name = "rhabdomancer"
path = "src/main.rs"
version = "0.4"
version = "1.0"
version = "0.15"
version = "0.4"
version = "1.11"
features = ["derive"]
version = "1.0"
name = "rhabdomancer"
path = "src/lib.rs"
missing_errors_doc = "allow"
multiple_crate_versions = "allow"
significant_drop_tightening = "allow"
level = "warn"
priority = -1
level = "warn"
priority = -1
level = "warn"
priority = -1
level = "warn"
priority = -1
authors = ["Marco Ivaldi <raptor@0xdeadbeef.info>"]
autobenches = false
autobins = false
autoexamples = false
autolib = false
autotests = false
build = "build.rs"
categories = ["command-line-utilities"]
description = "Vulnerability research assistant that locates all calls to potentially insecure API functions in a binary file."
documentation = "https://0xdeadbeef.info/rhabdomancer/rhabdomancer/"
edition = "2021"
exclude = [".cargo/*", ".github/*", ".img/*", "tests/*"]
homepage = "https://0xdeadbeef.info/"
keywords = ["reverse-engineering", "binary-file", "vuln-dev", "ida", "idalib"]
license = "MIT"
name = "rhabdomancer"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/0xdea/rhabdomancer"
version = "0.2.6"
codegen-units = 1
lto = true
panic = "abort"
strip = true