[][src]Struct wayland_protocols::unstable::tablet::v1::server::zwp_tablet_tool_v1::ZwpTabletToolV1

pub struct ZwpTabletToolV1(_);


impl ZwpTabletToolV1[src]

pub fn _type(&self, tool_type: Type)[src]

tool type

The tool type is the high-level type of the tool and usually decides the interaction expected from this tool.

This event is sent in the initial burst of events before the wp_tablet_tool.done event.

pub fn hardware_serial(&self, hardware_serial_hi: u32, hardware_serial_lo: u32)[src]

unique hardware serial number of the tool

If the physical tool can be identified by a unique 64-bit serial number, this event notifies the client of this serial number.

If multiple tablets are available in the same seat and the tool is uniquely identifiable by the serial number, that tool may move between tablets.

Otherwise, if the tool has no serial number and this event is missing, the tool is tied to the tablet it first comes into proximity with. Even if the physical tool is used on multiple tablets, separate wp_tablet_tool objects will be created, one per tablet.

This event is sent in the initial burst of events before the wp_tablet_tool.done event.

pub fn hardware_id_wacom(&self, hardware_id_hi: u32, hardware_id_lo: u32)[src]

hardware id notification in Wacom's format

This event notifies the client of a hardware id available on this tool.

The hardware id is a device-specific 64-bit id that provides extra information about the tool in use, beyond the wl_tool.type enumeration. The format of the id is specific to tablets made by Wacom Inc. For example, the hardware id of a Wacom Grip Pen (a stylus) is 0x802.

This event is sent in the initial burst of events before the wp_tablet_tool.done event.

pub fn capability(&self, capability: Capability)[src]

tool capability notification

This event notifies the client of any capabilities of this tool, beyond the main set of x/y axes and tip up/down detection.

One event is sent for each extra capability available on this tool.

This event is sent in the initial burst of events before the wp_tablet_tool.done event.

pub fn done(&self)[src]

tool description events sequence complete

This event signals the end of the initial burst of descriptive events. A client may consider the static description of the tool to be complete and finalize initialization of the tool.

pub fn removed(&self)[src]

tool removed

This event is sent when the tool is removed from the system and will send no further events. Should the physical tool come back into proximity later, a new wp_tablet_tool object will be created.

It is compositor-dependent when a tool is removed. A compositor may remove a tool on proximity out, tablet removal or any other reason. A compositor may also keep a tool alive until shutdown.

If the tool is currently in proximity, a proximity_out event will be sent before the removed event. See wp_tablet_tool.proximity_out for the handling of any buttons logically down.

When this event is received, the client must wp_tablet_tool.destroy the object.

pub fn proximity_in(
    serial: u32,
    tablet: &ZwpTabletV1,
    surface: &WlSurface

proximity in event

Notification that this tool is focused on a certain surface.

This event can be received when the tool has moved from one surface to another, or when the tool has come back into proximity above the surface.

If any button is logically down when the tool comes into proximity, the respective button event is sent after the proximity_in event but within the same frame as the proximity_in event.

pub fn proximity_out(&self)[src]

proximity out event

Notification that this tool has either left proximity, or is no longer focused on a certain surface.

When the tablet tool leaves proximity of the tablet, button release events are sent for each button that was held down at the time of leaving proximity. These events are sent before the proximity_out event but within the same wp_tablet.frame.

If the tool stays within proximity of the tablet, but the focus changes from one surface to another, a button release event may not be sent until the button is actually released or the tool leaves the proximity of the tablet.

pub fn down(&self, serial: u32)[src]

tablet tool is making contact

Sent whenever the tablet tool comes in contact with the surface of the tablet.

If the tool is already in contact with the tablet when entering the input region, the client owning said region will receive a wp_tablet.proximity_in event, followed by a wp_tablet.down event and a wp_tablet.frame event.

Note that this event describes logical contact, not physical contact. On some devices, a compositor may not consider a tool in logical contact until a minimum physical pressure threshold is exceeded.

pub fn up(&self)[src]

tablet tool is no longer making contact

Sent whenever the tablet tool stops making contact with the surface of the tablet, or when the tablet tool moves out of the input region and the compositor grab (if any) is dismissed.

If the tablet tool moves out of the input region while in contact with the surface of the tablet and the compositor does not have an ongoing grab on the surface, the client owning said region will receive a wp_tablet.up event, followed by a wp_tablet.proximity_out event and a wp_tablet.frame event. If the compositor has an ongoing grab on this device, this event sequence is sent whenever the grab is dismissed in the future.

Note that this event describes logical contact, not physical contact. On some devices, a compositor may not consider a tool out of logical contact until physical pressure falls below a specific threshold.

pub fn motion(&self, x: f64, y: f64)[src]

motion event

Sent whenever a tablet tool moves.

pub fn pressure(&self, pressure: u32)[src]

pressure change event

Sent whenever the pressure axis on a tool changes. The value of this event is normalized to a value between 0 and 65535.

Note that pressure may be nonzero even when a tool is not in logical contact. See the down and up events for more details.

pub fn distance(&self, distance: u32)[src]

distance change event

Sent whenever the distance axis on a tool changes. The value of this event is normalized to a value between 0 and 65535.

Note that distance may be nonzero even when a tool is not in logical contact. See the down and up events for more details.

pub fn tilt(&self, tilt_x: i32, tilt_y: i32)[src]

tilt change event

Sent whenever one or both of the tilt axes on a tool change. Each tilt value is in 0.01 of a degree, relative to the z-axis of the tablet. The angle is positive when the top of a tool tilts along the positive x or y axis.

pub fn rotation(&self, degrees: i32)[src]

z-rotation change event

Sent whenever the z-rotation axis on the tool changes. The rotation value is in 0.01 of a degree clockwise from the tool's logical neutral position.

pub fn slider(&self, position: i32)[src]

Slider position change event

Sent whenever the slider position on the tool changes. The value is normalized between -65535 and 65535, with 0 as the logical neutral position of the slider.

The slider is available on e.g. the Wacom Airbrush tool.

pub fn wheel(&self, degrees: i32, clicks: i32)[src]

Wheel delta event

Sent whenever the wheel on the tool emits an event. This event contains two values for the same axis change. The degrees value is in 0.01 of a degree in the same orientation as the wl_pointer.vertical_scroll axis. The clicks value is in discrete logical clicks of the mouse wheel. This value may be zero if the movement of the wheel was less than one logical click.

Clients should choose either value and avoid mixing degrees and clicks. The compositor may accumulate values smaller than a logical click and emulate click events when a certain threshold is met. Thus, wl_tablet_tool.wheel events with non-zero clicks values may have different degrees values.

pub fn button(&self, serial: u32, button: u32, state: ButtonState)[src]

button event

Sent whenever a button on the tool is pressed or released.

If a button is held down when the tool moves in or out of proximity, button events are generated by the compositor. See wp_tablet_tool.proximity_in and wp_tablet_tool.proximity_out for details.

pub fn frame(&self, time: u32)[src]

frame event

Marks the end of a series of axis and/or button updates from the tablet. The Wayland protocol requires axis updates to be sent sequentially, however all events within a frame should be considered one hardware event.

Trait Implementations

impl AsRef<Resource<ZwpTabletToolV1>> for ZwpTabletToolV1[src]

impl Eq for ZwpTabletToolV1[src]

impl Clone for ZwpTabletToolV1[src]

impl PartialEq<ZwpTabletToolV1> for ZwpTabletToolV1[src]

impl From<Resource<ZwpTabletToolV1>> for ZwpTabletToolV1[src]

impl From<ZwpTabletToolV1> for Resource<ZwpTabletToolV1>[src]

impl Interface for ZwpTabletToolV1[src]

type Request = Request

Set of requests associated to this interface Read more

type Event = Event

Set of events associated to this interface Read more

impl<T: RequestHandler> HandledBy<T> for ZwpTabletToolV1[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<M, I> HandledBy<Sink<M>> for I where
    I: Interface,
    M: From<(<I as Interface>::Event, I)>, 

impl<T> Downcast for T where
    T: Any