn sched_yield(&self) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn random_get(
buf: &GuestPtr<'a, u8>,
buf_len: u32
) -> Result<(), Error>
pub fn sock_recv(
fd: Fd,
ri_data: &GuestPtr<'a, [Iovec<'a>]>,
ri_flags: Riflags
) -> Result<(u32, Roflags), Error>
pub fn sock_send(
fd: Fd,
si_data: &GuestPtr<'a, [Ciovec<'a>]>,
si_flags: u16
) -> Result<u32, Error>
pub fn sock_shutdown(&self, fd: Fd, how: Sdflags) -> Result<(), Error>
Auto Trait Implementations
impl !RefUnwindSafe for WasiCtx
impl !Send for WasiCtx
impl !Sync for WasiCtx
impl Unpin for WasiCtx
impl !UnwindSafe for WasiCtx
Blanket Implementations
sourceimpl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
const: unstable · sourcepub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
sourceimpl<T> Instrument for T
impl<T> Instrument for T
sourcefn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
sourcefn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
sourceimpl<T> WithSubscriber for T
impl<T> WithSubscriber for T
sourcefn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self> where
S: Into<Dispatch>,
fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self> where
S: Into<Dispatch>,
Attaches the provided Subscriber
to this type, returning a
wrapper. Read more
sourcefn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>
fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>
Attaches the current default Subscriber
to this type, returning a
wrapper. Read more