# Project TAM.
The very reason of this project is to make Your life easy at least for a little bit thanks to efficient automation of daily routine.
# Remark: it's outdated Readme ==>> check out the links for actual Info. TAM already has a damn lot of tricks to use it for Shell tasks 😉
For now, TAM makes possible to find files in whatever directory and run them with chosen viewers. hmmm.. yea, looks rather boring ain't it??? :)) well, let's look on some examples & details will show You how this "boring" feature can make Your life better.
# Examples:
So, actually we have hella number of files & we (in many cases) need to use regex to make searching through that endless damn heap efficient, but the most of us have no time to learn such stuff + regex software have some differences. 2nd moment, we need not just run files, but run them with different options. So, let's deal w/ example..
python3 ./tam.py -path0 "/tst" -find_files -tmp_file "/tmp/tst02" -in_name ".mp4" -view_w "vlc --sout-x264-b-bias=-15" -view_w "smplayer" -cols 2 -rows 15 -col_w 100 -in_name "some"
-path0 sets folder to search stuff.<br>
-find_files activates function to search.<br>
-tmp_file sets tmp files (actually, the're two tmp files: in our case, /tmp/norm_tst02 & /tmp/err_tst02).<br>
-in_name sets keyword.<br>
-view_w sets viewer w/ options.<br>
-cols sets number of columns.<br>
-rows sets number of rows.<br>
-col_w sets width of column.<br>
This command forms table of found files, each file gets a number + we see list of viewers (each viewer has own key number too)..<br>
To run file, we write "\<key number of viewer\> \<key number of file\>", then press Enter. for instance, "0 2" runs file (key number "2") w/ viewer (key number "0").<br>
Command "np" shows next page/table.<br>
"pp" - previous page.<br>
"go2 \<number of page/table\>"<br>
"0p" - 1st page.<br>
"lp" - last one.<br>
"fp <key number of file>" shows full path to chosen file.<br>
ctrl + c to exit.<br>
# Short guide how to use TAM.
[![Watch the video](https://img.youtube.com/vi/szqe--xIs8I/maxresdefault.jpg)](https://youtu.be/szqe--xIs8I)
# How to switch TAM's Konsoles.
[![Watch the video](https://img.youtube.com/vi/dkRJKsMTyoc/maxresdefault.jpg)](https://youtu.be/dkRJKsMTyoc)
# Supported Platforms:
So far, TAM has been tested only for Linux. However, theoretically this variant must work on FreeBSD, NetBSD & MacOS quite smoothly (but i don't guarantee it). <br>
# Links: <br>
<b>Rolling guide of TAM (Topnotch Practical ways to use Console/Terminal):<b> https://alg0z8n8its9lovely6tricks.blogspot.com/2024/08/tam-guide-of-features-smart-tricks.html <br>
<b>TELEGRAM:</b> https://t.me/+N_TdOq7Ui2ZiOTM6 (Alg0Z). <br>
<b>ALG0Z RU:</b> https://dzen.ru/alg0z <br>
<b>ALG0Z EN:</b> https://alg0z.blogspot.com <br>
<b>ChangeLog:</b> https://alg0z8n8its9lovely6tricks.blogspot.com/2023/09/tam-changelog.html <br>
<b>FORUM:</b> https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1430114-tam/ <br>
<b>E-MAIL:</b> sark0y@protonmail.com <br>
<b>GITHUB:</b> https://github.com/SarK0Y/TAM_RUSTy.git <br>
<b>YouTube:</b> https://www.youtube.com/@evgeneyknyazhev968 <br>
<b>Twitter_X:</b> https://x.com/SarK0Y8 <br>
Donations: https://boosty.to/alg0z/donate https://zap-hosting.com/en/shop/donation/1f0c83845d810df04ca74e56238399f7/ <br>
# <p align=center> <b> MAKE CONSOLE GREAT AGAIN.🤘 </b> </p>
# my the Best Wishes to You 🙃