pub trait Interface: 'static {
    type Request: 'static + MessageGroup;
    type Event: 'static + MessageGroup;

    const NAME: &'static str;
    const VERSION: u32;

    fn c_interface() -> *const wl_interface;
Expand description

The description of a wayland interface

Implementations of this trait are supposed to be generated using the wayland-scanner crate.

Required Associated Types

Set of requests associated to this interface

Requests are messages from the client to the server

Set of events associated to this interface

Events are messages from the server to the client

Required Associated Constants

Name of this interface

Maximum supported version of this interface

This is the maximum version supported by the protocol specification currently used by this library, and should not be used as-is in your code, as a version change can subtly change the behavior of some objects.

Server are supposed to be able to handle all versions from 1 to the one they advertise through the registry, and clients can choose any version among the ones the server supports.

Required Methods

Pointer to the C representation of this interface
