cargo := if env_var_or_default('USE_CROSS', 'false') == "true" { "cross" } else { "cargo" }
alias b := build
alias t := test
# Increment manifest version: major, minor, patch, rc, beta, alpha
bump +args: require_set-version
@cargo set-version --bump {{args}}
# Print current version
@cargo pkgid | cut -d@ -f2
# Build
build *args: patch
{{cargo}} build {{args}}
# Install
install *args: patch
{{cargo}} install {{args}}
# Run tests
test *args: patch
{{cargo}} test {{args}}
# Analyze the package and report errors, but don't build object files
check *args: patch
{{cargo}} check --workspace --tests --benches --examples {{args}}
# Publish
publish *args: patch
{{cargo}} publish --no-verify
# Run clippy fix
clippy: patch
{{cargo}} clippy --fix --all
# format the code
fmt: patch
{{cargo}} fmt --all
# Check the clippy and format.
cleanliness: patch
cargo clippy
cargo fmt --all -- --check
# cleanup the workspace
cargo clean
# Apply patch
patch: # require_patch-crate
@#cargo patch-crate -f
sudo find ./target -type f -name smartdns -exec setcap CAP_SYS_ADMIN,CAP_NET_ADMIN,CAP_NET_RAW,CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE+eip {} \;
@find ./target -type f -name smartdns
cargo patch-crate --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || cargo install patch-crate
cargo set-version --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || cargo install cargo-edit > /dev/null