pub trait HostTcpSocket {
Show 26 methods // Required methods fn start_bind( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, network: Resource<Network>, local_address: IpSocketAddress ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn finish_bind( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn start_connect( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, network: Resource<Network>, remote_address: IpSocketAddress ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn finish_connect( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(Resource<InputStream>, Resource<OutputStream>), SocketError>; fn start_listen( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn finish_listen( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn accept( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(Resource<TcpSocket>, Resource<InputStream>, Resource<OutputStream>), SocketError>; fn local_address( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<IpSocketAddress, SocketError>; fn remote_address( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<IpSocketAddress, SocketError>; fn address_family( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<IpAddressFamily>; fn ipv6_only( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<bool, SocketError>; fn set_ipv6_only( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: bool ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn set_listen_backlog_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: u64 ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn keep_alive( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<bool, SocketError>; fn set_keep_alive( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: bool ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn no_delay( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<bool, SocketError>; fn set_no_delay( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: bool ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn unicast_hop_limit( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<u8, SocketError>; fn set_unicast_hop_limit( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: u8 ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn receive_buffer_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<u64, SocketError>; fn set_receive_buffer_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: u64 ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn send_buffer_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<u64, SocketError>; fn set_send_buffer_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: u64 ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn subscribe( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<Resource<Pollable>>; fn shutdown( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, shutdown_type: ShutdownType ) -> Result<(), SocketError>; fn drop(&mut self, rep: Resource<TcpSocket>) -> Result<()>;

Required Methods§


fn start_bind( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, network: Resource<Network>, local_address: IpSocketAddress ) -> Result<(), SocketError>

Bind the socket to a specific network on the provided IP address and port.

If the IP address is zero ( in IPv4, :: in IPv6), it is left to the implementation to decide which network interface(s) to bind to. If the TCP/UDP port is zero, the socket will be bound to a random free port.

When a socket is not explicitly bound, the first invocation to a listen or connect operation will implicitly bind the socket.

Unlike in POSIX, this function is async. This enables interactive WASI hosts to inject permission prompts.

Typical start errors
  • invalid-argument: The local-address has the wrong address family. (EAFNOSUPPORT, EFAULT on Windows)
  • invalid-argument: local-address is not a unicast address. (EINVAL)
  • invalid-argument: local-address is an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, but the socket has ipv6-only enabled. (EINVAL)
  • invalid-state: The socket is already bound. (EINVAL)
Typical finish errors
  • address-in-use: No ephemeral ports available. (EADDRINUSE, ENOBUFS on Windows)
  • address-in-use: Address is already in use. (EADDRINUSE)
  • address-not-bindable: local-address is not an address that the network can bind to. (EADDRNOTAVAIL)
  • not-in-progress: A bind operation is not in progress.
  • would-block: Can’t finish the operation, it is still in progress. (EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN)

fn finish_bind(&mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>) -> Result<(), SocketError>


fn start_connect( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, network: Resource<Network>, remote_address: IpSocketAddress ) -> Result<(), SocketError>

Connect to a remote endpoint.

On success:

  • the socket is transitioned into the Connection state
  • a pair of streams is returned that can be used to read & write to the connection

POSIX mentions:

If connect() fails, the state of the socket is unspecified. Conforming applications should close the file descriptor and create a new socket before attempting to reconnect.

WASI prescribes the following behavior:

  • If connect fails because an input/state validation error, the socket should remain usable.
  • If a connection was actually attempted but failed, the socket should become unusable for further network communication. Besides drop, any method after such a failure may return an error.
Typical start errors
  • invalid-argument: The remote-address has the wrong address family. (EAFNOSUPPORT)
  • invalid-argument: remote-address is not a unicast address. (EINVAL, ENETUNREACH on Linux, EAFNOSUPPORT on MacOS)
  • invalid-argument: remote-address is an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, but the socket has ipv6-only enabled. (EINVAL, EADDRNOTAVAIL on Illumos)
  • invalid-argument: remote-address is a non-IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, but the socket was bound to a specific IPv4-mapped IPv6 address. (or vice versa)
  • invalid-argument: The IP address in remote-address is set to INADDR_ANY ( / ::). (EADDRNOTAVAIL on Windows)
  • invalid-argument: The port in remote-address is set to 0. (EADDRNOTAVAIL on Windows)
  • invalid-argument: The socket is already attached to a different network. The network passed to connect must be identical to the one passed to bind.
  • invalid-state: The socket is already in the Connection state. (EISCONN)
  • invalid-state: The socket is already in the Listener state. (EOPNOTSUPP, EINVAL on Windows)
Typical finish errors
  • timeout: Connection timed out. (ETIMEDOUT)
  • connection-refused: The connection was forcefully rejected. (ECONNREFUSED)
  • connection-reset: The connection was reset. (ECONNRESET)
  • connection-aborted: The connection was aborted. (ECONNABORTED)
  • remote-unreachable: The remote address is not reachable. (EHOSTUNREACH, EHOSTDOWN, ENETUNREACH, ENETDOWN)
  • address-in-use: Tried to perform an implicit bind, but there were no ephemeral ports available. (EADDRINUSE, EADDRNOTAVAIL on Linux, EAGAIN on BSD)
  • not-in-progress: A connect operation is not in progress.
  • would-block: Can’t finish the operation, it is still in progress. (EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN)

fn finish_connect( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(Resource<InputStream>, Resource<OutputStream>), SocketError>


fn start_listen( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(), SocketError>

Start listening for new connections.

Transitions the socket into the Listener state.

Unlike POSIX:

  • this function is async. This enables interactive WASI hosts to inject permission prompts.
  • the socket must already be explicitly bound.
Typical start errors
  • invalid-state: The socket is not bound to any local address. (EDESTADDRREQ)
  • invalid-state: The socket is already in the Connection state. (EISCONN, EINVAL on BSD)
  • invalid-state: The socket is already in the Listener state.
Typical finish errors
  • address-in-use: Tried to perform an implicit bind, but there were no ephemeral ports available. (EADDRINUSE)
  • not-in-progress: A listen operation is not in progress.
  • would-block: Can’t finish the operation, it is still in progress. (EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN)

fn finish_listen( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(), SocketError>


fn accept( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<(Resource<TcpSocket>, Resource<InputStream>, Resource<OutputStream>), SocketError>

Accept a new client socket.

The returned socket is bound and in the Connection state. The following properties are inherited from the listener socket:

  • address-family
  • ipv6-only
  • keep-alive
  • no-delay
  • unicast-hop-limit
  • receive-buffer-size
  • send-buffer-size

On success, this function returns the newly accepted client socket along with a pair of streams that can be used to read & write to the connection.

Typical errors
  • invalid-state: Socket is not in the Listener state. (EINVAL)
  • would-block: No pending connections at the moment. (EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN)
  • connection-aborted: An incoming connection was pending, but was terminated by the client before this listener could accept it. (ECONNABORTED)
  • new-socket-limit: The new socket resource could not be created because of a system limit. (EMFILE, ENFILE)

fn local_address( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<IpSocketAddress, SocketError>

Get the bound local address.

POSIX mentions:

If the socket has not been bound to a local name, the value stored in the object pointed to by address is unspecified.

WASI is stricter and requires local-address to return invalid-state when the socket hasn’t been bound yet.

Typical errors
  • invalid-state: The socket is not bound to any local address.

fn remote_address( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<IpSocketAddress, SocketError>


fn address_family( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<IpAddressFamily>

Whether this is a IPv4 or IPv6 socket.

Equivalent to the SO_DOMAIN socket option.


fn ipv6_only(&mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>) -> Result<bool, SocketError>

Whether IPv4 compatibility (dual-stack) mode is disabled or not.

Equivalent to the IPV6_V6ONLY socket option.

Typical errors
  • invalid-state: (set) The socket is already bound.
  • not-supported: (get/set) this socket is an IPv4 socket.
  • not-supported: (set) Host does not support dual-stack sockets. (Implementations are not required to.)

fn set_ipv6_only( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: bool ) -> Result<(), SocketError>


fn set_listen_backlog_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: u64 ) -> Result<(), SocketError>

Hints the desired listen queue size. Implementations are free to ignore this.

Typical errors
  • not-supported: (set) The platform does not support changing the backlog size after the initial listen.
  • invalid-state: (set) The socket is already in the Connection state.

fn keep_alive( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<bool, SocketError>

Equivalent to the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option.


fn set_keep_alive( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: bool ) -> Result<(), SocketError>


fn no_delay(&mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>) -> Result<bool, SocketError>

Equivalent to the TCP_NODELAY socket option.

The default value is false.


fn set_no_delay( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: bool ) -> Result<(), SocketError>


fn unicast_hop_limit( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<u8, SocketError>

Equivalent to the IP_TTL & IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS socket options.

Typical errors
  • invalid-argument: (set) The TTL value must be 1 or higher.
  • invalid-state: (set) The socket is already in the Connection state.
  • invalid-state: (set) The socket is already in the Listener state.

fn set_unicast_hop_limit( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: u8 ) -> Result<(), SocketError>


fn receive_buffer_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<u64, SocketError>

The kernel buffer space reserved for sends/receives on this socket.

Note #1: an implementation may choose to cap or round the buffer size when setting the value. In other words, after setting a value, reading the same setting back may return a different value.

Note #2: there is not necessarily a direct relationship between the kernel buffer size and the bytes of actual data to be sent/received by the application, because the kernel might also use the buffer space for internal metadata structures.

Equivalent to the SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF socket options.

Typical errors
  • invalid-state: (set) The socket is already in the Connection state.
  • invalid-state: (set) The socket is already in the Listener state.

fn set_receive_buffer_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: u64 ) -> Result<(), SocketError>


fn send_buffer_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<u64, SocketError>


fn set_send_buffer_size( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, value: u64 ) -> Result<(), SocketError>


fn subscribe( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket> ) -> Result<Resource<Pollable>>

Create a pollable which will resolve once the socket is ready for I/O.

Note: this function is here for WASI Preview2 only. It’s planned to be removed when future is natively supported in Preview3.


fn shutdown( &mut self, self_: Resource<TcpSocket>, shutdown_type: ShutdownType ) -> Result<(), SocketError>

Initiate a graceful shutdown.

  • receive: the socket is not expecting to receive any more data from the peer. All subsequent read operations on the input-stream associated with this socket will return an End Of Stream indication. Any data still in the receive queue at time of calling shutdown will be discarded.
  • send: the socket is not expecting to send any more data to the peer. All subsequent write operations on the output-stream associated with this socket will return an error.
  • both: same effect as receive & send combined.

The shutdown function does not close (drop) the socket.

Typical errors
  • invalid-state: The socket is not in the Connection state. (ENOTCONN)

fn drop(&mut self, rep: Resource<TcpSocket>) -> Result<()>
