[][src]Struct wayland_server::Resource

pub struct Resource<I: Interface> { /* fields omitted */ }

An handle to a wayland resource

This represents a wayland object instantiated in a client session. Several handles to the same object can exist at a given time, and cloning them won't create a new protocol object, only clone the handle. The lifetime of the protocol object is not tied to the lifetime of these handles, but rather to sending or receiving destroying messages.

These handles are notably used to send events to the associated client, via the send method, although you're encouraged to use methods on the corresponding Rust objects instead. To convert a Resource<I> into the I Rust object, use the .into() method.


impl<I: Interface> Resource<I>[src]

pub fn send(&self, msg: I::Event)[src]

Send an event through this object

The event will be send to the client associated to this object.

pub fn is_alive(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if the object associated with this resource is still alive

Will return false if either:

  • The object has been destroyed
  • The object is not managed by this library (see the from_c_ptr method)

pub fn version(&self) -> u32[src]

Retrieve the interface version of this wayland object instance

Returns 0 on dead objects

pub fn equals(&self, other: &Resource<I>) -> bool[src]

Check if the other resource refers to the same underlying wayland object

pub fn same_client_as<II: Interface>(&self, other: &Resource<II>) -> bool[src]

Check if this resource and the other belong to the same client

Always return false if either of them is dead

pub fn post_error(&self, error_code: u32, msg: String)[src]

Posts a protocol error to this resource

The error code can be obtained from the various Error enums of the protocols.

An error is fatal to the client that caused it.

pub fn user_data<UD: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&UD>[src]

Access the arbitrary payload associated to this object

You need to specify the expected type of this payload, and this function will return None if either the types don't match or you are attempting to access a non Send + Sync user data from the wrong thread.

This value is associated to the Resource when you implement it, and you cannot access it mutably afterwards. If you need interior mutability, you are responsible for using a Mutex or similar type to achieve it.

pub fn client(&self) -> Option<Client>[src]

Retrieve an handle to the client associated with this resource

Returns None if the resource is no longer alive.

pub fn id(&self) -> u32[src]

Retrieve the object id of this wayland object

impl<I: Interface> Resource<I>[src]

pub fn is_external(&self) -> bool[src]

Check whether this resource is managed by the library or not

See from_c_ptr for details.

NOTE: This method will panic if called while the native_lib feature is not activated

pub fn c_ptr(&self) -> *mut wl_resource[src]

Get a raw pointer to the underlying wayland object

Retrieve a pointer to the object from the libwayland-server.so library. You will mostly need it to interface with C libraries needing access to wayland objects (to initialize an opengl context for example).

NOTE: This method will panic if called while the native_lib feature is not activated

pub unsafe fn from_c_ptr(_ptr: *mut wl_resource) -> Self where
    I: From<Resource<I>>, 

Create a Resource instance from a C pointer

Create a Resource from a raw pointer to a wayland object from the C library.

If the pointer was previously obtained by the c_ptr() method, this constructs a new resource handle for the same object just like the clone() method would have.

If the object was created by some other C library you are interfacing with, it will be created in an "unmanaged" state: wayland-server will treat it as foreign, and as such most of the safeties will be absent. Notably the lifetime of the object can't be tracked, so the alive() method will always return false and you are responsible of not using an object past its destruction (as this would cause a protocol error). You will also be unable to associate any user data pointer to this object.

In order to handle protocol races, invoking it with a NULL pointer will create an already-dead object.

NOTE: This method will panic if called while the native_lib feature is not activated

Trait Implementations

impl AsRef<Resource<WlCallback>> for WlCallback[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlCompositor>> for WlCompositor[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlShmPool>> for WlShmPool[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlShm>> for WlShm[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlBuffer>> for WlBuffer[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlDataOffer>> for WlDataOffer[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlDataSource>> for WlDataSource[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlDataDevice>> for WlDataDevice[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlDataDeviceManager>> for WlDataDeviceManager[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlShell>> for WlShell[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlShellSurface>> for WlShellSurface[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlSurface>> for WlSurface[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlSeat>> for WlSeat[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlPointer>> for WlPointer[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlKeyboard>> for WlKeyboard[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlTouch>> for WlTouch[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlOutput>> for WlOutput[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlRegion>> for WlRegion[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlSubcompositor>> for WlSubcompositor[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<WlSubsurface>> for WlSubsurface[src]

impl AsRef<Resource<AnonymousObject>> for AnonymousObject[src]

impl<I: Interface> Eq for Resource<I>[src]

impl<I: Interface> Clone for Resource<I>[src]

impl<I: Interface> PartialEq<Resource<I>> for Resource<I>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlCallback>> for WlCallback[src]

impl From<WlCallback> for Resource<WlCallback>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlCompositor>> for WlCompositor[src]

impl From<WlCompositor> for Resource<WlCompositor>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlShmPool>> for WlShmPool[src]

impl From<WlShmPool> for Resource<WlShmPool>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlShm>> for WlShm[src]

impl From<WlShm> for Resource<WlShm>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlBuffer>> for WlBuffer[src]

impl From<WlBuffer> for Resource<WlBuffer>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlDataOffer>> for WlDataOffer[src]

impl From<WlDataOffer> for Resource<WlDataOffer>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlDataSource>> for WlDataSource[src]

impl From<WlDataSource> for Resource<WlDataSource>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlDataDevice>> for WlDataDevice[src]

impl From<WlDataDevice> for Resource<WlDataDevice>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlDataDeviceManager>> for WlDataDeviceManager[src]

impl From<WlDataDeviceManager> for Resource<WlDataDeviceManager>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlShell>> for WlShell[src]

impl From<WlShell> for Resource<WlShell>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlShellSurface>> for WlShellSurface[src]

impl From<WlShellSurface> for Resource<WlShellSurface>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlSurface>> for WlSurface[src]

impl From<WlSurface> for Resource<WlSurface>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlSeat>> for WlSeat[src]

impl From<WlSeat> for Resource<WlSeat>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlPointer>> for WlPointer[src]

impl From<WlPointer> for Resource<WlPointer>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlKeyboard>> for WlKeyboard[src]

impl From<WlKeyboard> for Resource<WlKeyboard>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlTouch>> for WlTouch[src]

impl From<WlTouch> for Resource<WlTouch>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlOutput>> for WlOutput[src]

impl From<WlOutput> for Resource<WlOutput>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlRegion>> for WlRegion[src]

impl From<WlRegion> for Resource<WlRegion>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlSubcompositor>> for WlSubcompositor[src]

impl From<WlSubcompositor> for Resource<WlSubcompositor>[src]

impl From<Resource<WlSubsurface>> for WlSubsurface[src]

impl From<WlSubsurface> for Resource<WlSubsurface>[src]

impl From<Resource<AnonymousObject>> for AnonymousObject[src]

impl From<AnonymousObject> for Resource<AnonymousObject>[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<I> Unpin for Resource<I>

impl<I> Sync for Resource<I> where
    I: Sync

impl<I> Send for Resource<I> where
    I: Sync

impl<I> !UnwindSafe for Resource<I>

impl<I> !RefUnwindSafe for Resource<I>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Downcast for T where
    T: Any