The functions that have been completed are not guaranteed to be completely problem-free, as they have not been rigorously tested.
## Service Manager
- `MacOS`
- [x] `launchctl`
- [x] `homebrew`(via `--features homebrew`)
- Windows
- [x] Sc - [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sc](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-r2-and-2012/cc754599(v=ws.11))
- Linux
- [x] `Systemd` - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd)
- [ ] `OpenRc` - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenRC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenRC)
- [ ] `Procd`(`OpenWrt`) - [https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/procd](https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/procd)
## Configurations
- [x] `server-name`
DNS server name,lookup by `dig whoami ptr`
- [x] `num-worker ` (Draft)
The number of worker threads
- [x] `bind`
UDP mode DNS listening port number
- [x] `bind-tcp`
TCP mode DNS listening port number
- [x] `bind-tls`
DOT mode DNS listening port number
- [x] `bind-cert-file`
SSL Certificate file path
- [x] `bind-cert-key`
SSL Certificate key file path
- [ ] `bind-cert-key-pass`
SSL Certificate key file password
- [x] `cache-size`
Domain name result cache number
- [x] `cache-persist`
enable persist cache
- [x] `cache-file`
cache persist file
- [x] `tcp-idle-time`
TCP connection idle timeout
- [x] `rr-ttl`
Domain name TTL
- [x] `rr-ttl-min`
Domain name Minimum TTL
- [x] `tt-ttl-max`
Domain name Maximum TTL
- [x] `tt-ttl-replay-max`
Domain name Minimum Reply TTL
- [x] `local-ttl`
ttl for address and host
- [x] `max-reply-ip-num`
Maximum number of IPs returned to the client
- [x] Log
- [x] `log-level`
- [x] `log-size`
- [x] `log-num`
archived log number
- [x] `log-file-mode`
archived log file mode
- [ ] `log-console`
enable output log to console
- [x] Audit
- [x] `audit-enable`
- [x] `audit-file`
- [x] log
- [x] csv
enable by `.csv` file extension.
- [x] `audit-size`
- [x] `audit-num`
archived audit log number
- [x] `audit-file-mode`
archived audit log file mode
- [ ] `audit-console`
enable output audit log to console
- [x] `conf-file`
additional conf file
- [x] `server`
Upstream UDP DNS server
- [x] `server-tcp`
Upstream TCP DNS server
- [x] `server-tls`
Upstream TLS DNS server
- [x] `server-https`
Upstream HTTPS DNS server
- [ ] `server-quic`
Upstream QUIC DNS server
- [x] `proxy-server`
proxy server
- [x] `socks5`
- [x] `http`
- [x] `speed-check-mode
- [x] `response-mode`
First query response mode
- [x] `address`
Domain IP address
- [x] `cname`
set cname to domain
- [ ] `dns64`
dns64 translation
- [x] `edns-client-subnet`
- [x] `nameserver`
To query domain with specific server group
- [ ] `ipset`
Domain IPSet
- [ ] `ipset-timeout`
ipset timeout enable
- [ ] `ipset-no-speed`
When speed check fails, set the ip address of the domain name to the ipset
- [ ] `nftset`
Domain nftset
- [ ] `nftset-timeout`
nftset timeout enable
- [ ] `nftset-no-speed`
When speed check fails, set the ip address of the domain name to the nftset
- [ ] `nftset-debug`
nftset debug enable
- [x] `domain-rule(s)`
set domain rules
- [x] `domain-set`
collection of domains
- [x] `bogus-nxdomain`
bogus IP address
- [x] `ignore-ip`
ignore ip address
- [x] `whitelist-ip`
ip whitelist
- [x] `blacklist-ip`
ip blacklist
- [x] `force-AAAA-SOA`
force AAAA query return SOA
- [x] `force-qtype-SOA`
force specific qtype return SOA
- [x] `prefetch-domain`
domain prefetch feature
- [x] `dnsmasq-lease-file`
Support reading dnsmasq dhcp file to resolve local hostname
- [x] `serve-expired`
Cache serve expired feature
- [x] `serve-expired-ttl`
Cache serve expired limit TTL
- [x] `serve-expired-reply-ttl`
TTL value to use when replying with expired data
- [ ] `serve-expired-prefetch-time`
Prefetch time when serve expired
- [ ] `dualstack-ip-selection`
Dualstack ip selection
- [ ] `dualstack-ip-selection-threshold`
Dualstack ip select thresholds
- [x] `user`
run as user(Linux only.)
- [x] `ca-file`
certificate file
- [x] `ca-path`
certificates path