Struct wayland_client::EventQueue [] [src]

pub struct EventQueue { /* fields omitted */ }

An event queue managing wayland events

Each wayland object can receive events from the server. To handle these events you must use a handler object: a struct (or enum) which you have implemented the appropriate Handler traits on it (each wayland interface defines a Handler trait in its module), and declared it using the declare_handler!(..) macro.

This handler contains the state all your handler methods will be able to access via the &mut self argument. You can then instanciate your type, and give ownership of the handler object to the event queue, via the add_handler(..) method. Then, each wayland object must be registered to a handler via the register(..) method (or its events will all be ignored).

The event queues also provides you control on the flow of the program, via the dispatch() and dispatch_pending() methods.

example of use

struct MyHandler { /* ... */ }

impl wl_surface::Handler for MyHandler {
    // implementation of the handler methods

declare_handler!(MyHandler, wl_surface::Handler, wl_surface::WlSurface);

fn main() {
    /* ... setup of your environment ... */
    let surface = compositor.create_surface().expect("Compositor cannot be destroyed.");
    let my_id = eventqueue.add_handler(MyHandler::new());
    eventqueue.register::<_, MyHandler>(&surface, my_id);

    // main event loop
    loop {
        // flush requests to the server
        // dispatch events from the server, blocking if needed


impl EventQueue

Dispatches events from the internal buffer.

Dispatches all events to their appropriate handlers. If not events were in the internal buffer, will block until some events are read and dispatch them. This process can insert events in the internal buffers of other event queues.

If an error is returned, your connexion with the wayland compositor is probably lost.

Dispatches pending events from the internal buffer.

Dispatches all events to their appropriate handlers. Never blocks, if not events were pending, simply returns Ok(0).

If an error is returned, your connexion with the wayland compositor is probably lost.

Synchronous roundtrip

This call will cause a synchonous roundtrip with the wayland server. It will block until all pending requests of this queue are send to the server and it has processed all of them and send the appropriate events.

Handlers are called as a consequence.

On success returns the number of dispatched events.

Get a handle to the internal state

The returned guard object allows you to get references to the handler objects you previously inserted in this event queue.

Methods from Deref<Target=EventQueueHandle>

Register a proxy to a handler of this event queue.

The H type must be provided and match the type of the targetted Handler, or it will panic.

This overwrites any precedently set Handler for this proxy.

Insert a new handler to this event queue

Returns the index of this handler in the internal array, which is needed to register proxies to it.

Insert a new handler with init

Allows you to insert handlers that require some interaction with the event loop in their initialization, like registering some objects to it.

The handler must implement the Init trait, and its init method will be called after its insertion.

Trait Implementations

impl Deref for EventQueue

The resulting type after dereferencing

The method called to dereference a value

impl DerefMut for EventQueue

The method called to mutably dereference a value