#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::cell::Cell;
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use num_traits::Float;
mod cubic_bezier {
type S = f32;
use euclid::default::Point2D as Point;
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use num_traits::Float;
trait Scalar {
const ONE: f32 = 1.;
const THREE: f32 = 3.;
const HALF: f32 = 0.5;
const SIX: f32 = 6.;
const NINE: f32 = 9.;
fn value(v: f32) -> f32 {
impl Scalar for f32 {}
pub struct CubicBezierSegment {
pub from: Point<S>,
pub ctrl1: Point<S>,
pub ctrl2: Point<S>,
pub to: Point<S>,
impl CubicBezierSegment {
pub fn x(&self, t: S) -> S {
let t2 = t * t;
let t3 = t2 * t;
let one_t = S::ONE - t;
let one_t2 = one_t * one_t;
let one_t3 = one_t2 * one_t;
self.from.x * one_t3
+ self.ctrl1.x * S::THREE * one_t2 * t
+ self.ctrl2.x * S::THREE * one_t * t2
+ self.to.x * t3
pub fn y(&self, t: S) -> S {
let t2 = t * t;
let t3 = t2 * t;
let one_t = S::ONE - t;
let one_t2 = one_t * one_t;
let one_t3 = one_t2 * one_t;
self.from.y * one_t3
+ self.ctrl1.y * S::THREE * one_t2 * t
+ self.ctrl2.y * S::THREE * one_t * t2
+ self.to.y * t3
fn derivative_coefficients(&self, t: S) -> (S, S, S, S) {
let t2 = t * t;
-S::THREE * t2 + S::SIX * t - S::THREE,
S::NINE * t2 - S::value(12.0) * t + S::THREE,
-S::NINE * t2 + S::SIX * t,
S::THREE * t2,
pub fn dx(&self, t: S) -> S {
let (c0, c1, c2, c3) = self.derivative_coefficients(t);
self.from.x * c0 + self.ctrl1.x * c1 + self.ctrl2.x * c2 + self.to.x * c3
impl CubicBezierSegment {
pub fn solve_t_for_x(&self, x: S, t_range: core::ops::Range<S>, tolerance: S) -> S {
debug_assert!(t_range.start <= t_range.end);
let from = self.x(t_range.start);
let to = self.x(t_range.end);
if x <= from {
return t_range.start;
if x >= to {
return t_range.end;
let mut t = x - from / (to - from);
for _ in 0..8 {
let x2 = self.x(t);
if S::abs(x2 - x) <= tolerance {
return t;
let dx = self.dx(t);
if dx <= S::EPSILON {
t -= (x2 - x) / dx;
let mut min = t_range.start;
let mut max = t_range.end;
let mut t = S::HALF;
while min < max {
let x2 = self.x(t);
if S::abs(x2 - x) < tolerance {
return t;
if x > x2 {
min = t;
} else {
max = t;
t = (max - min) * S::HALF + min;
#[repr(C, u32)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]
pub enum EasingCurve {
CubicBezier([f32; 4]),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq)]
pub struct Instant(pub u64);
impl core::ops::Sub<Instant> for Instant {
type Output = core::time::Duration;
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> core::time::Duration {
core::time::Duration::from_millis(self.0 - other.0)
impl core::ops::Sub<core::time::Duration> for Instant {
type Output = Instant;
fn sub(self, other: core::time::Duration) -> Instant {
Self(self.0 - other.as_millis() as u64)
impl core::ops::Add<core::time::Duration> for Instant {
type Output = Instant;
fn add(self, other: core::time::Duration) -> Instant {
Self(self.0 + other.as_millis() as u64)
impl core::ops::AddAssign<core::time::Duration> for Instant {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: core::time::Duration) {
self.0 += other.as_millis() as u64;
impl core::ops::SubAssign<core::time::Duration> for Instant {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: core::time::Duration) {
self.0 -= other.as_millis() as u64;
impl Instant {
pub fn duration_since(self, earlier: Instant) -> core::time::Duration {
self - earlier
pub fn now() -> Self {
Self(Self::duration_since_start().as_millis() as u64)
fn duration_since_start() -> core::time::Duration {
.with(|p| p.get().map(|p| p.platform().duration_since_start()))
pub fn as_millis(&self) -> u64 {
pub struct AnimationDriver {
active_animations: Cell<bool>,
global_instant: core::pin::Pin<Box<crate::Property<Instant>>>,
impl Default for AnimationDriver {
fn default() -> Self {
AnimationDriver {
active_animations: Cell::default(),
global_instant: Box::pin(crate::Property::new_named(
impl AnimationDriver {
pub fn update_animations(&self, new_tick: Instant) {
if self.global_instant.as_ref().get_untracked() != new_tick {
pub fn has_active_animations(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_has_active_animations(&self) {
pub fn current_tick(&self) -> Instant {
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "std"), feature = "unsafe-single-threaded"))]
use crate::unsafe_single_threaded::thread_local;
pub static CURRENT_ANIMATION_DRIVER : AnimationDriver = AnimationDriver::default()
pub fn current_tick() -> Instant {
CURRENT_ANIMATION_DRIVER.with(|driver| driver.current_tick())
pub fn animation_tick() -> u64 {
fn ease_out_bounce_curve(value: f32) -> f32 {
const N1: f32 = 7.5625;
const D1: f32 = 2.75;
if value < 1.0 / D1 {
N1 * value * value
} else if value < 2.0 / D1 {
let value = value - (1.5 / D1);
N1 * value * value + 0.75
} else if value < 2.5 / D1 {
let value = value - (2.25 / D1);
N1 * value * value + 0.9375
} else {
let value = value - (2.625 / D1);
N1 * value * value + 0.984375
pub fn easing_curve(curve: &EasingCurve, value: f32) -> f32 {
match curve {
EasingCurve::Linear => value,
EasingCurve::CubicBezier([a, b, c, d]) => {
if !(0.0..=1.0).contains(a) && !(0.0..=1.0).contains(c) {
return value;
let curve = cubic_bezier::CubicBezierSegment {
from: (0., 0.).into(),
ctrl1: (*a, *b).into(),
ctrl2: (*c, *d).into(),
to: (1., 1.).into(),
curve.y(curve.solve_t_for_x(value, 0.0..1.0, 0.01))
EasingCurve::EaseInElastic => {
const C4: f32 = 2.0 * core::f32::consts::PI / 3.0;
if value == 0.0 {
} else if value == 1.0 {
} else {
-f32::powf(2.0, 10.0 * value - 10.0) * f32::sin((value * 10.0 - 10.75) * C4)
EasingCurve::EaseOutElastic => {
let c4 = (2.0 * core::f32::consts::PI) / 3.0;
if value == 0.0 {
} else if value == 1.0 {
} else {
2.0f32.powf(-10.0 * value) * ((value * 10.0 - 0.75) * c4).sin() + 1.0
EasingCurve::EaseInOutElastic => {
const C5: f32 = 2.0 * core::f32::consts::PI / 4.5;
if value == 0.0 {
} else if value == 1.0 {
} else if value < 0.5 {
-(f32::powf(2.0, 20.0 * value - 10.0) * f32::sin((20.0 * value - 11.125) * C5))
/ 2.0
} else {
(f32::powf(2.0, -20.0 * value + 10.0) * f32::sin((20.0 * value - 11.125) * C5))
/ 2.0
+ 1.0
EasingCurve::EaseInBounce => 1.0 - ease_out_bounce_curve(1.0 - value),
EasingCurve::EaseOutBounce => ease_out_bounce_curve(value),
EasingCurve::EaseInOutBounce => {
if value < 0.5 {
(1.0 - ease_out_bounce_curve(1.0 - 2.0 * value)) / 2.0
} else {
(1.0 + ease_out_bounce_curve(2.0 * value - 1.0)) / 2.0
pub fn update_animations() {
let mut duration = Instant::duration_since_start().as_millis() as u64;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
if let Ok(val) = std::env::var("SLINT_SLOW_ANIMATIONS") {
let factor = val.parse().unwrap_or(2);
duration /= factor;