# [Documentation](https://docs.rs/stm32-fmc)
# stm32-fmc
Hardware Abstraction Layer for STM32 Memory Controllers (FMC/FSMC)
Currently only SDRAM functions are implemented.
**This crate is a work in progress! Contributions very welcome**
## Implementing
(If your HAL already implements FMC, you can skip this)
See the [docs](https://docs.rs/stm32-fmc)
# Usage
The FMC peripheral supports up to 2 external SDRAM devices. This crate currently
only supports 1, although it may be on either bank 1 or 2.
External memories are defined by
implementations. There are several examples in the [`devices`](src/devices/)
folder, or you can make your own.
To pass pins to a constructor, create a tuple with the following ordering:
let pins = (
// A0-A12
pa0, ...
// BA0-BA1
// D0-D31
// NBL0 - NBL3
You can leave out address/data pins not used by your memory.
#### Constructing
If you are using a HAL, see the HAL documentation.
Otherwise you can implement
yourself then use
#### Initialising
Once you have an
instance, you can:
* Initialise it by calling
[`init`](https://docs.rs/stm32-fmc/latest/stm32_fmc/struct.Sdram.html#method.init). This
returns a raw pointer
* Convert the raw pointer to a sized slice using `from_raw_parts_mut`
let ram = unsafe {
// Initialise controller and SDRAM
let ram_ptr: *mut u32 = sdram.init(&mut delay);
// 32 MByte = 256Mbit SDRAM = 8M u32 words
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ram_ptr, 8 * 1024 * 1024)
### NAND Flash
The FMC peripheral supports once external parallel NAND flash device.
External memories are defined by
implementations. There are examples in the [`devices`](src/devices/) folder, or
you can make your own.
To pass pins to a constructor, create a tuple with the following ordering:
let pins = (
// A17/ALE
// A16/CLE
pa0, ...
// D0-D7
// NCE/#CE
// NOE/#RE
// NWE/#WE
#### Constructing
If you are using a HAL, see the HAL documentation.
Otherwise you can implement
yourself then use
#### Initialising
Once you have an
[`Nand`](https://docs.rs/stm32-fmc/latest/stm32_fmc/struct.Nand.html) instance
you should initialise it by calling
[`init`](https://docs.rs/stm32-fmc/latest/stm32_fmc/struct.Nand.html#method.init). This
returns a
let mut nand_device = nand.init(&mut delay);
// Read device identifier
let id = nand_device.read_id();
### NOR Flash/PSRAM
### Troubleshooting
The library automatically does some trace-level logging either via `log` or via `defmt`.
To enable such logging, enable either the `log` or `defmt` feature in your `Cargo.toml`.
For debugging the SDRAM register contents, the library provides additional feature `trace-register-values`, which when enabled causes the init function to log the register contents to the trace level.
This is useful for example when you want to compare the register values between `stm32-fmc` and CubeMX code.
Note that one of the logging features (`log`/`defmt`) must be enabled for this to work.
### Implementing a new device
If you end up depending on a fork or a newer version of this crate than the
HAL crate for your device, you can override the version pulled in by the
external crate using a `[patch]` section in your `Cargo.toml`, as described
in the
[Cargo Book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/overriding-dependencies.html#the-patch-section).
## Releasing
* Update Cargo.toml
* Update CHANGELOG.md
git commit -am 'v0.2.0'
git push --set-upstream origin v0.2.0
Create a PR and check CI passes
git push --set-upstream origin v0.2.0:master
git tag -a 'v0.2.0' -m 'v0.2.0'
git push origin refs/tags/v0.2.0
cargo publish
## License
Licensed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0
([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
* MIT license
([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
## Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.