Module windows_win::raw::window

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Provides functions to interact with windows.



  • Destroy window.
  • Enumerates over windows handles and calls callback on each
  • Enumerates over windows handles and calls callback on each
  • Search for a window’s handle.
  • Search for a window’s child.
  • Retrieves the window handle to the active window attached to the calling thread’s message queue.
  • Retrieves list of handles to specific window class
  • Retrieves handle to a window by pid using enum_by_until.
  • Retrieves list of handles to windows with specific title’s text.
  • Retrieves window’s class name.
  • Retrieves the window handle used by the console associated with the calling process.
  • Retrieves window’s title.
  • Retrieves the identifier of the thread and process that created the specified window.
  • Determines if window is visible.
  • Sends get text message to a window
  • Sends message to a window.
  • Sends push button message to a window.
  • Sends set text message to a window.
  • Sends sys command to a window.
  • Shows window