smartdns 0.9.2-alpha.1

A cross platform local DNS server written in rust to obtain the fastest website IP for the best Internet experience, support DoT, DoQ, DoH, DoH3.

The functions that have been completed are not guaranteed to be completely problem-free, as they have not been rigorously tested.

## Service Manager

- `MacOS`
  - [x] `launchctl`
  - [x] `homebrew`(via `--features homebrew`- Windows
  - [x] Sc - []
- Linux
  - [x] `Systemd` - []
  - [ ] `OpenRc` - []
  - [ ] `Procd`(`OpenWrt`) - []

## Configurations

- [x] `server-name` 

  DNS server name,lookup by `dig whoami ptr`

- [x] `num-worker ` (Draft)

   The number of worker threads

- [x] `bind` 

  UDP mode DNS listening port number

- [x] `bind-tcp`

  TCP mode DNS listening port number

- [x] `bind-tls`

   DOT mode DNS listening port number

- [x] `bind-cert-file`

  SSL Certificate file path

- [x] `bind-cert-key`

  SSL Certificate key file path

- [ ] `bind-cert-key-pass`

  SSL Certificate key file password

- [x] `cache-size`

  Domain name result cache number

- [x] `cache-persist`

  enable persist cache

- [x] `cache-file`

  cache persist file

- [x] `tcp-idle-time`

  TCP connection idle timeout

- [x] `rr-ttl`

  Domain name TTL

- [x] `rr-ttl-min`

  Domain name Minimum TTL

- [x] `tt-ttl-max`

  Domain name Maximum TTL

- [x] `tt-ttl-replay-max`

  Domain name Minimum Reply TTL

- [x] `local-ttl`

  ttl for address and host

- [x] `max-reply-ip-num`

  Maximum number of IPs returned to the client

- [x] Log

  - [x] `log-level`

  - [x] `log-size`

  - [x] `log-num`

    archived log number

  - [x] `log-file-mode`

    archived log file mode

  - [ ] `log-console`

     enable output log to console

- [x] Audit

  - [x] `audit-enable`

  - [x] `audit-file`

    - [x] log

    - [x] csv

      enable by `.csv` file extension.

  - [x] `audit-size`

  - [x] `audit-num`

    archived audit log number

  - [x] `audit-file-mode`

    archived audit log file mode

  - [ ] `audit-console`

    enable output audit log to console

- [x] `conf-file`

  additional conf file

- [x] `server`

   Upstream UDP DNS server

- [x] `server-tcp`

  Upstream TCP DNS server

- [x] `server-tls`

  Upstream TLS DNS server

- [x] `server-https`

  Upstream HTTPS DNS server

- [ ] `server-quic`

   Upstream QUIC DNS server

- [x] `proxy-server`

  proxy server

  - [x] `socks5`
  - [x] `http`

- [x] `speed-check-mode

- [x] `response-mode`

  First query response mode

- [x] `address`

  Domain IP address

- [x] `cname`

  set cname to domain

- [ ] `dns64`

  dns64 translation

- [x] `edns-client-subnet`


- [x] `nameserver`

  To query domain with specific server group

- [ ] `ipset`

   Domain IPSet

- [ ] `ipset-timeout`

  ipset timeout enable

- [ ] `ipset-no-speed`

  When speed check fails, set the ip address of the domain name to the ipset

- [ ] `nftset`

  Domain nftset

- [ ] `nftset-timeout`

  nftset timeout enable

- [ ] `nftset-no-speed`

  When speed check fails, set the ip address of the domain name to the nftset

- [ ] `nftset-debug`

  nftset debug enable

- [x] `domain-rule(s)`

  set domain rules

- [x] `domain-set`

  collection of domains

- [x] `bogus-nxdomain`

  bogus IP address

- [x] `ignore-ip`

  ignore ip address

- [x] `whitelist-ip`

  ip whitelist

- [x] `blacklist-ip`

  ip blacklist

- [x] `force-AAAA-SOA`

  force AAAA query return SOA

- [x] `force-qtype-SOA`

  force specific qtype return SOA

- [x] `prefetch-domain`

  domain prefetch feature

- [x] `dnsmasq-lease-file`

  Support reading dnsmasq dhcp file to resolve local hostname

- [x] `serve-expired`

  Cache serve expired feature

- [x] `serve-expired-ttl`

  Cache serve expired limit TTL

- [x] `serve-expired-reply-ttl`

  TTL value to use when replying with expired data

- [ ] `serve-expired-prefetch-time`

  Prefetch time when serve expired

- [ ] `dualstack-ip-selection`

  Dualstack ip selection

- [ ] `dualstack-ip-selection-threshold`

  Dualstack ip select thresholds

- [x] `user`

  run as user(Linux only.)

- [x] `ca-file`

  certificate file

- [x] `ca-path`

  certificates path