Struct webview2_com_sys::Microsoft::Web::WebView2::Win32::ICoreWebView2_14
source · #[repr(transparent)]pub struct ICoreWebView2_14(_);
source§impl ICoreWebView2_14
impl ICoreWebView2_14
pub unsafe fn Settings(&self) -> Result<ICoreWebView2Settings>
pub unsafe fn Source(&self, uri: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_ContentLoading<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ContentLoadingEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_ContentLoading( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_SourceChanged<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2SourceChangedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_SourceChanged( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_HistoryChanged<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2HistoryChangedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_HistoryChanged( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_ScriptDialogOpening<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ScriptDialogOpeningEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_ScriptDialogOpening( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_PermissionRequested<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_PermissionRequested( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_ProcessFailed<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_ProcessFailed( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated<P0, P1>( &self, javascript: P0, handler: P1 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P1: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedHandler>,
pub unsafe fn RemoveScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated<P0>( &self, id: P0 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn ExecuteScript<P0, P1>( &self, javascript: P0, handler: P1 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P1: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ExecuteScriptCompletedHandler>,
pub unsafe fn CapturePreview<P0, P1>( &self, imageformat: COREWEBVIEW2_CAPTURE_PREVIEW_IMAGE_FORMAT, imagestream: P0, handler: P1 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<IStream>, P1: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2CapturePreviewCompletedHandler>,
pub unsafe fn Reload(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn PostWebMessageAsJson<P0>( &self, webmessageasjson: P0 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn PostWebMessageAsString<P0>( &self, webmessageasstring: P0 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn add_WebMessageReceived<P0>( &self, handler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_WebMessageReceived( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn CallDevToolsProtocolMethod<P0, P1, P2>( &self, methodname: P0, parametersasjson: P1, handler: P2 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P1: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P2: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2CallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedHandler>,
pub unsafe fn BrowserProcessId(&self, value: *mut u32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn CanGoBack(&self, cangoback: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn CanGoForward(&self, cangoforward: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GoBack(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GoForward(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver<P0>( &self, eventname: P0 ) -> Result<ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceiver>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn Stop(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_NewWindowRequested<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_NewWindowRequested( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_DocumentTitleChanged<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2DocumentTitleChangedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_DocumentTitleChanged( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn DocumentTitle(&self, title: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn AddHostObjectToScript<P0>( &self, name: P0, object: *mut VARIANT ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn RemoveHostObjectFromScript<P0>(&self, name: P0) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn OpenDevToolsWindow(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_ContainsFullScreenElementChanged<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ContainsFullScreenElementChangedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_ContainsFullScreenElementChanged( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn ContainsFullScreenElement( &self, containsfullscreenelement: *mut BOOL ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_WebResourceRequested<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2WebResourceRequestedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_WebResourceRequested( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn AddWebResourceRequestedFilter<P0>( &self, uri: P0, resourcecontext: COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_RESOURCE_CONTEXT ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn RemoveWebResourceRequestedFilter<P0>( &self, uri: P0, resourcecontext: COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_RESOURCE_CONTEXT ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn add_WindowCloseRequested<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2WindowCloseRequestedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_WindowCloseRequested( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_WebResourceResponseReceived<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseReceivedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_WebResourceResponseReceived( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_DOMContentLoaded<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2DOMContentLoadedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_DOMContentLoaded( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn CookieManager(&self) -> Result<ICoreWebView2CookieManager>
pub unsafe fn Environment(&self) -> Result<ICoreWebView2Environment>
pub unsafe fn TrySuspend<P0>(&self, handler: P0) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2TrySuspendCompletedHandler>,
pub unsafe fn Resume(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn IsSuspended(&self, issuspended: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping<P0, P1>( &self, hostname: P0, folderpath: P1, accesskind: COREWEBVIEW2_HOST_RESOURCE_ACCESS_KIND ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P1: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping<P0>( &self, hostname: P0 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn add_FrameCreated<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2FrameCreatedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_FrameCreated( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_DownloadStarting<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2DownloadStartingEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_DownloadStarting( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_ClientCertificateRequested<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ClientCertificateRequestedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_ClientCertificateRequested( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn OpenTaskManagerWindow(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn PrintToPdf<P0, P1, P2>( &self, resultfilepath: P0, printsettings: P1, handler: P2 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P1: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2PrintSettings>, P2: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2PrintToPdfCompletedHandler>,
pub unsafe fn add_IsMutedChanged<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2IsMutedChangedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_IsMutedChanged( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn IsMuted(&self, value: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetIsMuted<P0>(&self, value: P0) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<BOOL>,
pub unsafe fn add_IsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2IsDocumentPlayingAudioChangedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_IsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn IsDocumentPlayingAudio(&self, value: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged<P0>( &self, handler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChangedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpen(&self, value: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn OpenDefaultDownloadDialog(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn CloseDefaultDownloadDialog(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn DefaultDownloadDialogCornerAlignment( &self, value: *mut COREWEBVIEW2_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIALOG_CORNER_ALIGNMENT ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetDefaultDownloadDialogCornerAlignment( &self, value: COREWEBVIEW2_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIALOG_CORNER_ALIGNMENT ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn DefaultDownloadDialogMargin( &self, value: *mut POINT ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetDefaultDownloadDialogMargin(&self, value: POINT) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_BasicAuthenticationRequested<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2BasicAuthenticationRequestedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_BasicAuthenticationRequested( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn CallDevToolsProtocolMethodForSession<P0, P1, P2, P3>( &self, sessionid: P0, methodname: P1, parametersasjson: P2, handler: P3 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P1: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P2: IntoParam<PCWSTR>, P3: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2CallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedHandler>,
pub unsafe fn add_ContextMenuRequested<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ContextMenuRequestedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_ContextMenuRequested( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn add_StatusBarTextChanged<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2StatusBarTextChangedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_StatusBarTextChanged( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn StatusBarText(&self, value: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn Profile(&self) -> Result<ICoreWebView2Profile>
pub unsafe fn add_ServerCertificateErrorDetected<P0>( &self, eventhandler: P0, token: *mut EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ServerCertificateErrorDetectedEventHandler>,
pub unsafe fn remove_ServerCertificateErrorDetected( &self, token: EventRegistrationToken ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn ClearServerCertificateErrorActions<P0>( &self, handler: P0 ) -> Result<()>where P0: IntoParam<ICoreWebView2ClearServerCertificateErrorActionsCompletedHandler>,
Trait Implementations§
source§impl Clone for ICoreWebView2_14
impl Clone for ICoreWebView2_14
source§impl ComInterface for ICoreWebView2_14
impl ComInterface for ICoreWebView2_14
source§impl Debug for ICoreWebView2_14
impl Debug for ICoreWebView2_14
source§impl Interface for ICoreWebView2_14
impl Interface for ICoreWebView2_14
type Vtable = ICoreWebView2_14_Vtbl
source§fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer. The resulting pointer continues to be owned by the
implementation.source§fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer and releases ownership. It the caller’s responsibility to release the COM interface pointer.
source§impl PartialEq<ICoreWebView2_14> for ICoreWebView2_14
impl PartialEq<ICoreWebView2_14> for ICoreWebView2_14
impl Eq for ICoreWebView2_14
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl RefUnwindSafe for ICoreWebView2_14
impl !Send for ICoreWebView2_14
impl !Sync for ICoreWebView2_14
impl Unpin for ICoreWebView2_14
impl UnwindSafe for ICoreWebView2_14
Blanket Implementations§
source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,
source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more