risc0-zkvm-prove 0.6.0

RISC Zero zero-knowledge VM prove crate
// Copyright 2022 Risc0, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include "risc0/zkvm/prove/riscv.h"

#include "risc0/core/log.h"
#include "risc0/zkp/core/rou.h"
#include "risc0/zkvm/prove/exec.h"
#include "risc0/zkvm/verify/riscv.h"

#include "oneapi/tbb/parallel_for.h"
using oneapi::tbb::parallel_for;

namespace risc0 {

namespace {

class RiscVProveCircuit : public ProveCircuit {
  RiscVProveCircuit(const std::string& elfFile, MemoryHandler& io);
  TapSetRef getTaps() const override { return getRiscVTaps(); }
  void execute(WriteIOP& iop) override;
  void accumulate(WriteIOP& iop) override;
  void evalCheck(           //
      AccelSlice<Fp> check, // Output: Check polynomial
      // Evaluations of each polynomial on an extended domain
      AccelConstSlice<Fp> codeEval,  //
      AccelConstSlice<Fp> dataEval,  //
      AccelConstSlice<Fp> accumEval, //
      // Mix factor for polynomial constraints
      Fp4 polyMix) const override;

  uint32_t getPo2() const override { return po2_; }
  const std::vector<Fp>& getCode() const override { return exec_.code; }
  const std::vector<Fp>& getData() const override { return exec_.data; }
  const std::vector<Fp>& getAccum() const override { return accum_; }

  ExecState exec_;
  std::vector<Fp> accum_;
  MemoryHandler& io_;
  uint32_t po2_;

} // namespace

RiscVProveCircuit::RiscVProveCircuit(const std::string& elfFile, MemoryHandler& io)
    : exec_(elfFile), io_(io) {}

void RiscVProveCircuit::execute(WriteIOP& iop) {
  // Run actual RISC-V execution
  exec_.run(kMaxCycles, io_);

  // Get # of timesteps
  po2_ = log2Ceil(exec_.context.numSteps);
  size_t size = size_t(1) << po2_;
  LOG(1, "size = " << size);

  // Write final low register state
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kOutputRegs; i++) {
    const Fp* globals = exec_.context.globals;
    uint32_t regVal = globals[2 * i].asUInt32() | (globals[2 * i + 1].asUInt32() << 16);
    LOG(2, "x" << i + 1 << " = " << hex(regVal));
    iop.write(&regVal, 1);

  // Write the po2 for size
  iop.write(&po2_, 1);

  // Now, do memory verification
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size - kZkCycles; i++) {
    exec_.context.curStep = i;
    dataStepCheck(exec_.context, exec_.code.data(), exec_.data.data());

  // Set any unset values to dead
  for (Fp& x : exec_.data) {
    if (x == Fp::invalid()) {
      x = 0xdead;

  // Fill final cycles of data with noise to make ZK
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kDataSize; i++) {
    for (size_t j = size - kZkCycles; j < size; j++) {
      exec_.data[i * size + j] = Fp::random(CryptoRng::shared());

void RiscVProveCircuit::accumulate(WriteIOP& iop) {
  size_t size = size_t(1) << po2_;
  LOG(1, "size = " << size);
  // Fill in accum mix
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kAccumMixGlobalSize; i++) {
    exec_.context.globals[kAccumMixGlobalOffset + i] = Fp::random(iop);

  // Generate accum
  accum_.resize(kAccumSize * size, Fp::invalid());
  accum_.resize(kAccumSize * size);
  LOG(1, "accum_.size() == " << accum_.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size - kZkCycles; i++) {
    exec_.context.curStep = i;
    accumStep(exec_.context, exec_.code.data(), exec_.data.data(), accum_.data());

  // Set any unset values to dead
  for (Fp& x : accum_) {
    if (x == Fp::invalid()) {
      x = 0xdead;

  // Fill final cycles of accum with noise to make ZK
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kAccumSize; i++) {
    for (size_t j = size - kZkCycles; j < size; j++) {
      accum_[i * size + j] = Fp::random(CryptoRng::shared());

namespace {

struct MixState {
  Fp4 tot;
  Fp4 mul;

} // namespace

void RiscVProveCircuit::evalCheck( //
    AccelSlice<Fp> check,          // Output: Check polynomial
    // Evaluations of each polynomial on an extended domain
    AccelConstSlice<Fp> codeEval,  //
    AccelConstSlice<Fp> dataEval,  //
    AccelConstSlice<Fp> accumEval, //
    // Mix factor for polynomial constraints
    Fp4 polyMix) const {
  size_t size = size_t(1) << po2_;
  size_t domain = size * kInvRate;
  uint32_t mask = domain - 1;
  Fp* out = check.devicePointer();
  constexpr size_t expPo2 = log2Ceil(kInvRate);
  const Fp* code = codeEval.devicePointer();
  const Fp* data = dataEval.devicePointer();
  const Fp* accum = accumEval.devicePointer();
  const Fp* global = exec_.context.globals;
  parallel_for<size_t>(0, domain, [&](size_t idx) {
#define CHECK_EVAL
#define do_const(out, cval) Fp v##out = Fp(cval);
#define do_get(out, buf, reg, back, id)                                                            \
  Fp v##out = buf[reg * domain + ((idx - kInvRate * back) & mask)];
#define do_get_global(out, reg) Fp v##out = global[reg];
#define do_begin(out) MixState m##out = {Fp4(0), Fp4(1)};
#define do_assert_zero(out, in, zval, loc)                                                         \
  MixState m##out = {m##in.tot + m##in.mul * v##zval, m##in.mul * polyMix};
#define do_combine(out, prev, cond, inner, loc)                                                    \
  MixState m##out =                                                                                \
      MixState{m##prev.tot + v##cond * m##prev.mul * m##inner.tot, m##prev.mul * m##inner.mul};
#define do_add(out, a, b) Fp v##out = v##a + v##b;
#define do_sub(out, a, b) Fp v##out = v##a - v##b;
#define do_mul(out, a, b) Fp v##out = v##a * v##b;
#define do_result(out) Fp4 ret = m##out.tot;
#include "risc0/zkvm/circuit/step.cpp.inc"
#undef do_const
#undef do_get
#undef do_get_global
#undef do_begin
#undef do_assert_zero
#undef do_combine
#undef do_add
#undef do_sub
#undef do_mul
#undef do_result
    Fp x = pow(kRouFwd[po2_ + expPo2], idx);
    ret = ret * inv(pow(Fp(3) * x, (1 << (po2_))) - 1);
    out[0 * domain + idx] = ret.elems[0];
    out[1 * domain + idx] = ret.elems[1];
    out[2 * domain + idx] = ret.elems[2];
    out[3 * domain + idx] = ret.elems[3];

using oneapi::tbb::parallel_for;

std::unique_ptr<ProveCircuit> getRiscVProveCircuit(const std::string& elfFile, MemoryHandler& io) {
  return std::make_unique<RiscVProveCircuit>(elfFile, io);

} // namespace risc0